Relevant vid;
Aggressive polmao for the win. Why is polka so hot
The eyes and angles in this are so sexy
^I'm glad to know they're fine. I do prefer they kept making Kancolle stuff but I do understand getting burned out on one series. I haven't kept up much with Kancolle either.
Hahaha! She made a backstory, even.
@Needagirl Well damn, the record still stands then
Artist here did a really good job creating a sense of space and volume.
How it looks doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that counts.
Ok, they are Hikari and a nameless character Ogino made only for these four images and is just a molester without any much importance.
last edited at Jun 30, 2021 11:39PM
I like how he says it in English.
The kiss marks is what concerned me not that torn off leg
the depth in this short comic is marvelous
roa is so tiny compared to her how cute
These renditions are adorable.
they're twins indeed XD
i really love this
umm uhh,uhh......nice
for some reason i thought this was kishi torajirou's art when i saw it
^ Yep the white-haired girl is Noel.
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