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joined Apr 19, 2012

Yessss. Today is truly a glorious day.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Aw, that was adorable

joined Nov 7, 2014

my GOD this took a while ;-; the suspense.
Thanks so much for the upload; I feel like we're getting some forward movement with the two of them here.

joined Aug 1, 2013

Glad to see it updated. Only a few more chapters left.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Only thing I hate is that she has been a pathetic MC throughout the whole thing (which I personally found REALLY irritating), this is the first time she finally pulls herself together and does something. I think I can keep reading this now, saw the ending chapters and she does get better.

Yeah she has been a fairly weak MC, and her tendencies toward miscommunication through non-communication and her lack of social skills has gotten annoying at times. But I like what it could mean in the future: as in her love for Murakami eventually pulls her up by the bootstraps and she fights against her tendencies to not talk for Murakami. We're seeing glimpses of that right now.

and @Okami - I see what you did with you avatar. Gettin' in the spirit an' all.

joined Feb 2, 2013

there's a lot of "pathetic" people in the world, but i prefer to call them weak-willed, or shy,
and a good ending for me is when the weak person accept his weakness, without change them,
apart from the MC, i really like the other girl, she is a character very far from cliche, after all this chapter i can't still catch her personality (thanks to a good writing)

joined Sep 9, 2013

there's a lot of "pathetic" people in the world, but i prefer to call them weak-willed, or shy,
and a good ending for me is when the weak person accept his weakness, without change them,
apart from the MC, i really like the other girl, she is a character very far from cliche, after all this chapter i can't still catch her personality (thanks to a good writing)

I do agree I find those characters much more interesting and thought provoking. Those who are not the strong willed people. I know many do not like reading or watching those characters for other reasons(Shinji from eva for example) but they are always move interesting to see how they go against conflict.

joined Oct 15, 2013

there's a lot of "pathetic" people in the world, but i prefer to call them weak-willed, or shy,

That just makes it sound slightly nicer :P
Low self-esteem too, I guess.

and a good ending for me is when the weak person accept his weakness, without change them,

Maybe, but going for an ending like that with what has happened so far (translated, cuz the manga is already finished, iirc) would be a bad ending, writing-wise... MC showing courage and taking action (asking the dude about the girl (i forget their names) and going up to the board to erase what was written in defense of her) and suddenly back-peddling on that by returning to pathetic-ness, returning to square one (a cheap twist to the development).

apart from the MC, i really like the other girl, she is a character very far from cliche, after all this chapter i can't still catch her personality (thanks to a good writing)

She reminds of generic romances where the MC girl falls for the "wild/uncontrollable/unpredictable boy" archetype (hard to get a grasp on em cuz we are not given any insight into them), but in this case she seems to be grounded more on reality, a character hard to follow due to not being inside their head, but she is simply just a normal person. (Would've actually been more interesting if she was the manipulator ppl were assuming she was, but clearly wasn't)

I do agree I find those characters much more interesting and thought provoking. Those who are not the strong willed people. I know many do not like reading or watching those characters for other reasons(Shinji from eva for example) but they are always move interesting to see how they go against conflict.

Imperfect MC is a rather old concept when it comes to stories, very odd for me to see such praises fall into anime when it was done centuries ago (and even in history), suppose its a matter of exposure...

I can appreciate them, but when it comes down to being an irritating read (like running around in circles) I rather just skip ahead and see when something finally changes :p

last edited at Dec 11, 2014 3:07PM

joined Aug 11, 2013

Ermahgerd! Frerg Term Erpdert!

Hmmm, I like where this is going. And I agree with what's been said before: the first person view is great. I feel like Moritani over here: I just can't figure Murakami out.

joined Sep 9, 2013

there's a lot of "pathetic" people in the world, but i prefer to call them weak-willed, or shy,

That just makes it sound slightly nicer :P
Low self-esteem too, I guess.

and a good ending for me is when the weak person accept his weakness, without change them,

Maybe, but going for an ending like that with what has happened so far (translated, cuz the manga is already finished, iirc) would be a bad ending, writing-wise... MC showing courage and taking action (asking the dude about the girl (i forget their names) and going up to the board to erase what was written in defense of her) and suddenly back-peddling on that by returning to pathetic-ness, returning to square one (a cheap twist to the development).

apart from the MC, i really like the other girl, she is a character very far from cliche, after all this chapter i can't still catch her personality (thanks to a good writing)

She reminds of generic romances where the MC girl falls for the "wild/uncontrollable/unpredictable boy" archetype (hard to get a grasp on em cuz we are not given any insight into them), but in this case she seems to be grounded more on reality, a character hard to follow due to not being inside their head, but she is simply just a normal person. (Would've actually been more interesting if she was the manipulator ppl were assuming she was, but clearly wasn't)

I do agree I find those characters much more interesting and thought provoking. Those who are not the strong willed people. I know many do not like reading or watching those characters for other reasons(Shinji from eva for example) but they are always move interesting to see how they go against conflict.

Imperfect MC is a rather old concept when it comes to stories, very odd for me to see such praises fall into anime when it was done centuries ago (and even in history), suppose its a matter of exposure...

I can appreciate them, but when it comes down to being an irritating read (like running around in circles) I rather just skip ahead and see when something finally changes :p

You missed my point. Its not about exposure(I have read and watched many books and media) its about how the MC is imperfect. Yes imperfect MC is not only an ancient concept but a very needed one. The point is many imperfect MC are never lacking in strength or confidence in many stories. The flaw is usually somewhere else.(too trusting or naive) Not nearly as many MC have the flaw of being extremely socially awkward or having nearly no confidence at all. So yes I do see those characters as being interesting. Think about it.

joined Jul 8, 2011

I seriously go nuts while waiting for the next chapter update for Fragtime and Citrus.

joined Feb 2, 2013

there's a lot of "pathetic" people in the world, but i prefer to call them weak-willed, or shy,

That just makes it sound slightly nicer :P
Low self-esteem too, I guess.

right! and i'm proud of my low self-esteem...
however, that was only my 2 cent, and, plot-wise, it's a matter of tastes,
for example, tsundere are often used to delay a development in romance, but a good writer can build a tsundere, but honest, character

joined Jul 21, 2014

This alone has become one of my favorite yuri series...a well smooth pace with little hiccups.
So, this is just way out there in the boondocks outer space theory: what if Haruka is the main source of power of Moritani where Moritani has to start dealing her issues as she starts loosing seconds of each hurdles she overcomes with Haruka's help...character development. To the point where Moritani one day lose her time-stopping power and deal with the everyday life can no longer hide behind or make excuses.

Will Haruka (love that's girl's hair and eyes) and Moritani stay together if that ever happens?

joined Mar 25, 2013

It's been awhile since an update was had for this story, does anybody know how many chapters are left? I know it's complete at 2 volumes but I don't know one volume how many chapters is and even then one of the two volumes may have more chapters than the other.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

It's been awhile since an update was had for this story, does anybody know how many chapters are left?

There's 16 or 17 chapters in total if I recall correctly. Someone has posted a link to the site which published the manga in Japanese earlier in the thread. You can find that to double check the number's correct.

joined Nov 29, 2014

It's been awhile since an update was had for this story, does anybody know how many chapters are left?

There's 16 or 17 chapters in total if I recall correctly. Someone has posted a link to the site which published the manga in Japanese earlier in the thread. You can find that to double check the number's correct.

MAL says there's 18.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

MAL says there's 18.

Oh, now that I think of it I think there's a chapter 0 or a #.5 chapter I forgot about.

joined Nov 29, 2014

It's still being translated.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Wut? New chapter! O_o

joined Dec 18, 2013

Wut? New chapter! O_o


joined Feb 4, 2015

Good question, I got exited.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Wut? New chapter! O_o


On the site-that-must-not-be-named

joined Feb 4, 2015


joined Jun 12, 2015

Wut? New chapter! O_o


On the site-that-must-not-be-named

Batoto is black listed now ?

joined Mar 28, 2015

It's just a matter of time before it comes here anyway. I think.

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