A basic plot is still a plot. "A niece comes out to her aunt, and they have a lot of sex", it's not a lot but it's still a basic plot. If the author just wants to write a bit of drama, and a lot of sex, I don't see why they'd need to do more than that. The very simple plot services the main goal of "tons of sex" just fine imo.
Goodness me, you got my point. Sheesh.
Oh? It seems I didn't understand what you were saying then, apologies. I thought you were saying the main problem with this comic was that it doesn't have a plot. Which I simply think the basic plot services this little series just fine. I know I'm a bit wordy and over think things, but no need to go "sheesh" with me haha, I wasn't trying to be serious or anything, and I was only making some what I thought was casual conversation about it.
last edited at May 7, 2021 12:51AM