I hope the author writes more about this story, I think it has potential, it could show the complications and the beauty of relationships between people of different cultures.
Thanks for doing this! I'm very glad to see this here.
In case anyone was wondering, the first doujin in this series was published in December 2018, the second in May 2019, and this last one in August 2019. Hopefully the artist comes back to this series in the future.
Uwah, me siento purificada. Adoro este manga y a este artista, logra hacer cosas tan wholesome que no puedo con ello <3 Y el español de por medio es un puntazo jeje
I all for more Spanish in my yuri its a very nice combination but I guess if I wanted that I could translate some to Spanish myself buuuut... that takes effort ya know?
I all for more Spanish in my yuri its a very nice combination but I guess if I wanted that I could translate some to Spanish myself buuuut... that takes effort ya know?
Puedo confirmar que su español es de hecho mejor de lo que se suele encontrar en manga...
I can confim, her Spanish is actually better than what's usually found in manga...