Note: some depictions may not be entirely historically accurate.
Free Toy Inside
Finally, some good hecking food
Why does this art style look so similar to the anime???
I remember seeing this scenario before but with Yoshiko instead of ruby
Keep your eyes on
Oh shit ak12 really radiating that bottom energy for once. Not bad at all~
Damn super cute, always love seeing this ship
Holy shit that's cute
Can't imagine the amount of neck pain she'll have after this, but it'll be worth it.
Nothing suspicious going on, just two gals being pals in the heat
^ Has there been fighting or something? I don't think I've seen any of it then... either way both ships are cute as fuck
Very cute, I love it
That special moment when you meet your mothers
Rina too pure for their shenanigans
Holy crap that's beautiful
To do or not to do, that is the question
^ Because ChikaRiko is basically canon
^ I haven't seen any shipping wars either; I think it's more that the upload batches vary between Texas x Lappland and Texas x Exusiai
^ Pretty easy question, honestly
I'm sure Ai will take the initiative to teach Rina
I have so many questions: Is that lion girl different or is it the same as the previous page?
The characters in the top panel are the same as the previous page, but the lion girl is a new, third character
This is canon, but deeply fucked up
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