Nnoott sure where else to ask, but I need She-Ra fanfics that are good. Asking for a friend. Thank youu
Oh, I can help! I've been reading She-Ra fics for the past couple weeks (along with Owl House fics, but that fandom is too young to have many really good stories yet). I'm still making my way through the tag, but assuming you're looking for Adora/Catra fics (that's all I can help with anyway), here's what I recommend:
Required reading is Don't Go, a missing S5 scene widely believed to have been written by showrunner Noelle Stevenson.
If you don't mind smut, Code Of Conduct is roll-on-the-floor funny. Give the series it belongs to a look, too!
I also recommend giving prolific author n7punk's profile a look. Some of their smut can only be accessed if you're logged in. I like their take on the characters, and they write something that I've found is a rarity in the fandom--AUs where Catra is still a magicat. For some reason people tend to turn her into a human.
strangehunger writes good stuff as well.
I'm kind of keeping Learning Curve for a bad day but it's in like everyone's bookmarks and supposedly it's really good.
If you like AUs, you'll have to get used to the fact that many writers make up last names for the characters and it still feels weird every time. Here are some:
- please take it out on me
- As long as we stay together (if we just stay together)
- The Rhythm & Blues (C'mon, Darlin', Make Some Noise) series (technically unfinished, but you can just stop reading after the 4th fic)
- someone you like
Other than that, the usual method of finding an author you like and going through their bookmarks applies here. For example, I'm going through this person's bookmarks today. Probably the next few days too, there are a lot.
Let me know if you find good ones I haven't mentioned!