I'm living alone for the first time in my life... I only got my own apartment for the first time when I was 38 years old... and after having shared living quarters like that so much, I had no real furniture aside from my bed and my computer desk....
I've lived in this apartment now for almost 3 years, and for the entirety of this time, the couch and loveseat that I have in my living room.... have reeked. I ended up with them because I had a VERY short window, the day I moved in, to find furniture. I ended up going to see them after 9pm, having moved all day from 8am, and having to return the UHAUL truck that night.... I was exhausted and ready to be done. And so I was fooled, because I was exhausted and they were in the garage of the seller so I didn't smell anything... but once I got them home into my very small apartment...eegad. Like a combination of sweaty teenage boy BO and dog pee (though there was no pee, I triple checked for that.)
No joke I found 2 pairs of wadded up panties and about 4 condom wrappers inside the damned things when I cleaned them. So they were obviously well used, lol....
Well after 3 years of having them stink up my tiny apartment--no amount of cleaning got rid of the funk--and so thus 3 years of me being embarrassed to have guests in here, I'm finally getting brand new furniture tomorrow. It has literally taken me this long, due to my pittance of an income, to be able to buy anything new.
You see kids, when you grow up, boring shit like new furniture is what excites you......
last edited at Jul 6, 2020 7:33PM