^support the series and buy the LN
Never knew I needed Puppydora this bad.
A needy Dogra wanting headpats. I can get on board this.
I just do not trust it ending in yuri.
^^ As a matter of fact BV, i'm the one who request the picture. Moreso, all the Futaribeya uploaded recently where requested by me.
^ It does. The end is extremely yuri
Damn we are getting blessef
Kanan is so gentle :3
The struggle
"You want that retrofit?"
Well not everyone get the same hair as their parents.. they can get a darker or lighter types of hqir in any families
Hmmm i don’t know
Diana don’t like us looking at her girl
Hah ship. I ship Littorio x everyone.
They are even holding hands adorable
She just love you Yuuko
^^ I believe we all owe you several massive 'Thank you.'s, in that case
Ahhhh so cute! And I love how the artist used the actual outfits from the game
Congratulations on the KanaMari duet!!! Pito was so happy J won on the voting round
Judging by blush level, Hiryuu is bottom there xD
Are the hair styles swapped?
De Devil. There are worse things but yeah not my fetish.
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