^ i was like damn when i saw that
delicious eye
wouldn’t this be either selfcest or incest?
None of the other images here are labelled as incest, but it probably counts as twincest now that I think about it.
This has put me in the mood to go read 'absence' AGAIN lol- best ever SM yuri fic :)
Sheesh this is like the best pic tbh.
^ Look closely at the window, there's a snowman that looks like Edelgard.
I've been watching reruns on cable lately and and I was definitely too young to notice how gay the show was when I first saw it originally.
Very interesting choice of milk brand
okita dying of blood lost
Cutest couple
oh yes it's the fucking LEGEND OTP
The art and scenario vaguely remind me of veebu. Incredibly cute!
Love how #5 is definitely something Kasumi would actually do.
Clearly missing the Estonian style
damn..thats hot bruh
If Kuroki stick more time to ucchi, she will probably has a strong sense of katou's appearance,, just like ucchi to kuroki
When Yuri snaps it's a little knifing that makes the local news. When Emily snaps ...
. . .
But when Kiko snaps it changes to Horror genre.
last edited at Oct 3, 2021 3:09PM
there are two jokes one is it is totally her fault and the other is that she is popular. at least two. the other metajoke is everyone seeing her as this shy litttle moe blob you need to cuddle and protect.
Random Nemo at the end of that chapter is "best girl." I can really see a TomoNemo ending if that sort of thing happened again.
Also: at some point, the guys will hate Tomoko because she has all the hottest girls in the school chasing after her!
last edited at Oct 3, 2021 11:40PM
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