She broke the battery
The swans just remind me so much of Princess Tutu and how Tutu and her rival were pretty gay for each other
They're the same age. The girl on the left is super tall, and the girl on the right is super short.
I may intent to watch yuru camp again while waiting for season 2
seeing their given names in the pairing tag hecks me up since they always use their last names in the show
Love Suika's expression here. Though Kasen doesn't seem too impressed.
^Very good. And funny. And gory. The humor seems very reminiscent (to me) of kid's show for whatever reason xD
otp <3
@Tsuki-chan don't mention nozoeli at all.
Is it just me or does Umi's smile look bittersweet?
These two should really consider giving Haa-chan a baby sister.
^ Genetics
Still have memories of cuddling of her ex-wife maybe? (Though it's just a fan theory).
What's better than one Chika? Two Chika's of course.
Why does this look like a Mercy X Zarya fanart? I think I've been playing a little too much Overwatch...
watched this movie today, cried like a little bitch
As someone who read the manga way back, it's about time more people find out Noi is best waifu.
Fuck yeah
^^ They are actually standing still, one friend is taking the picture and another is holding a fan in front of their faces.
this is priceless XD
@Rptide01 - I thought the same thing! Btw, have you seen the new Zarya skin for the current archives event?
It upsets me that such a shitty person got all the wlw endings
It makes me so happy that such wonderful character got so many W/W endings, wish El had even more, like with Petra, Mercedes or Marianne
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