^not like fucked-up Operator backstories were unusual, just ask former child soldier Frostleaf (who apparently went freelance after her Columbian Junior Army unit was dissolved due to casualties) or the three bear cubs from Chernobog (or rather don't, as per standing Medical Departement orders regarding that topic) for starters. The latter, lest we forget, whom were middle schoolers when the city went to Hell...
Seriously sending some of these people into combat is a perpetual What The Hell Hero moment for both the player on meta level and Rhodes Island in-universe. (Nightmare even snarks about that, come think of it...) >_>
More on topic, gotta say this seems like more than a bit of a crack pairing. Last I checked the only canonical connections between these two were their involvement in the Totally Not Spaghetti Western "Knights' Treasure" event storyline - where between her unwillingness/inability to communicate important information and murderhobo tendencies Skadi repeatedly tried to behead Grani - and one comment of Grani's where she insists Skadi is actually a nice person, honest!
...you'd have a stronger case for shipping Grani with the true MC of the event Big Bob srsly
last edited at Mar 10, 2020 7:40PM