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joined Jan 31, 2013

I am really happy to see a new chapter of this :D Thank you so much yuri project ^_^

joined Apr 22, 2013

Wakatsuki really is an idiot...

joined Apr 22, 2013

"You shouldn't do those things with people other than me."

If I were Idiotsuki I would totally react from that remark. >///< (It was a total doki doki unconscious confession from the president)

Well, I could forgive her for that since that's what makes this series cute. ^-^

joined Apr 7, 2013


joined Jul 4, 2012

When is gonna be another chapter? o.O I can't wait! >.<

joined Apr 21, 2013

Finally! Another chapter :D

Phyis Moderator
Yuri Project
joined Dec 12, 2012

I love how the narration boxes sometimes play tsukkomi for Wakatsuki. Anyway, next chapter will take a while, I don't see the point working on magazine scans when the next volume is getting released in a month anyway.

Wakatsuki really is an idiot...

More like Bakatsuki, amirite? Sorry.

joined Mar 18, 2013

Bakatsuki!! HAHAHA!! Morinaga should use that... The narration boxes could say it, "Bakatsuki desu." Hehehehe....

joined Feb 19, 2013

Even though i like Morinaga Milk manga i wish she would stop always using the same 2 characters for main characters in her manga.

last edited at Apr 23, 2013 5:57AM

joined Apr 23, 2013

Even though i like Morinaga Milk manga i wish she would stop always using the same 2 characters for main characters in her manga.

That's because this is a series, not a oneshot.. XD

joined Mar 18, 2013

Even though i like Morinaga Milk manga i wish she would stop always using the same 2 characters for main characters in her manga.

That's because this is a series, not a oneshot.. XD

I think this is referring to the fact that Morinaga favors short dark hair X long light hair characters. Smartass.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

This is funny and all, and of course it's well drawn...but it seems like it's drawing this one joke out waaaaaaay too long. I'm getting a bit sick of waiting for more of the first chapter.

joined Apr 23, 2013

This manga comes from Morinaga Milk, who managed to extend a love relationship between an imbecile and a woobie during 36 chapters. This is certainly way inside her comfort zone.

joined Feb 10, 2013

...i miss this soooo much...thank you....

joined Jan 31, 2013

night made <3

joined Oct 11, 2010

I love her notes at the end!

joined Apr 8, 2013

I have to say the girl with glasses looks terribly alike to me...ohh Miss Milk you didn't have to >///< arigatou!

joined Feb 28, 2013

This manga comes from Morinaga Milk, who managed to extend a love relationship between an imbecile and a woobie during 36 chapters. This is certainly way inside her comfort zone.

You are now my hero.

I love her work and all but seriously "the idiot and the woob" is her niche.

joined Mar 18, 2013

This manga comes from Morinaga Milk, who managed to extend a love relationship between an imbecile and a woobie during 36 chapters. This is certainly way inside her comfort zone.

You are now my hero.

I love her work and all but seriously "the idiot and the woob" is her niche.

The fuck's a woobie?

joined May 7, 2012

This manga comes from Morinaga Milk, who managed to extend a love relationship between an imbecile and a woobie during 36 chapters. This is certainly way inside her comfort zone.

You are now my hero.

I love her work and all but seriously "the idiot and the woob" is her niche.

The fuck's a woobie?

A (sometimes cute) suffering character.

joined Feb 28, 2013

This manga comes from Morinaga Milk, who managed to extend a love relationship between an imbecile and a woobie during 36 chapters. This is certainly way inside her comfort zone.

You are now my hero.

I love her work and all but seriously "the idiot and the woob" is her niche.

The fuck's a woobie?

"A "woobie" is a name for any type of character who makes you feel extremely sorry for them. Basically, the first thing you think to say when you see the woobie is: "Aw, poor boy!" Woobification of a character is a curious, audience-driven phenomenon, sometimes divorced from the character's canonical morality." (from TV Tropes)

The woobie in question is Mari from Girl Friends.

joined Mar 18, 2013

I see. Seems I gotta brush up on internet words.

joined Apr 3, 2013

Yay! Thanks to the scanlators and uploaders.

joined May 9, 2011

Where's the nsfw in the latest chapter? :(

joined Feb 28, 2013

Where's the nsfw in the latest chapter? :(

Aren't the tags set for the collection?

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