^ Wow thanks for explaining so much~
@Yujacha Thanks for the subs
Marnie cosplay is almost worth the $30 by itself lol
@hellowitchy I bit of dialogue in an episode iirc. it was ignored and forgotten like everything else in the show.
Well as someone who does enjoy this ship, and isn't afraid to say so, I hope we see more of it from this artist.
@Azero25 Nobu & Okita are both originally from "KOHA-ACE", the new Redline manga is just a more serious kind of re-telling adaption of that series.
happiness noises
It's funny, before I learned about how awesome yuri is, I remember thinking these characters should be the ones dating
Do either of them have sisters?
^^ Or enemies having a staring contest
Omg, I hope othere live action tv shows with yuri couples got fanart of them posted here. I have some i know of that I'd love to see
Love the background mixed with their clothing
...yeah, damn! this ia just too adorable goddammit!
last edited at Jan 11, 2020 4:58AM
WHY why do people want to see the world burn and rui sad
Was this specifically made to be a phone screen? Not complaining, it suits me just fine.
Koha-Ace became Fate/Guda Guda and now this. They already decided this pairing was the best a looong time ago.
Did you ever want to kiss yourself? Now you can! For the low price of 30 bucks and a girlfriend so head over heels she would wear anything for you!
Those eyes... unnerving...
She is getting quite spirited. ba dum tss
I crave to see more of these two honestly
This is absolutely amazing - except for the part where they are already holding hands in public. Unprotected! High-schoolers these days really can't hold themselves back.
That's such a Dorothea move.
It's nice to see some synphogear stuff popping up every once and a while
you know the old saying? time flies when you're having fun.
@BugDevil: You win!
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