Tokaku is a GENIUS! I couldn't think of a better bait.
daww :D
I's alright Takechi you got another love waiting for you right over there in Shiena. This one won't last a few second tho.
last edited at Sep 10, 2014 10:50PM
too cute. my brain cant take it
Lmao! that bear don't look too happy, got a tear under its eyes. (Swap places with me instead ';9)
annnnnd... You know what comes next, wear that panty on your head yep. Dun. Dun.
I don't think her boobies will get any bigger the more you rub'em..
Come to think of it, I'm really wondering about how things are going for the Summer Vacation couple.
^Bet that's 3 words in your book.. I only got one word: ohshitdat'ssmokinghot!
for the curious, while they aren't in order here on this site, the author draws them with wedding rings in this and anything after the wedding picture
Why are these two so adorable.
Dat hand sumi-chan o///o
Going for the gold.
So freaking cute.
We need more of this pairing!!
everybody loves Sakuya...
Yakumo family! :)
"A friend in plurk said: Little ruby said to weiss ,don’t leave me.When she grow up she might say,I’ll never let you go.
Grow up to be a bossy person,ruby.(Like her girlfriend."
From the source.
this is one of my favorite pairings. I love it!!!
wow too cute
please stop with the ruby x Weiss. My nose wont stop bleeding
Much better than the anime. :D
@Nezchan I know! Seriously, nipples do not work that way!
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