I played it and beat the main story and I thought it was fun, very condensed, but fun. I wish raids weren't so reliant on it being multiplayer, I mean it's not, but also it kinda is since the npc's you're given really suck.
I felt this game was more challenging. That may be because I'm a stupid pokemon casual, but some fights I felt I was almost gonna have to start over if I didn't have an item bag full of health items, it really saved my booty a lot.
I did end up really liking some of the characters though, despite it's shortness, but that's what the anime is for I guess, fleshing out these characters more over a longer period.
I wish they didn't do the wild areas because it's just very laggy and raids are annoying, but the main story and the towns are awesome and the gym leaders are cool.
it felt like any other pokemon game, to be honest.
the national dex thing didn't bother me because I never did that in any pokemon game anyways, also I wanted to use to new pokemon anyway because why play the new game if you're not gonna try the new pokemon in the new region.
It's fine for poke casuals like myself, but if you're a hardcore poke boomer, then you probably didn't like any of the new games past the DS anyways so don't even bother with this one either.
GloriaXMarnie is best! Raihan best gym leader!