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Forum › An Absurd Relationship discussion

joined Sep 23, 2013

Hey, don´t take this so seriously. It just happens.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Ah, Jin. Love her dark twists every now and then.

joined Jul 1, 2014

what a disaster

joined Mar 23, 2013

I like how people is just slut shaming the pregnant one because she "slept around" to get attention. While she did make a choice to do these things I think Emi is just as bad for not doing anything about the other person's feelings. But of course, just because we have mutual feelings doesn't mean we have to make something out of it. I think Emi is just as much at fault for letting the other person acted the way she did.

Just like Yurifan I would disagree, that blondy did what she did on her own the MC isn't to be blamed equally. The MC doesn't have to actively return her feeling at all. This is the same line of reasoning a rapist would say to his victim "I did it because you lead me on or something, totally legit and normal train of thought!"

On the other hand, the MC probably knew all of this and yet did nothing to stop the blondy for self-destructing. Now I know she doesn't have to, because they're just colleagues.
But I'm a bit jaded of this whole "me" and hedonism. She doesn't have to but it would of been morally superior to get her to stop because not only is she hurting herself but she could make things difficult for her other co-workers and that boss and his family etc.

Still, it's not required that she tries because pretty much a lot of people would just say "not muh business".

When all is said and done, I sort of have an inkling that the MC did this to destroy relationships. Sakata, the unnamed married man and his family, blondy getting shafted. I might be imagining this, but I could see it being this way.

joined Jun 12, 2012

She got blown.the.freak.out.

joined May 25, 2013

Well, that escalated quickly.

joined Apr 15, 2011

hehe. that's why I like Takamiya Jin. dark and twisty. gotta love it.

joined Aug 22, 2013

Some of other Takemiya Jin's works start off with one couple and then the side characters get their own short and kinda branch off into their own backgrounds and stories (the one I'm thinking about hasn't been translated in English yet, here's to hoping some scanlation group will pick it up though)...

Are you thinking of 愛しい人 in KiLa KiLa and めかくしのこい in Steps?

Yes maybe? I'm not too familiar with exactly what collection (?) they are a part of; I read the Chinese translation. The one I was thinking of was originally a three shot, with the first two parts being about a love triangle between Girl A, Girl B, and Girl B's sister, and then the last part flashed forward to college and was mostly about Girl A, and her college classmate. And subsequent stories were about Girl A and her classmate, and the classmate's background .... But the story about the bread shop owner and the rice shop owner (also on Dynasty) was == also interconnected with another story as well (about a volleyball player maybe?) and I think maybe indirectly interconnected with the Girl A, Girl B love triangle... And maybe indirectly connected with the story about the teacher with perfume and the story about the teacher/childhood friend... All I remember seeing is the character relationship map on Yamibo and it just kept on getting bigger and bigger lol

joined Jan 11, 2014

I love how this time it doesn't end it some shitty happy ever after and actually is more realistic.

Divulge Scans
joined Jun 17, 2014

Yes maybe? I'm not too familiar with exactly what collection (?) they are a part of; I read the Chinese translation. The one I was thinking of was originally a three shot, with the first two parts being about a love triangle between Girl A, Girl B, and Girl B's sister

This thee-part appears in KiLa KiLa, which we are currently working on; the follow-up is in Steps, which we will working on after that.

the story about the bread shop owner and the rice shop owner (also on Dynasty)

Interesting. I'd assumed that one was a stand-alone, but I still need to double-check that.

Otherwise, the chapters you mentioned span Love Flicker, Perfume of Love and Steps. At some point we will probably arrange for Dynasty to have them all listed together so they can be read in order.

joined Jun 6, 2014

common guys, just because someone stumbles, it doesn't mean they are lost forever.
Well, i didnt say that blonde hair girl is right all the way but the black one is kinda cruel. Well, I'm sorry for both of them.

No you are absolutely right that people make mistakes and it's not okay to not try to pull them back up. And Emi was not particularly completely innocent either...she didn't confess her feelings and make it easier on Mihashi. Tacking on, if she knew the entire time that Mihashi was in love and just took a bystander approach then she is just as much in the wrong for letting her fall into that trap than Mihashi is for taking it.

Plus, Mihashi already got what she deserved from all the backstabbing gossip going on at the office. Emi should have been more benevolent.

However that is the point of the story. Title: "Irrational US"

They are both irrational. They both screwed up.

However expecting this to be addressed in a oneshot is a bit too much. Should Jin-sensei decide to follow it up for a full-circle twoshot then this would be the best course of action. However the feel and point to this one is directed as it should.

last edited at Aug 28, 2014 11:59PM

joined Jul 8, 2013

I like how people is just slut shaming the pregnant one because she "slept around" to get attention. While she did make a choice to do these things I think Emi is just as bad for not doing anything about the other person's feelings. But of course, just because we have mutual feelings doesn't mean we have to make something out of it. I think Emi is just as much at fault for letting the other person acted the way she did.

Just like Yurifan I would disagree, that blondy did what she did on her own the MC isn't to be blamed equally. The MC doesn't have to actively return her feeling at all. This is the same line of reasoning a rapist would say to his victim "I did it because you lead me on or something, totally legit and normal train of thought!"

On the other hand, the MC probably knew all of this and yet did nothing to stop the blondy for self-destructing. Now I know she doesn't have to, because they're just colleagues.
But I'm a bit jaded of this whole "me" and hedonism. She doesn't have to but it would of been morally superior to get her to stop because not only is she hurting herself but she could make things difficult for her other co-workers and that boss and his family etc.

Still, it's not required that she tries because pretty much a lot of people would just say "not muh business".

When all is said and done, I sort of have an inkling that the MC did this to destroy relationships. Sakata, the unnamed married man and his family, blondy getting shafted. I might be imagining this, but I could see it being this way.

You know what I realized HOURS LATER lol? It makes even more sense why Emi wouldn't stop blonde girl from her stupidity when you realize that the blonde girl was doing all this just to hurt Emi because Emi wasn't paying enough attention to her. She already knew that Emi had feelings for her and, since she refused to act on them, she tried to manipulatively hurt her by sleeping with these men. When you think of it like this it's not even "not muh business" situation anymore but more of a "she's doing this to hurt me, why the hell would i help her" situation. The ending just got a little better than it already had been for me lol.

joined Jul 21, 2013


joined Jan 13, 2014

that's irrational

joined Jul 22, 2014

Whoa how harsh but its does invoke feelings and that final impact....well guess its shows the downs of life.

joined Apr 23, 2014

If you think about it, the blonde girl seems to have loved Emi and eventually the feelings where mutual. Unfortunately, the blondy was getting tired of waiting for the cold blooded women to make a move on her. However, their is a strong suggestion that the blonde haired girl could not ante up the courage and so in her nervous//longing fit, she took advantage of one of her coworkers crush (Either she noticed this or he confessed or she confessed) in order to get the attention of Emi so that she would need her as well as filling in some sexual desires. When that didn't work, she cheated (possibly making it very obvious to Emi) on her boyfriend for the sake of getting the heart of the other. Emi, however, was obviously a unwilling participant in the others game, not wanting to get caught up in the drama and catch too much attention on herself. This, however, made the blonde girl to try again and again which, as a result, opened up the affair to the public aka workplace. Later on, blonde finds out she is preggers, at some point breaks up with her boyfriend or whomever, and gets rejected by the very girl whom she had been going for since day 1 a little bit after telling Emi about her pregnancy.

And so, blonde had done terrible things for the sake of love, similar to Lelouch from the Code Geass trilogy. However, Lelouch differs in that he did what he did for the HAPPINESS of someone he loved. The blonde girl did some pretty awfull things for HER OWN HAPPINESS. Had she really loved Emi, she would have properly confessed instead of conjuring up a sheet storm.

Emi is not completely innocent here. While the blonde girl went upon some most unpleasant methods to get Emi to love her, Emi could just as easily confessed to the blonde girl. On the other hand, this discredits Emi's personality in that she is a semiantisocial cold hearted calculator and considering she knew blondy liked her, their is a good chance that she was half testing her, half hoping she would stop her antics as soon as possible.

Then again, who would want to date the girl who cheated on her boyfriend just to get your attention and to get you jelly, all while ignoring the fact that she never confessed to her to begin with? Not me, that's for sure

last edited at Aug 29, 2014 1:15AM

joined Aug 22, 2013

Yes maybe? I'm not too familiar with exactly what collection (?) they are a part of; I read the Chinese translation. The one I was thinking of was originally a three shot, with the first two parts being about a love triangle between Girl A, Girl B, and Girl B's sister

This thee-part appears in KiLa KiLa, which we are currently working on; the follow-up is in Steps, which we will working on after that.

the story about the bread shop owner and the rice shop owner (also on Dynasty)

Interesting. I'd assumed that one was a stand-alone, but I still need to double-check that.

Otherwise, the chapters you mentioned span Love Flicker, Perfume of Love and Steps. At some point we will probably arrange for Dynasty to have them all listed together so they can be read in order.

I can't remember exactly how they were connected... Maybe something like a friend of the bread baker was on the volleyball team or they were a customer... Or I could totally be mixing my stories up

But awesome to hear that Takemiya Jin's other stuff will get translated. I will be patiently looking forward to it! Many Thanks!!!

joined Feb 3, 2014

Whaaaaaa...??? Ok, I'm not even feel sorry for her one bit.

last edited at Aug 29, 2014 1:34AM

joined Mar 23, 2013

And so, blonde had done terrible things for the sake of love, similar to Lelouch from the Code Geass trilogy. However, Lelouch differs in that he did what he did for the HAPPINESS of someone he loved. The blonde girl did some pretty awfull things for HER OWN HAPPINESS. Had she really loved Emi, she would have properly confessed instead of conjuring up a sheet storm.

Lelouch didn't just do it for his sister, he wanted to shape the world for the better. He did commit terrible crimes that if you know his character and morals, could not forgive himself. In the end it was with these thoughts that he opt to pay the ultimate sacrifice for his sins ( inb4 B-But Lelouch is Alive, muh code and secret cart! ).

Akashic Records
joined Sep 24, 2013

And so, blonde had done terrible things for the sake of love, similar to Lelouch from the Code Geass trilogy. However, Lelouch differs in that he did what he did for the HAPPINESS of someone he loved. The blonde girl did some pretty awfull things for HER OWN HAPPINESS. Had she really loved Emi, she would have properly confessed instead of conjuring up a sheet storm.

Lelouch didn't just do it for his sister, he wanted to shape the world for the better. He did commit terrible crimes that if you know his character and morals, could not forgive himself. In the end it was with these thoughts that he opt to pay the ultimate sacrifice for his sins ( inb4 B-But Lelouch is Alive, muh code and secret cart! ).

She did all the awful things to her own body, it can't even be compared to lulu.

Anyway, this kind of story always get a lot of comments in such a short time.

joined Jul 26, 2013

Well this was fucked up

joined Sep 24, 2013

While I think that the blonde girl definitely deserved what she got, and it's true that the black-haired woman had no obligation to stop somebody who was self-destructing in her attempts to hurt her/get her attention, what I'm most uncomfortable about is that this whole situation might have been avoided if Emi had just confessed to her. If she loved her, and knew that the blonde girl loved her too, I don't see why she stayed back and let the situation escalate into this whole two-timing business. (Of course, the blonde should have confessed too, but if Emi hadn't responded then she would probably have done the same thing; that's why I don't think it would have solved the problem.) I too want a prequel and sequel!

All in all, great one-shot from Takemiya Jin, very interesting and thought-provoking despite its short length. ...Though I still think Nishi UKO is the queen of super-short stories.

joined Jul 23, 2013

For as why Emi didn't give attention to the blonde girl, you don't put your fingers in crazy, that's why. If someone is willing to potentially destroy a family by sleeping with a father, fuck another guy on the side and knowingly put another person that loves you through hell just for the sake of attention then you tend to stop loving them. You have to be a special kind of crazy to actually even imagine about doing that shit.

I can't really imagine that the blonde girl was ever quite right in the mind. She comes off as borderline psychopathic and insane. Emi dodged a bullet there and wasn't willing to play the little mind game. Good for her I say.

joined Mar 9, 2014

We don't really know when Emi realized that the blonde girl loved her maybe when she realized it, it was already too late to stop the self-destructing thing...

last edited at Aug 29, 2014 6:50AM

joined Jul 14, 2013

Well you have to look also the other way if Emi tried to confess her in some way or give her hints the blonde girl wouldn't have to try so hard to get her attention it wouldn't have escalated........ it's also somewhat Emi's fault

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