^ I'll be completely honest and say that that one scene was the whole reason why I even started watching Chuunibyo (that and it's by KyoAni. But mostly that kiss.)
Look at that booty, show me the booty
Give me the booty, I want the the booty
Back up the booty, I need the booty
I like the booty, oh what a booty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
the yuri route was chosen! Wish Arcsys games had more character lean the yuri way. If not out right be gay or bi. then again I'm not a familiar with Guilty Gear as Blaz blu.
Edit: Elphet can make all want to marry her though. So there is that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHjzWulutaY