Well, the anime is over now.
It was SO great! If you haven't watched it, do it!
OMG, this was such an awesome show! Super-cute, and yet so much FEELS. While it sure was character-driven, the plot didn't suffer at all. Somehow it managed to pack a lot of cute aaaangst that got resolved in the most touching way. HNNNG.
Visually...the colors, the animation...it was one of the most beautiful anime masterpieces I've ever seen, especially in first and last episodes. The fireworks at night were just gorgeous.
And the OST was awesome, and it really sounded in right place. They even wrote their OP by themselves!
And man, all the borderline-subtext. While there weren't any romantic relationships, there was more than enough obvious glances, and blushes, and "I love you"s between friends. Right, friends, as if. We know the truth. But really, cute overload here all the times.
Give me some Tami x Machi doujins NOW. And I hope there'll be second season.
last edited at Sep 23, 2014 7:48AM