Forum › Miss Sunflower discussion

joined Aug 27, 2013

It's either there's always one new character introduced every other chapter or so... or flashbacks from miss sunflower's past, which isn't exactly bad.. I just wish there would be more romantic development between matsuri and miss sunflower in the future chapters. sigh.
I love this, but the pacing is killing me.

Absolutely totally agree.

joined Feb 23, 2014

Shout out to a certain seer.

its seems i developed psychic powers, awesome.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Oh no, it's Roseception!

joined Oct 15, 2013

Oh no, it's Roseception!

We need to go deeper.

joined Feb 23, 2014

Oh no, it's Roseception!

We need to go deeper.


joined Jun 1, 2013

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~ ♥ much.
The new sensei is so .... >v< cool and beautiful saliva dripping #dontmindthefluid
Miss current Sunflower more please. ' v'

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Do you think, one day we will see certain exercises take place between Miss Sunflower and Matsuri?

joined Feb 23, 2014

Do you think, one day we will see certain exercises take place between Miss Sunflower and Matsuri?

Thats way too far for this manga, doubt we will even get a on screen kiss, here is hoping but i doubt it

joined Feb 17, 2013

Do you think, one day we will see certain exercises take place between Miss Sunflower and Matsuri?

Thats way too far for this manga, doubt we will even get a on screen kiss, here is hoping but i doubt it

I Agree - i'd be surprised at even a kiss- i think it will just end with hope for her in the future- maybe she will start working at the bookery.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

p.s. Can anybody tell me how to put link another page without actually posting the link in full? It's sort of ugly but I don't know how to fix it.

Just quote my post and you can see how it's set up that way.

Just looked it up to see how the series is progressing (as opposed to the scanlations) and it seems like the last chapter came out a couple of days ago: I really hope that Matsuri and Himawari-san get some closure! ><

Perhaps it's my twitter incompetence, or maybe my Japanese is failing me - as it usually does - but that tweet reads about the same as her usual monthly release tweet, doesn't it? I don't see anything declaring it over.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Do you think, one day we will see certain exercises take place between Miss Sunflower and Matsuri?

Thats way too far for this manga, doubt we will even get a on screen kiss, here is hoping but i doubt it

Lol I know it would never happen (and to be honest it would totally ruin the manga for me). I would like to see a time-skip though, at some point. I think it would be pretty awesome.

joined Sep 24, 2013

p.s. Can anybody tell me how to put link another page without actually posting the link in full? It's sort of ugly but I don't know how to fix it.

Just quote my post and you can see how it's set up that way.

Got it, thanks!

Just looked it up to see how the series is progressing (as opposed to the scanlations) and it seems like the last chapter came out a couple of days ago: I really hope that Matsuri and Himawari-san get some closure! ><

Perhaps it's my twitter incompetence, or maybe my Japanese is failing me - as it usually does - but that tweet reads about the same as her usual monthly release tweet, doesn't it? I don't see anything declaring it over.

Sorry, you're absolutely right - in my haste about all sorts of things ending I misread 最新話 as 最終話. A pretty big mistake to make! I've deleted the post to avoid misleading unsuspecting souls.

joined Jul 26, 2014

'Kuroizata-sensei' is quite attractive, and I don't mean that in a sexual way. He just looks... really goddamn cool. Guess it runs in the family.

joined Jul 6, 2012

The plot thickens!

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Matsuri is just so freakin' cute.

joined Jul 2, 2013

does any one know how many more chapters to come ?

Chapter 23 is in volume 3 (ends at 26). Volume 4 came out a while back (ends at 34) and its still ongoing.

joined Jan 30, 2013

What a way to call someone.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I just want to be sure that ghost-girl doesn't try to drive a wedge between Miss Sunflower and Matsuri.

joined Apr 15, 2011

argh, the vulgar and impatient me wants all this back-and-forth to be done and over with. Miss Sunflower and Matsuri just need to confess their feelings for one another and kiss already! now the "Master" character is very intriguing. Every time I see her, I keep thinking the original Miss Sunflower did not die or maybe this is the sister of Miss Sunflower, let's call her Miss Black Dahlia.

@Nezchan, I don't think her, Miss Black Dahlia's intention is to drive a wedge between Miss Sunflower and Matsuri, but she does appear to be an imp, and based on the brother's reaction, Miss Black Dahlia's gentle teasing might rub Miss Sunflower the wrong way or cause a silly misunderstanding, albeit unintentional.

last edited at Sep 27, 2014 5:46PM

joined Mar 6, 2012

I just want to be sure that ghost-girl doesn't try to drive a wedge between Miss Sunflower and Matsuri.


I sometimes forget how many miss sunflowers there is ..and end up confused, when they talk about the others.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I sometimes forget how many miss sunflowers there is ..and end up confused, when they talk about the others.

The Dread Pirate Sunflower?

joined Mar 6, 2012

I sometimes forget how many miss sunflowers there is ..and end up confused, when they talk about the others.

The Dread Pirate Sunflower?

There is that one yea....

I belive there is a storage room for miss sunflowers hidden somewhere a mass production of them.

The people must know the trut- gets kidnapped by the goverment

joined Apr 15, 2011

I sometimes forget how many miss sunflowers there is ..and end up confused, when they talk about the others.

The Dread Pirate Sunflower?

Dread Pirate or Dead Pirate? and which Miss Wanna-be-Sunflower are we talking about? Sunflower-naught (original bookshop owner), Sunflower-one (current shop owner), or Sunflower-transpose (black-haired imp)?

joined May 19, 2014

Apart from the character designs, I really get the vibe from Citrus in this manga.

The similarities I found were:

  1. Miss Sunflower's stern attitude and Matsuri's frank (i.e. Telling MS how much she loves her) and irrational behaviour. Much like Mei and Yuzu.

  2. Miss Sunflower gives the vibes that she's into Matsuri but never really does anything about it. She just goes with the flow, although she knows Matsuri's into her.

  3. Miss Sunflower is following the past Miss Sunflower's foot steps; Mei follows her dad's foot steps. Both has something they want to do.

Ahaha. I know a lot of Citrus haters in dynasty, so please try not to heavily bash me when you read this comment! I was just stating some of the things I found similar between the two.

Although I prefer Miss Sunflower tenfolds than Citrus, I still think the latter is of at least a mediocre quality in regards of the story.

joined Feb 23, 2014

Ahaha. I know a lot of Citrus haters in dynasty, so please try not to heavily bash me when you read this comment! I was just stating some of the things I found similar between the two.

I will promises though.

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