Well, really feels like an end of an era. Enjoyed this series a lot, although mostly when it didn't focus on the main couple, I was never sold on Yurine as a character and Ayaka needed a lot of that delicious development for me to get attached to her eventually. I'm a sucker for happy endings and glad that Canno gave basically everybody one, but at times it could feel a little unnatural and some arcs could have used more chapters. Still, a very enjoyable manga! Looking forward to rereading this in the future one day!
Final couple listing:
1. ChiharuxIzumi - Best couple by far, absolutely adored both of them, bakagenkis are the best!
2. MizukixMoe - A very enjoyable pairing, loved every page with them.
3. ItsukixSawa - Their chapters were always a lot of fun, gave me a great deal of laughs.
4. AikaxHaine - Delicious double forbidden love, what's not to like?
5. AyakaxYurine - Main couple, got the most development, just never really liked them as characters all that much.
6. YukinaxTowako - Really felt for Towako, but other than that, not a whole lot to write home about.
7. AsukaxMikaze - Very late into the franchise, drama heavy and then a quick happy ending. Little to really look back on fondly.
8. NagisaxHikari - Didn't care about their conflict to be honest.
9. Amane, Ryou & Nina - The weakest romance in my opinion. I'm down with polyamory, but I don't think this particular threeway relationship was developed to the extent that it should have been.