sad crying emoji < laughing crying emoji
I like how Nico also denies it.
I love this pairing and the drawing looks so good!
chuu chuu chuu suchau zo oh shit wrong anime
Oh no! The jellyfish.
Another hot pic by Jadenkaiba.
Trust me, it was the antenna compliment that worked
I love when artists make collages of various ships
So beautiful!!!! I get a delinquent x diligent student vibe <3
The dance under the starlight amongst the watery roses.
Kuro lemme smash
This episode was pretty good
This is so good great art work love it
The only person more top than Reimu in Gensoukyo is probably Yuuka.
Mio? What are you doing here? Where is Ritsu?
Oooh, going in with the tongue for komi-something, huh? :3
Also quite a whiplash from "ew it's the lesbo" in the middle to the Asuka one.
RIP Nemo and Uchi, they're the only ones where Kuro's not blushing. Kotomi too, depending on how you interpret the line marks on her face.
last edited at Feb 5, 2019 10:17PM
cute childhood friends
Oh, nice! We are already getting fanarts from these two cuties!
TL from danbooru by MrSusher
Note that this is the manga's original author who made this! Looking at the source, it seems that Kaishaku was surprised this got so many likes and retweets on Twitter, considering how long it's been.
I thought Riko was grabbing Kanan's butt at first, but this works too.
this will not end well
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