downing what looks like a 0,75l bottle of 69% in one go? someone do a back-of-the-napkin on what blood alcohol concentration she got on her death certificate.
Used average Japanese woman's weight, 53kg, 25 shots in bottle - etc on a site to calculate it and it comes out at
Blood Alcohol Concentration is about 1.8 g/100 ml and expands on it with-
'It's possible that you might fall into a coma. You might die due to the paralysis of your diaphragm, the collapse of your lungs, or heart attack (any form of respiratory arrest).'
So lets just say it was nothing like as strong as that - the 69% is probably just a sex joke by the author lol
p.s That is assuming she downed it all - all it makes clear is she had more than 1 glug - so could of been as little as 5-6 shots worth, not that whole lot
last edited at Jan 5, 2019 12:48PM