Forum › Bloom Into You discussion

joined Jul 29, 2017

On the topic of being with someone who isn’t your type:

I listened through the entire song you linked to, and commented, quote: "Now, why did Blastaar link to this song in the YagaKimi thread on Dynasty Reader again?".
If anyone here has a reddit account, please put this post on r/madlads.

If you imagine a slight change to the 1928 lyrics:

She’s got personal identity/self-esteem issues,
I never cared for personal identity/self-esteem issues,
But she’s got personal identity/self-esteem issues,
And that’s my weakness now!

I’m sure you’ll get it.

joined Oct 22, 2018

On the topic of being with someone who isn’t your type:

I listened through the entire song you linked to, and commented, quote: "Now, why did Blastaar link to this song in the YagaKimi thread on Dynasty Reader again?".
If anyone here has a reddit account, please put this post on r/madlads.

If you imagine a slight change to the 1928 lyrics:

She’s got personal identity/self-esteem issues,
I never cared for personal identity/self-esteem issues,
But she’s got personal identity/self-esteem issues,
And that’s my weakness now!

I’m sure you’ll get it.

Ahhh, OK... on one hand I'm happy that I understand it, but on other hand, I'm sad about the thing I'm understanding...

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 6:25AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

Asexuality is an important factor here, in manga. And all of them give ace vibe. Only romantic and sensual factors will make any pairing possible.

Yuu: ace-aro situation from the start, streaming to develop into homoromantic-ace
Touko: Homoromantic sensual ace (development unknown) (litho-romantic-sexual? she does not want reciprociation)
Sayaka: Homoromantic, sexuality unknown , ace vibe, possibly sensual and sapiosexual (attracted to intelligence); also , our personal thinking that she could have a thing for older women or authority

From this setting, all pairings are possible, except if Yuu turned to be aromantic (we doubt it, but yet is unclear what type of liking she feels for Touko)
And if Touko is litho-romantic/sexual, she will refuse any pairing.

What is certain, all of them are in gray area. Only question, which exactly, and who is compatible with whom (still thinking triad would be the best solution)

last edited at Jan 4, 2019 11:24PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

I got a hard time ignoring that... whatever that is above, but there is no sensible conversation to be had anyway.
Nobody in this story is ace (except MAYBE Yuu, though not likely). Nobody except Maki is aro either. Those are pretty much facts.

But... "Homoromantic, sexuality unknown" is the funniest thing I read all week.

Nothing wrong with liking a cute girl's beauty a lot :p especially if you're gay af like Sayaka.

How fortunate, then, that I didn’t suggest there was.

Still, there’s something just a little teeny-weeny bit odd-ish about the timing of the last one. It’s the ultimate moment, right before Sayaka confesses the feelings she’s been holding in for so long, and as she looks on the loved one, her last thought before speaking isn’t, “I truly love this person standing before me,” but “I think she’s especially my type.”

There’s also nothing wrong with having a preferred “type” that you’re attracted to, of course—I assume that to some extent everybody does.

But if, hypothetically, a partner (or prospective partner) were to ask, “What exactly do you like about me?”, to answer, “You’re really my type!” would obviously be a bit problematic, and in just the way that Touko fears.

If, to choose a random example, one’s type were perky girls with short dark hair (it’s random, I tell you, totally random!), not only does it suggest that the attraction is based on a category rather than on the actual person, but that person could rightly think, “What if I got depressed or I wanted to dye my hair, or let it grow out?”

(Again, being drawn to someone because they’re your type is perfectly fine, maybe even inevitable, but it’s a crappy answer to that hypothetical question.)

On the topic of being with someone who isn’t your type:

I firmly believe that Sayaka's realization was not about "body" type in that situation. She already said before that Touko is attractive to her/her type. No, I think that moment right before her confession was the realization that she likes Touko for every part of her. Everything about her is Sayaka's "type". I guess this is hard to put into words, but that's just what it felt like.

Also talk about a classic, no, a super classic! You're not wrong. Once you are in love you start to like/appreciate things that you previously didn't care for.

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 12:06AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Bug, you won't give up?
You are ignorant. Inform yourself.
Being ace is a spectrum, and we clearly said those girls are all in GRAY area.

We owe you one answer on your question about our previous post when you said "what a heck was that?"

We will show you:

sigh There is not a single hint of Touko or Sayaka being ace. Not a single one. There are actually dozens of clear showcases for the opposite. Asexuality might be a spectrum, but you need to recognize when someone clearly isn't on it. Yuu is a gray area, the others are not.
Both Sayaka and Touko have shown explicit physical interest in their crushes/love. Accept it.

Huh? That's probably the most paranoid thing I've ever read. I think experts call that a persecution complex. Sorry to say this, but you aren't the center of some crazy obsessive guy's scheme, you just take all negative responses towards you and blame it on one "villain" so you can make sense of it. Typical escapism.
But now that I see this paranoid rambling... I think I actually do recognize you. You're that guy with the overly long name on who attacked me via PMs because he didn't like my Neptunia fanfic. Riiiight, the guy who insulted me, asked me to explain myself and then blocked me all in the same reply. lol
If you're not that guy, sorry, but you sure sound like him.

joined Aug 26, 2018

We are no interested about your personal superficial opinions, bug, and don't try to "explain" something what we personally know better than you.

You are fulfilling the profile which is described in our link more than in two paragraphs, and you are constantly bugging us, pulling shits on everything we say, even when we don't speak directly to you. And we have more than one reason to suspect in your identity here.
Even if you are not that psycho, we gave the explanation what is about. Respect it. Or if you are that psycho, it's clear why you pulled up this "psychoanalysis", trying to turn the tables around without any strong argument. Can't pass.

Also, you are not some doctor of psychoanalysis, seeing from your analyses about characters in manga, here. Your opinions are based on very weak arguments, as conclusions "this is yes, this is no", without entering in deeper levels and explanations why you think it.

All what we are saying to you, is that your attitude in discussion is wrong, and if you are concluding something, explain it how you get that result. Your conclusions are just your personal presumptions, and you can't say "this is not" without arguments to prove it somehow.
How you act for now, we can't consider it seriously.

About Touko and Sayaka, they are also in gray area.
Touko might be akoisexual(lithosexual)
We don't say she is, we just mentioned it as possibility, observing her behavior (turning down all confessions, being blocked to say anything when Yuu confessed, etc.)
It's just our impression, so we want to say it, and we don't see reasons why you have problems with everything what we say.

Sayaka, she might be probably sapiosexual (attracted in intelligence).

It's all yet not so clear in manga, so any development is possible.

About that guy who blocked you, we are not that guy. We are dual, having an abstract gender, and we are entities who live in female form. How we look like, no one knows. Only our body is visible. We will be and remain mystery to you.

That guy (I actually dont know their sex, so I just call them a guy) also talked about how I sent "minions" after him and follow him everywhere and how he blocked me before. Seems a bit too much of a coincidence tbh.
But I seem to have stopped caring already. Enjoy your paranoia.

Those things you mentioned are not sexualities. Those are preferences or mental issues. Stop making every single possible expression of one's love or sexuality a category. "Sapiosexual" is silly. Just say someone likes smart people. It's not a sexuality.
If you need proof of the fact that they are physically attracted to each other, read the training camp chapter again. Sayaka's & Touko's reactions are fairly obvious.
If and this is a big if, you really interpret Touko's obvious romantic connection issues as whatever you think lithosexual is, you would probably be better of calling her lithromantic (because she clearly does want physical contact from Yuu, she just holds back out of fear she might be hated for it). Even though that is still not a thing and just means she has issues with forming solid connections. A mental problem, not a sexuality.

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 5:50AM

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

HayaH posted:

Also, you are not some doctor of psychoanalysis

Are you? Why your opinion on this is more valid than theirs?

joined Sep 19, 2017

About that guy who blocked you, we are not that guy. We are dual, having an abstract gender, and we are entities who live in female form. How we look like, no one knows. Only our body is visible. We will be and remain mystery to you.

Seriously, I’m always reading the thread for the new comments or arguments as long as it’s about Yagakimi. But eversince this really creeps me out. Sorry. I wish there’s some moderator to delete unrelated topics. I feel it’s not being healthy. Sorry.

joined Aug 27, 2018

can you take your argument to a hotel or something?

Regarding the chapter. Hmmm I still don't like Sayaka to be honest.I don't know what it is about her. But I wonder who will Touko choose and how.

joined Sep 25, 2013

Why is there an argument about the asexuality of canonically non-asexual characters on a forum dedicated to a romance manga? And why is someone getting called a psychopath for pointing out that the characters in question aren't asexual?

Let's get back to several paragraph-long discussions about characterisation so I can passively read them and nod sagely.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Well, I already said my part about that person's personal issues. I have nothing more to add to that.

joined Jul 29, 2017

O mighty Nezchan, we implore thee—help your loyal subjects in our hour of need!

joined Dec 23, 2018

Shipping Yuu x Touko x Sayaka!
They should end as polyamory (not hentai)! We don't care what others are thinking or have personal problems with polyamory.

joined Sep 25, 2013

If we chant Nezchan's name three times, do you think they'll show up and cleanse these posts in baptising fire?

joined Aug 26, 2018

It's kind of sad that the only solution to anything around here is deleting posts or banning people. Out of sight, out of mind, eh?
Just leave it be and we are done here sheesh. We don't need to bother Nezchan with everything.

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 5:47AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

It's kind of sad that the only solution to anything around here is deleting posts or banning people. Out of sight, out of mind, eh?
Just leave it be and we are done here sheesh.

Listen, I don't want ANYONE banned. But some of the posts here (my own included (in fact, I think mine especially)) are too much... I'm gonna either edit or delete some of my posts since page 183 that include spam rn.

joined Dec 23, 2018

Stop provocators! It was enough trolling.

We were commenting as anyone else, being attacked without any reasons, now when we repeated our ship Yuu x Sayaka x Touko, you are having personal problems.

Go ahead, find our guilt here. We would like to see investigation here, who here was attacked and who started to make troubles.

And, how we did not have problems writing in other topics, just here?

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 6:00AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

It's kind of sad that the only solution to anything around here is deleting posts or banning people. Out of sight, out of mind, eh?
Just leave it be and we are done here sheesh.

Listen, I don't want ANYONE banned. But some of the posts here (my own included (in fact, I think mine especially)) are too much... I'm gonna either edit or delete some of my posts since page 183 that include spam rn.

Well I can't disagree with that. At least you stopped double or triple posting, so things are looking up~

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 5:57AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Stop provocators! It was enough trolling.

We were commenting as anyone else, being attacked without any reasons, now when we repeated our ship Yuu x Sayaka x Touko, you are having personal problems.

Go ahead, find our guilt here. We would like to see investigation here, who here was attacked and who started to make troubles.

And, how we did not have problems writing in other topics, just here?

Uh... who told you that's the reason why we want posts deleted? Because it is not, it's the off-topic things we want deleted, not your ship.
The process of deleting or editing my posts is complete.

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 6:29AM

joined Nov 5, 2017

I find it weird (and also a bit funny) that some people still think Yuu is/can be asexual and/or aromantic. In the first chapters? Sure, we could give it the benefit of the doubt. 37 chapters later, after a confession already happened, after everything we have seen her experiment with Touko and her point of view on how Yuu feels about her? Yeah, right. Seems too much of a stretch for me, and I suspect these people are trying to project themselves on the characters and push an LGBT+ agenda perhaps out of a desire for LGBT representation in media. And nothing wrong with that, really. I know the feeling because I'm gay myself. But these 3 girls are simply not what some people want them to be, and I am not sure if Nakatani, being from Japan, knows about all these labels herself (I am Western and many of these words are unknown to me).

Anyways, maybe you could reread chapters 16, 20 and 22 to see how Yuu is sexually attracted to Touko. I won't try to put her love for Touko into question so that's it. For me it's romantic.

With Touko and Sayaka it's easier, they are hornier than Yuu and unlike her they don't try to deny and repress their feelings and desires to themselves, so we can see their thoughts more clearly. And Sayaka is clearly a lesbian, this is even confirmed in her light novel. Touko loves Yuu despite all the issues that are meant to be resolved in this arc.

So no aromantic/asexual vibe from these 3 girls, you can call Yuu demisexual if you wanna push a label, I think this one is pretty accurate for her. But demisexual is part of the asexual spectrum, though? If yes, then it's fine, I think that label suits her.

We already have Maki as the aromantic asexual of this series. And he is there because he is a contrast to Yuu and a self-insert for the reader, as Nakatani stated, so you can self-insert as him.

This is just my opinion and I hope no one feels offended.

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 7:21AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I can't really say it often enough, but I don't feel any chemistry between Yuu and Sayaka. Like at all. You can force the connection in there if you really tried, but it's kinda obvious that Sayaka barely acknowledges her with or without Touko's existence.
The snarky couple thing only works if they have anything in common or even something opposite that attracts them to each other. With their personalities and guarded attitudes I simply can't even imagine a scenario where they would ever get together if Touko never existed (okay, I actually can always cook up some crazy plot, but that would be brutally farfetched).

I'd say their "professionally distant" relationship is largely because of Touko, though. Sayaka's at least vaguely suspicious and jealous of whatever's going on between Yuu and Touko, while Yuu's trying to keep it secret from, y'know, Touko's BFF who's also rather perceptive and smart to boot.
A certain chilly awkwardness is somewhat inevitable there.

That aside I've always had the impression that they like and respect each other well enough as people, it's just the whole mess around Touko results in uncomfortable tensions and them kind of avoiding direct contact with each other. If you removed those complications they'd likely get along just fine.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'd say their "professionally distant" relationship is largely because of Touko, though. Sayaka's at least vaguely suspicious and jealous of whatever's going on between Yuu and Touko, while Yuu's trying to keep it secret from, y'know, Touko's BFF who's also rather perceptive and smart to boot.
A certain chilly awkwardness is somewhat inevitable there.

That aside I've always had the impression that they like and respect each other well enough as people, it's just the whole mess around Touko results in uncomfortable tensions and them kind of avoiding direct contact with each other. If you removed those complications they'd likely get along just fine.

I can accept that their interactions are more strained and antagonistic (at least from Sayaka's direction) thanks to Touko being in the middle, but Yuu has never shown any negative reaction to Sayaka. Even when Sayaka confessed that she loved Touko it just made Yuu smile. That is not the reaction of someone who really feels threatened or even remotely troubled by a declaration of war. Which makes me feel like Yuu doesn't really have any negative emotions towards Sayaka in general. She seems completely dispassionate about her in fact. Just another senpai she tries to get along with out of necessity as a part of the student council.

Sayaka might be icier towards Yuu thanks to her taking Touko's attention, but Sayaka seems to not put much faith or interest in kouhais in general. She really is the high and mighty senpai. The distance would exist even if Touko wasn't there is my point.

Hmmm... But this topic tickles my writer's heart. It's almost like a challenge... I'll think about it some more. Maybe I can actually think of a scenario where this pairing could work out (probably not). lol

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 8:02AM

joined Dec 23, 2018

I find it weird (and also a bit funny) that some people still think Yuu is/can be asexual and/or aromantic. In the first chapters? Sure, we could give it the benefit of the doubt. 37 chapters later, after a confession already happened, after everything we have seen her experiment with Touko and her point of view on how Yuu feels about her? Yeah, right. Seems too much of a stretch for me, and I suspect these people are trying to project themselves on the characters and push an LGBT+ agenda perhaps out of a desire for LGBT representation in media. And nothing wrong with that, really. I know the feeling because I'm gay myself. But these 3 girls are simply not what some people want them to be, and I am not sure if Nakatani, being from Japan, knows about all these labels herself (I am Western and many of these words are unknown to me).

Anyways, maybe you could reread chapters 16, 20 and 22 to see how Yuu is sexually attracted to Touko. I won't try to put her love for Touko into question so that's it. For me it's romantic.

With Touko and Sayaka it's easier, they are hornier than Yuu and unlike her they don't try to deny and repress their feelings and desires to themselves, so we can see their thoughts more clearly. And Sayaka is clearly a lesbian, this is even confirmed in her light novel. Touko loves Yuu despite all the issues that are meant to be resolved in this arc.

So no aromantic/asexual vibe from these 3 girls, you can call Yuu demisexual if you wanna push a label, I think this one is pretty accurate for her. But demisexual is part of the asexual spectrum, though? If yes, then it's fine, I think that label suits her.

We already have Maki as the aromantic asexual of this series. And he is there because he is a contrast to Yuu and a self-insert for the reader, as Nakatani stated, so you can self-insert as him.

This is just my opinion and I hope no one feels offended.

Yes, demisexual is on asexual spectrum. We said that all 3 girls are giving asexual vibes (and explained why in some of comments)

Let's make it clear, this is what we wrote:

Yuu: ace-aro situation from the start, streaming to develop into homoromantic-ace
Touko: Homoromantic sensual ace (development unknown) (litho-romantic-sexual? she does not want reciprociation)
Sayaka: Homoromantic, sexuality unknown , ace vibe, possibly sensual and sapiosexual (attracted to intelligence); also , our personal thinking that she could have a thing for older women or authority

From this setting, all pairings are possible, except if Yuu turned to be aromantic (we doubt it, but yet is unclear what type of liking she feels for Touko)
And if Touko is litho-romantic/sexual, she will refuse any pairing.

What is certain, all of them are in gray area. Only question, which exactly, and who is compatible with whom (still thinking triad would be the best solution)

So, don't take us wrong, people. We are not saying they are aromantic asexual (aro ace), but they all are on ASEXUAL SPECTRUM, in gray area.

joined Sep 19, 2017

People have so much ideas, I can see writers in here too, I wish some of you can write Yagakimi ff instead lolz...

Edit: i feel tired reading all the labels tbh. Idk why people was so addicted to label. When in fact Nakatani is obviously not bothered by it.

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 8:41AM

joined Nov 13, 2015

... Good god, that was a strange conversation/argument to read through... paranoid logic is... hard to follow, and I'll leave it at that for now to limit how off-topic I get.

As for this chapter... I'm sure someone's said this already by now, but it sort of seems like Touko dating Sayaka just got at least partially set up. Got into a debate about whether it would be consistent of Touko's character to do so last night with a friend on Discord. "Fun" times.

This might be the first chapter of actual substance I didn't know how to feel about. Though admittedly, more because of the implications it has on future chapters than because of any one thing in the chapter itself. Was hoping my concerns would've been voiced and addressed by now in the comments thread (that happens fairly frequently), and I'd just have to go enough pages back to find it and be able to relax, but instead I got... I'm not sure how to describe what I just read through...

Edit: Missed a few posts typing out this one... for the record, I think people are going a little overboard with the labeling.

last edited at Jan 5, 2019 8:47AM

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