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joined Feb 17, 2013

That was a neat chapter tho. I almost wanna see a actual side series on them too. Gotta be interesting being a lesbian teacher. I assume she's closeted at school, which must be a issue.

joined Jan 4, 2017

I thought it was impossible for me to like cool Miyako aneki more but apparently this special chapter proves me wrong

joined May 26, 2011

I need a Nakatani Nio original adult life story asap

joined Aug 26, 2018

So I really noticed the budget shift this time.

Sorry, what's this about? Decreased or increased? Because of ratings?

Heavensrun mostly covered it already. In episode 9 specifically you can really tell that most of the first half was either outsourced animation or rushed. The budget was instead used on the race and toolshed scenes to make them look as good as possible. Hope the context helps.

Ratings cant change the budget that was used to make the season, because it's finished before it even airs.

That was a neat chapter tho. I almost wanna see a actual side series on them too. Gotta be interesting being a lesbian teacher. I assume she's closeted at school, which must be a issue.

Seems to me like she keeps private and work life as seperate as possible. That's pretty common among teachers, especially in stiff ol' Japan. So she would probably hide it even if she had a boyfriend.

last edited at Dec 2, 2018 4:11AM

joined May 2, 2018

So I really noticed the budget shift this time.

Sorry, what's this about? Decreased or increased? Because of ratings?

Heavensrun mostly covered it already. In episode 9 specifically you can really tell that most of the first half was either outsourced animation or rushed. The budget was instead used on the race and toolshed scenes to make them look as good as possible. Hope the context helps.

It does, thanks. I was worried for a moment.

joined Apr 15, 2018

Cute stuffs

joined Oct 21, 2017

matsuri_wins only likes to complain's, rant's, nick pick & bad mouth series. That doesn't match their ideals & doesn't even try to understand the most of thecharacters in a series.

Sheesh and I thought I was too harsh.
It's not like she is going on real rants (I have seen real rants). She just doesn't get it. That happens to a lot of people who have different interests or preferences.

That I understand everyone has their own likes & dislike.

It's just a fact that a majority of readers have a very shallow viewpoint and simply want fanservice/mindless gratification. YagaKimi isn't that type of manga, so that creates the clashes here. Hence why I said not to keep feeding the conversation with someone who has no interest in understanding. Believe me, I'm an expert on that now after having like 5 pages of discussion with her...

I get what you mean & see a manny readers with very shallow viewpoints pulse some people just like to complain about random things (everyone needs to have a hobby). I was just pointing it out that all, sorry if it sounded harsh.

joined May 7, 2017

Next chapter Dec 27. Start of the field trip.

W.H.A.T.???? I mean, R.E.A.L.L.Y.?


Foreclosure in 2020?



joined Sep 25, 2013

The special chapter was so cute.............pls....................

joined May 7, 2017

That was a neat chapter tho. I almost wanna see a actual side series on them too. Gotta be interesting being a lesbian teacher. I assume she's closeted at school, which must be a issue.

I don't think she's lesbian, lesbian is the one who likes females/women only, Riko had heterosexual relationships before and is giving it a go with Miyako, if anything Riko is Miyakosexual

joined Aug 26, 2018

That was a neat chapter tho. I almost wanna see a actual side series on them too. Gotta be interesting being a lesbian teacher. I assume she's closeted at school, which must be a issue.

I don't think she's lesbian, lesbian is the one who likes females/women only, Riko had heterosexual relationships before and is giving it a go with Miyako, if anything Riko is Miyakosexual

That makes sense. We can all agree on tha- What is this? I just got this piece of paper. But all that's written on it are two letters...


Whatever could it mean? ┐(´∀`)┌

joined Jul 1, 2014

Yeah. I was going to say, she's bisexual.

All that aside, this was cute. I also do not like super obedient girlfriends. It warms my heart when manga show strong female characters as opposed to the wishy washy types who can't make decisions.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Yeah. I was going to say, she's bisexual.

All that aside, this was cute. I also do not like super obedient girlfriends. It warms my heart when manga show strong female characters as opposed to the wishy washy types who can't make decisions.

The "demure and obedient" ideal is mostly an Asian thing these days. Their culture is based on such things. Never forget the ideal Japanese woman cliche lol

joined Oct 4, 2018

Yeah. I was going to say, she's bisexual.

All that aside, this was cute. I also do not like super obedient girlfriends. It warms my heart when manga show strong female characters as opposed to the wishy washy types who can't make decisions.

The "demure and obedient" ideal is mostly an Asian thing these days. Their culture is based on such things. Never forget the ideal Japanese woman cliche lol

It's sad that misogyny is a huge part of most patriarchal cultures, especially here in Asia. It's bad enough that there are men who would turn violent when any women in the family (wife and children both) aren't obedient. What makes it worse is that some women actually still believe that they have to shut up and nod when they're told to.

joined Jul 26, 2016

The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living.
- Karl Marx

joined Aug 26, 2018

The "demure and obedient" ideal is mostly an Asian thing these days. Their culture is based on such things. Never forget the ideal Japanese woman cliche lol

It's sad that misogyny is a huge part of most patriarchal cultures, especially here in Asia. It's bad enough that there are men who would turn violent when any women in the family (wife and children both) aren't obedient. What makes it worse is that some women actually still believe that they have to shut up and nod when they're told to.

Just like misandry was in matriarchal cultures. In the end all should be equal and act the way they like. If someone likes demure girls and the girl is just passive or thoughtful in general, then let 'em be happy. Just don't let people act like it's the golden standard, that's how I see it.

And anyway, not having any fire or clashes in your relationship is boring~

joined Jul 26, 2016

Just like misandry was in matriarchal cultures.

The what where now.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Just like misandry was in matriarchal cultures.

The what where now.

I won't even bother having this discussion. Matriarchy is ill defined and not prevalent enough to be well known. Many people question whether such a system ever existed. But there is enough evidence of it existing to some extend in many different forms.
And no, I am not talking about the stupid feminist version.

Either way, equal relationships are the healthiest and I am glad Riko and Miyako are happy with each other.

joined Jul 26, 2016

You're welcome to point out misandry in any of the actually documented, non-mythical examples that can even vaguely be described as "matriarchal".

Drawing parallels is kind of hollow if one point of comparison is entirely fictitious you know.

joined Aug 26, 2018

You're welcome to point out misandry in any of the actually documented, non-mythical examples that can even vaguely be described as "matriarchal".

Drawing parallels is kind of hollow if one point of comparison is entirely fictitious you know.

See, that's why I didn't want to have this stupid conversation. When one group is in power over another, there is always discrimination. Abuse of power is the most common human flaw. If women control the workings of a culture, misandry is unavoidable.
Both of these aren't fictitious things and are closely related. Just like patriarchy and misoginy.

If you need to push the point any more, let us go to the Cafe I guess. sigh

joined Jul 26, 2016

I think you should read more actual anthropology before trying to make nonsensical comparisons and then trying to explain them away with woolly generalisations.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I think you should read more actual anthropology before trying to make nonsensical comparisons and then trying to explain them away with woolly generalisations.

I think you overestimate your own understanding of the world just a tad. Again, if you need to keep going on this ridiculously futile topic go to the spam thread.

The End.

joined Jul 26, 2016

At this point I rather wonder why you made that comparison in the first place.

joined Aug 26, 2018

At this point I rather wonder why you made that comparison in the first place.

I wondeeeer. Is it because we were talking about extremes in cultures and how they affect interactions and people's expectations? Me saying equality is best? I don't believe for one second that the point of my anecdote eluded you. You just want to be a dick, I get it.

I knew this would go nowhere. I'm seriously not gonna reply to it anymore unless you change threads.

joined Jul 26, 2016



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