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joined Oct 22, 2018

this thread is dead

No u

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

BugDevil posted:

BugDevil posted:

I dunno how it got to naming favorite Greek deities, but alright. Hermes is one swell dude.

Because instead of platonic, johnb wrote plutonic and they went from there.

Yeah I noticed. I was just wondering how one would make that mistake...

It seems to be common misspelling.

joined Aug 26, 2018

BugDevil posted:

BugDevil posted:

I dunno how it got to naming favorite Greek deities, but alright. Hermes is one swell dude.

Because instead of platonic, johnb wrote plutonic and they went from there.

Yeah I noticed. I was just wondering how one would make that mistake...

It seems to be common misspelling.

I guess there is some overlap between the two philosophers Plato and Plutocrat. Platonic comes from the former.

joined May 27, 2018

I'm trying to make a post under "Bloom into You discussion" but it says it is detecting it as spam and it says to contact dynasty scans if you think the detection is wrong. I've been looking around and I can't find any contact info though, does anyone know where to find it?

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm trying to make a post under "Bloom into You discussion" but it says it is detecting it as spam and it says to contact dynasty scans if you think the detection is wrong. I've been looking around and I can't find any contact info though, does anyone know where to find it?

My best advice would be to PM one of the mods. They ought to know the site best.

last edited at Nov 17, 2018 4:13AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm trying to make a post under "Bloom into You discussion" but it says it is detecting it as spam and it says to contact dynasty scans if you think the detection is wrong. I've been looking around and I can't find any contact info though, does anyone know where to find it?

I’ll pass the trouble along. It happens once in a while.

joined May 27, 2018

I'm trying to make a post under "Bloom into You discussion" but it says it is detecting it as spam and it says to contact dynasty scans if you think the detection is wrong. I've been looking around and I can't find any contact info though, does anyone know where to find it?

I’ll pass the trouble along. It happens once in a while.

Thank you for the help

joined Oct 22, 2018

laughs at a weird-ass Google search that he remembers seeing in some video
Help I accidentally built a shelf.
laughs the hardest he has today

joined Oct 22, 2018

The CBR.
That's my holy nonanity. (9-part counterpart to the 3-part trinity).

EDIT: This basically explains why I am somewhat of a weirdo everywhere, both IRL and online.

last edited at Nov 21, 2018 4:45PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

Fun fact:
In the Egyptian pantheon, the god of knowledge and wisdom is called Thoth. In Greek, his name should look something like this: Θώθ. This means that, if you use the Greek alphabet for that "owo" meme, instead of the Latin alphabet, then you're ACTUALLY LEGITIMATELY asking a question. Something like this: "Θώθ, what's this?".

joined Oct 22, 2018

Spyro Reignited Trilogy is the only new game I've got this year and I'm kinda disappointed with it. :')

The third game is a broken mess and I think I've been locked out of 100% completion because one of the stages gave me 404/400 gems... like, it went over the limit which I'm pretty sure isn't supposed to happen?

Also I don't remember Spyro 1 being next to impossible to complete. I tried like ten times in a row to get to the locked chest in Dry Canyon but I just missed the ledge every time and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

There are people who have already got the platinum trophies for all three games, yet here I am struggling to finish them properly due to bugs. :/

Speaking of bugs in a game, when I tried playing EU4 as the Ottomans, I couldn't properly see the map. Only the names for the provinces and seas are given, as well as the units on the map and their flags, but that's pretty much all of what could be seen of the map. The rest was just blank. If it weren't for the fact that I'm a huge fan of history, I would've been playing as if I were blind.

joined Oct 22, 2018

And let me tell you: You know that you're a fan of history, if you're still getting frustrated over what happened to the Great Library of Alexandria.

joined Jun 27, 2017

^ clear map cache.

My favorite this year probably would have been Pathfinder: Kingmaker, but so far it's way too bugged.

e: you are fan of Paradox history if
1. You consider Ulm to be the mightiest nation on Earth
2. At least once a week lament the fall of Byzantium
3. Are convinced that the Roman Empire needs to be restored

last edited at Nov 24, 2018 7:24AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ clear map cache.

My favorite this year probably would have been Pathfinder: Kingmaker, but so far it's way too bugged.

e: you are fan of Paradox history if
1. You consider Ulm to be the mightiest nation on Earth
2. At least once a week lament the fall of Byzantium
3. Are convinced that the Roman Empire needs to be restored

I fail at all these xD. Also, no matter whatever everyone says, it's not "Byzantium" it's Eastern Rome.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Spyro Reignited Trilogy is the only new game I've got this year and I'm kinda disappointed with it. :')

The third game is a broken mess and I think I've been locked out of 100% completion because one of the stages gave me 404/400 gems... like, it went over the limit which I'm pretty sure isn't supposed to happen?

Also I don't remember Spyro 1 being next to impossible to complete. I tried like ten times in a row to get to the locked chest in Dry Canyon but I just missed the ledge every time and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

There are people who have already got the platinum trophies for all three games, yet here I am struggling to finish them properly due to bugs. :/

I asked my brother because his knowledge of all things Spyro is sorta creepy vast, but he said there's a known bug that happens if you've got 100% complete for the gem collection and then get the final dragon. I'm not sure if that's the problem you had, but either way, bugs like that suck. I played Ni no Kuni 2 when it first came out and there were some issues, like how you couldn't recruit a certain character before another one or it would prevent you from ever recruiting that second one. Luckily they starting patching things, hopefully they do the same for Spyro.

I also know he mentioned that the third game was done by the developer's B team, where as the first and second were done with more love and care. So... that could be why it's janky. I watched him play a little bit and it was kind of sad how the re-dub doesn't capture the silliness of the original.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Why is this thread so stagnant? Am I seriously the only one full of off-topic ideas to discuss?

joined Jan 19, 2014

so many new faces I'm shookith, heres a song by ma boi Kendrick

joined Jan 6, 2017

Why is this thread so stagnant? Am I seriously the only one full of off-topic ideas to discuss?

Since there's a Discord (I would assume, haven't used it my self).

joined Oct 22, 2018

Why is this thread so stagnant? Am I seriously the only one full of off-topic ideas to discuss?

Since there's a Discord (I would assume, haven't used it my self).

I rarely use Discord (although I did join the Sunset Mapping server), so I wouldn't know. :P

joined Oct 22, 2018

I'm a history buff, and I'm also in luck that both my GF, and my dad are history buffs, so any info I find on history YouTube channels, I can share with either of them once the opportunity arrives. Today, for example, my dad and I watched a video about the creation of Cilician Armenia, one of the longest-lasting christian realms of the medieval Middle East. There are many cool things, but the coolest thing is the official title for the rulers of Cilician Armenia: the Lords of the Mountains.

EDIT: They also participated in some of the more important, yet lesser known conflicts of the region, like, how, in the first phase of the 1113-9 War for Aleppo, the 3rd lord of the mountains, Thoros, sent troops to aid one of his allies, Roger of Salerno, 3rd prince of Antioch, against the Seljuk general Bursuq bin Bursuq. This alliance was truly pan-ethnic, as it included Turks (in the form of Burid atabeg of Damascus, Togtekhin, the Aleppan court eunuch and atabeg of Aleppo, Lulu, and the Artuqid ruler of Mardin, Ilghazi), Crusaders (in the form of the king of Jerusalem, Boldwin I, the count of Tripoli, Pons, the prince of Antioch, Roger of Salerno, and the count of Edessa, Boldwin II) and Armenians (in the form of the lord of the mountains, Thoros), who were all united (in the first phase of the war) to protect their independence from the powerful sultan of the Great Seljuk Empire, Muhammad (who has actually sent Bursuq bin Bursuq into the area in the first place).

last edited at Nov 28, 2018 5:29PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

A couple of months ago during one of my many bouts of loneliness, I joined a yuri fan group on Facebook. It went about as badly as I expected.

I mean okay I was only there for a week then had no internet for a month (and I don't have a phone) but for some reason I got really upset when I realised that no one had noticed I was gone. I tried Really Hard to get to know those people and make new friends, but it feels like they didn't even care.

I'm ready to just give up on socializing entirely because it always feels like a complete waste of time and effort.

Oh... when it comes to online socializing, I know how you feel...

joined Oct 22, 2018

In unrelated news:

joined Oct 22, 2018

So, I got a crazy idea:
What if (pause) someone (pause) made (pause) an MMV of this (pause) but (pause) with "Zauvijek moja" as the music?!
Note: "Zauvijek moja" (literally translated from my native language to English as "Forever mine") was the song with which Serbia and Montenegro participated in Eurovision 2005. The band, "No name", was from Montenegro.

joined Aug 26, 2018

A couple of months ago during one of my many bouts of loneliness, I joined a yuri fan group on Facebook. It went about as badly as I expected.

I mean okay I was only there for a week then had no internet for a month (and I don't have a phone) but for some reason I got really upset when I realised that no one had noticed I was gone. I tried Really Hard to get to know those people and make new friends, but it feels like they didn't even care.

I'm ready to just give up on socializing entirely because it always feels like a complete waste of time and effort.

That's kinda the problem. If you have to try hard then you're probably not acting like yourself and won't find people you connect with. Having a shared interest is a good start though. The reason people socialize online is usually because they care about the same thing (in many ways) so you shouldn't do it because you want to be noticed, but because you actually wanna talk about the thing you like. The rest comes naturally.

And yeah... if you don't have that much contact with them for a long time of course they won't care that much.

joined Aug 26, 2018

To be fair though yuri isn't even like a special interest for me, it's just a thing I have a casual interest in that I rarely talk about. I was just hoping some of them would be into video games so I'd actually have something to discuss.

Maybe, juuuust maybe, you shoulda gone for a video-game community then... lol

I literally had no access to the internet. Barely any of my friends noticed I was gone either, so that's nice.

It's not such a big deal.

EDIT: Welp, he deleted his posts. Don't I look like a crazy person now lol

last edited at Dec 2, 2018 2:24PM

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