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joined May 27, 2018

You know, I kinda want to see Himari end up with Miki. I know it will never happen but just I don't know.

joined May 27, 2018

I kinda want to see how this would be done animated.

joined May 27, 2018

That update says it is 5 chapters and completed but the translation says part 1 and in full seriousness. It doesn't feel over at all. There was no conclusion.

Image Comments 05 Dec 15:04
joined May 27, 2018

I hope we get more Olga x Protagonist. I liked Marie.

joined May 27, 2018

Nice story, but it will be sad when the phone battery eventually die.

Actually, having the phone die would be a good moment to lead up to a reunion. Right as the phone dies and Ap is trying to figure out what to do have Hana return to the village.

joined May 27, 2018

I'm trying to make a post under "Bloom into You discussion" but it says it is detecting it as spam and it says to contact dynasty scans if you think the detection is wrong. I've been looking around and I can't find any contact info though, does anyone know where to find it?

I’ll pass the trouble along. It happens once in a while.

Thank you for the help

joined May 27, 2018

This is probably going to end up long but I just need to write to explain my thinking. In the recently translated Chapter 36, it left me actually feeling scared that the relationship is going to shift from Yuu/Touko over to Sayaka/Touko and I don't entirely understand myself where it is coming from. I know the story so far has been completely surrounded around the relationship between Touko and Yuu which is originally where I thought this fear came from but as I thought about it I don't think that is the actual origin. Sayaka completely deserves the chance to have a relationship with Touko as she has been holding on to feelings for Touko for much longer than Yuu has been and she is just as capable of being a great lover for Touko as Yuu is which I think is part of it for me. The possibility is there and it both makes sense and would be deserved. I think the other part that scares me though is I myself am just like Yuu was, I don't know what "love" is. I've never felt it myself, just seen it around me and longed for it so this probably creates a connection to her for me. I started reading different kinds of romance, be it hetorosexual or yuri they are both just "love" to me. (Admittedly I've never really came to enjoy yaoi though but I think that just comes out of the nature of liking cute things rather than the nature of the relationship) This is getting on a tangent, I read them out of curiosity of what this "love" is and to find a series with a character that is the same as me I think I grew attached to Yuu and really cheered for her with full sincerity. More than just that though, I feel like Yuu (thought I guess me accurately Nakatani Noi maybe) taught me what love is. What it feels like, how it grows. I've bought the hardcopy version of the entire series so far, it is actually the first manga series I've felt like I needed to buy, and I just want Yuu to experience full requisite love. I'm sorry if anyone find this weird or confusing but I've just been confused about this feeling myself and I just wanted to write it all out. Thank you Nakatani Noi for creating such a great story if you see this.

joined May 27, 2018

I'm trying to make a post under "Bloom into You discussion" but it says it is detecting it as spam and it says to contact dynasty scans if you think the detection is wrong. I've been looking around and I can't find any contact info though, does anyone know where to find it?

joined May 27, 2018

Darn you being X

joined May 27, 2018

I could help but think of the persona 5 protagonist everytime I saw the werewolf.

joined May 27, 2018

As the chapters go on I've been getting the suspision that maybe this teacher can read thoughts too. I'm not even fully sure of my basis for this, it just feels like she figures out a bit too much sometimes.

Chorimokki discussion 21 Jul 00:26
joined May 27, 2018

I love the art style they use. It is so incredible and nice.

joined May 27, 2018

That was such a nice story. Though also, the one I'm guessing is supposed to be the transgender girl with the long black hair, is really pretty.