I agree: you’re totally crazy to think something is up.
I think he/she is a literature teacher
That’s not how a literature teacher interprets textual evidence.
No, they interprets the author's thoughts which some author didn't even know they've been thinking like that.
True story from my country
Literary interpretation and paranoia are both forms of pattern recognition, but they aren't the same thing.
"Yuri-scepticism" is a trauma-induced form of neurosis that manifests in a kind of paranoia where, when characters in a story repeatedly say "we're dating," the paranoiac responds "they're not dating."
Stop picking on me (sob). I know, I have a problem (hic). I tried to get treatment, but my health insurance won't pay for anti-yuri-scepticism medication (sob).
I’m sorry—I just lost it a little bit when one of the cutest yuri couples in the history of the universe was off-handedly accused of being not yuri. And so I was meaner than I should have been.
Call it what you will—what Chidori and Nanoha have is real, dammit. They’ve given us the hottest in-PE-class eye-sex ever witnessed by human beings, they’ve introduced us all to the sensuous delights of upper-arm-pinching, and they’ve performed the most erotic and deeply emotionally resonant indoor-shoe footsie ever.
And no one can come along with some conventional bog-standard middle-class white-bread definition of what counts as “yuri” and try to take that away.
No one. Ever.
That said—can we be pals?
last edited at Sep 9, 2018 4:14AM