Forum › Band of Misfits discussion

joined Feb 3, 2013

this brings back 2015 gay band feels

joined Mar 12, 2014

I honestly could read so many volumes of these guys with their band/love shenanigans

This is up there as being one of my favourite one shots, really enjoyed this.

joined Mar 23, 2014

Is Robert a trap? Like biologically male. If so, shouldn't this get a het tag?

A trans person isn't a crossdresser.

A trans woman or a nonbinary person with a girl isn't het.

The manga doesn't say one way or the other what Robert's crotch looks like. Just that people call them Robert.

Don't be stupid.

mic drops

joined Mar 7, 2017

That's a love N-gon

It's wack enough that i have no idea what shape it'd be.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Robert spin-off when?

joined Sep 28, 2011

Man, what a strange geometrical figure this love pentagon is going to eventually take

joined Aug 18, 2015

I want Robert to be my friend.

Great one-shot, I'd love for it to be a series.

joined Sep 8, 2016

Is Robert a trap? Like biologically male. If so, shouldn't this get a het tag?

A trans person isn't a crossdresser.

A trans woman or a nonbinary person with a girl isn't het.

The manga doesn't say one way or the other what Robert's crotch looks like. Just that people call them Robert.

Don't be stupid.

mic drops

Nez-chan is the hero these forums need.

joined Jan 20, 2014

This need the school rumble tag.
Also, I like so much Nanashi no Asterism, I have the japanese edition and I'm buying the english edition too. I know that almost nobody here likes that manga and I didn't make a fuss of that because everybody have their tastes, but I'll be incredible grateful if you just don't throw shit at it in anothers threads, thank you.

last edited at Jun 13, 2018 9:52AM

joined Apr 23, 2015

This was a little wild but fun. If there is more, I'm hoping there isn't a serious love triangle or any other shape. It seems to be have been resolved with one being a teacher. And married now. But who knows.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I don't understand why people think Nanashi no Asterism ended with no one getting together. It's not explicitly said, but everything points to at least one yuri couple in the end.

Every triangle can't end in polyamory. And all yuri crushes don't mean they are gay and will necessarily end up with a girl.

As for Robert, I'm not sure they need to be labeled with the transgender tag. They say themselves to be "half and half".

joined Apr 26, 2016

I don't understand why people think Nanashi no Asterism ended with no one getting together. It's not explicitly said, but everything points to at least one yuri couple in the end.

Every triangle can't end in polyamory. And all yuri crushes don't mean they are gay and will necessarily end up with a girl.

As for Robert, I'm not sure they need to be labeled with the transgender tag. They say themselves to be "half and half".

The term is used for binary trans people also enbys exist

last edited at Jun 13, 2018 8:42AM

joined Jan 20, 2014

I don't understand why people think Nanashi no Asterism ended with no one getting together. It's not explicitly said, but everything points to at least one yuri couple in the end.

Every triangle can't end in polyamory. And all yuri crushes don't mean they are gay and will necessarily end up with a girl.

As for Robert, I'm not sure they need to be labeled with the transgender tag. They say themselves to be "half and half".

I agree with you in all of what you said, even the Robert part.

joined Aug 9, 2013

Is Robert a trap? Like biologically male. If so, shouldn't this get a het tag?

A trans person isn't a crossdresser.

A trans woman or a nonbinary person with a girl isn't het.

The manga doesn't say one way or the other what Robert's crotch looks like. Just that people call them Robert.

Don't be stupid.

mic drops

Nez-chan is the hero these forums need.

honestly true

joined Dec 5, 2016

It's kind of wild that I'm this happy about a trans/nonbinary character being included in a story that isn't all about them being trans or nonbinary? They're not played for laughs, nobody makes a big show of finding them creepy, they get a solid romantic angle of their own that's treated as sincerely bittersweet and not tragic or laughable, and even the fact that it's the terrified-of-guys Hotchi that has her own quiet unrequited crush on them is subtly affirming. It's just! Great! I love it!

I fully support this comment.

Also, nezchan is right :)

joined Feb 2, 2015

I hope there’s a sequel and I hope Robert ends up with someone since they’re a really likeable character. I feel conflicted in saying this, though, since I don’t like the idea of a love interest being a ‘prize’ for a character being nice. This was really cute and there is enough characterisation that I can see these characters being developed in a sequel and being three dimensional.

joined Jul 22, 2017

protect and cherish Robert at all costs

joined Jul 12, 2012

Its kinda like Sweet Blue Flowers... Bittersweet. But atleast this doujin here has more of a positive and uplifting feeling than the other manga/anime did. It was cuter and didn't have all that drama either, which is a plus imo.
Also I love how Robert is presented :) We need more of these kinds of representations in other stories. As a transman I approve this.

joined Apr 12, 2015

This is great. I wouldn't mind if this got like, another 10 volumes or smth. Like a slice of life thing.

joined Mar 8, 2018

After re-reading this for the hundredth time I realized that this kinda reminds me of "The musicians of Bremen".

joined May 15, 2014

As for Robert, I'm not sure they need to be labeled with the transgender tag. They say themselves to be "half and half".

old post but just want to put it out there that non-binary(enby) and gender-fluid are still considered transgender

joined Dec 24, 2019

^^^big agree with venom, we dont know robert's actual identity besides half n half/otoko no ko. while i suppose bigender or nonbinary could work for them, its best to use transgender as it's a perfectly good umbrella term.

joined Aug 21, 2016

Despite no one explicitly getting together in the end (excluding sensei), I really loved this story.

joined Jul 23, 2020

must protecc robert

Fafa dos yuris
joined Jan 27, 2025

É.... Não gosto dessas coisas trans/bissexuais/hétero

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