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joined Jun 17, 2014

Lmao i love suffering

joined Jan 11, 2018

Just imagine how short this story would be if the main characters were all normal people who talked about their problems and personal lives with their friends.

joined Jun 17, 2014

Just imagine how short this story would be if the main characters were all normal people who talked about their problems and personal lives with their friends.

very very short and mundane.

joined Sep 21, 2015

She fucking cried for once!

joined Apr 27, 2015

I feel bad for the guy a bit

joined Jul 29, 2017

if the main characters were all normal people who talked about their problems

One of Mei’s defining characteristics from the very start has been a bad case of Cannot (or Will Not) Spit It Out

joined Nov 19, 2017

Mmmmm yes hit me with that drama i love it , mamamia as they say in spaghetland

joined Mar 22, 2013

Mei, good job in forcing yourself through this alone!
Now it's Yuzu's job to accidentially expose the secret and get hurt really badly.
Aaaaaand action!

joined Aug 24, 2016

while things are still depressing as ever it almost feels like the plot moved forward a little even if it was less than an inch

joined Dec 16, 2014

Mei, just copy your dad and take Yuzu with you. The End.

joined Jun 30, 2016

Damn that last scene! Yuzu is already thinking for their fufture together! its going to hurt like hell when the truth comes out....

joined Mar 22, 2014

Somehow, I feel like the series is going to end with Yuzu and Mei running the school in the future, LOL.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Okay, guys. Please take a ticket and get in the enormous line to punch Mei's grandfather in the liver.

It's cheap, but extra toys like iron knuckles and barb-wired baseball bats have an additional cost.

Bring your family, bring your friends, bring that boxer Champion relative of yours and have a blast of sadistic fun and well-deserved karma.

Seriously, I know he's about to die, but just punch the fucker.

last edited at Jan 20, 2018 7:11PM

joined Mar 7, 2017

Gosh, why ya gotta hurt me like that. I'm sleep deprived and in a empty mood then I read this and my heart just sinks and cries.

joined Sep 11, 2014

Ooh, that double entendre at the end. Kinda hurts.

joined Jun 27, 2016

Noooooo why? poor yuzu ;((((

joined Apr 6, 2013

I've caught up.

It hurts. Really, really bad. It reminds me of when I watched Nana. I wanna curl up in a ball and cry right now but I don't know if I can. I just feel empty.

Sad thing is my heart probably bleeds for Matsuri the most. Probably.

Pessimism is a dark road friend, believe in Mei and Yuzu. They will find the light at the end of the tunnel.

joined Apr 6, 2013

Okay, guys. Please take a ticket and get in the enormous line to punch Mei's grandfather in the liver.

It's cheap, but extra toys like iron knuckles and barb-wired baseball bats have an additional cost.

Bring your family, bring your friends, bring that boxer Champion relative of yours and have a blast of sadistic fun and well-deserved karma.

Seriously, I know he's about to die, but just punch the fucker.

If you actually read the manga instead of just looking at the pretty pictures you would realize that Gramps isnt that bad a guy.

joined Jan 28, 2017

Loving her had consequences.

joined Apr 7, 2013

Well. At least we all know the formula that this manga takes and can take comfort in the fact that Yuri is endgame.

joined Sep 30, 2017

Okay, guys. Please take a ticket and get in the enormous line to punch Mei's grandfather in the liver.

It's cheap, but extra toys like iron knuckles and barb-wired baseball bats have an additional cost.

Bring your family, bring your friends, bring that boxer Champion relative of yours and have a blast of sadistic fun and well-deserved karma.

Seriously, I know he's about to die, but just punch the fucker.

If you actually read the manga instead of just looking at the pretty pictures you would realize that Gramps isnt that bad a guy.

I've read the manga thouroughly, thank you very much. He's still a jerk that is trying to force his granddaughter into an unwanted marriage to strenghten social ties.

And hey, my country is going through the worst industrial/economic crisis in it's history, you can't blame me for trying to make a living.

Now, would you like the duo package that includes a diamond knucles and a Lucille Bat coated in uranium for only 30 dollars? Or If you rather give me 100, I'll just give you a gun.

And don't worry, you can kill him. I have a replacement in the form of the dickhead that beat up Jang Mi in "It Would be Great If you didn't Exist."

last edited at Jan 20, 2018 7:49PM

joined Jun 23, 2017

Just imagine how short this story would be if the main characters were all normal people who talked about their problems and personal lives with their friends.

People love to ignore their problem until it blows out of proportion. Now imagine if they're rich and have an image to uphold, plus they're broken af...

I wonder if it'd end with a fake marriage and the dude understanding; after all, he's here to face his responsibilities, not to look for a love partner, I would guess. Or, if Mei will refuse the marriage while still wanting to run the school; she changed the rule one time to help her sister, she could defy the rules once more, maybe? Or will they run away physically or just from the world of the filthy rich society and start something of their own?

I'm glad I got to see the raw at firsts, it helped to make the punch in the gut less powerful. It's still hard to appreciate the fluff knowing what happens on the side. Also, it's nothing big, but we are finally starting to switch in Mei's POV. We see Mei finally expression human emotions full force (that lovestruck expression when Yuzu appears with her robe <3). Maybe we would be able to read her thoughts soon?!

Oh and thank you as always, ChaosTeam <3

last edited at Jan 20, 2018 8:04PM

joined Apr 16, 2012

I feel like that this Manga is going 2 his end. I hope it isn a depressing end. The waiting game starts again! Oh wel we have the anime as a sweet Lil gem

last edited at Jan 20, 2018 7:59PM

joined Apr 6, 2013

Now, would you like the duo package that includes a diamond knucles and a Lucille Bat coated in uranium for only 30 dollars? Or If you rather give me 100, I'll just give you a gun.

And don't worry, you can kill him. I have a replacement in the form of the dickhead that beat up Jang Mi in "It Would be Great If you didn't Exist."

I feel like diamond knuckles would be worth significantly more then 30 $

Also don't worry about Jang Mi, girls got friends in high places

joined Sep 6, 2015

Lmao, if you think he is bad, you obviously have not read much manga featuring parental figures trying to get their family members into arranged marriages. As far as that sort goes in manga, he is actually not that bad. Arranged marriages are common for the upper classes in real life, and as marriages go, they are not necessarily better or worse than regular ones, unless someone is literally being forced to go through with it. And that is the thing, you are just wrong, plain and simple. He is not forcing Mei into anything, he is just arranging social introductions. You are basically completely glossing over the fact Mei is going along with it the entire time, without raising a word of protest. How is he to know she is against it, mind reading? So cut with the edgy crap, will you. After Mei says plain and simple that she does not want it, his reaction then will determine whether or not he is bad.

And just to be clear, Mei has the option to simply say "fuck this", since that was what her father did in his time, and he is doing just fine.

If there is anyone at whom I am pissed right now, it is Mei, not the grandfather. Actively keeping all this from Yuzu, asking the potential fiance to also keep quiet, and now breaking like this when Yuzu speaks about their future, it is almost as if she already gave up.

last edited at Jan 20, 2018 8:17PM

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