I think that reflects on how people are in general. The thing with being able to have complex thoughts mean that a lot of times people tend to over analyze and make things that are actually quite simple into something quite complicated. That is especially true in amorous relationships.
I agree that humans are notorious for complicating everything given the opportunity, but I wouldn't say we as humans over analyze complex thoughts on purpose (that's more a by-product than actual output). humans have a very hard time grasping complex ideas and are compelled to break them down into tiny bite-sized, easily digestible pieces. unfortunately, the more we try to simplify the idea, the more convoluted we can make it.
that being said, I'm a bit baffled at Tomo's reluctance to graduate. I'm sure this was touched on in chapter 2, but I would think that graduating would give her more freedom to move away from her father's business, not less. is her (Tomo's) reluctance cultural (shirking her sense of duty to the family and being openly defiant to her father) or character related (additional character development/a plot device added by Amano-san)? ummm, given some of the author's notes, I "think" I know the answer, but I'd like some other thoughts.
btw, talk about exemplifying the paragraphs above...