For reference, this was a small thing Tamamusi did on Twitter where you could vote for what happens next in the story.
GAAAAAHHH I loved it, fans know what fans want to read the most.
Oh so kind of a Choose Your Yuri Story type of deal? Not bad.
Choice 4 : Everyone has an big orgy. Good End.
The fans hit all of them out of the park. And so did Tamamusi.
I'd rather have had the heroine and elementary schooler, but maybe that's just cause i'm missing Yuzumori-san
That's the only choice I voted for that didn't win lol
I was yelling my choice at the screen. It didn't work
Only Tamamusi can do gay for pay this lovely
^ I think you needed the idol light up wand thingies for it to work.
last edited at Dec 14, 2017 12:08AM
Hope Tamamusi does this kind of thing again. Love the format of the comic. The outcome of this was also pretty damn good. Good stuff, as always.
This was great! I want to see how the story plays out with the other choices, though.
Let's replay this and take the Onee-Loli route!
The voters didn't let us down this time, thank goodness.
Daamn! This sweet!
I have never felt more in sync with the world.
end it with a painful one sided love from her youth
fuck outta here with that shitty trope ending
Please let the housewife win
All I could thing of while reading this one was the song “Stacy’s Mom”...
Oh boy. I knew it was gonna be good when I saw Tamamusi and Survey together in the title. Delicious.
It was a bit meh IMO though. I didn't feel much from it.
last edited at Dec 14, 2017 5:35AM
Gave me an idea awesome haha
Isn't it 'Het For Pay' rather than 'Gay For Pay' though?
CYOL. Choose your own lesbian.
Very nice!! The only thing is that I was hoping for the precocious elementary schooler route. But a housewife and gay for pay is fine too.
I think someone needs to re-read page two... Also this brat lmao "It's just Kaede."
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