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joined Mar 22, 2017

They are fixing their mistake in manga version. In anime a lot of scene is getting better. Ultimately that maid cafe, Momo in maid costume is so fucking cute! XD
In manga version Momo doesn't even join Eagle Jump yet on that chapter.

last edited at Sep 3, 2017 2:53AM

joined Jan 21, 2016

Please make Naru acknowledge Nene's debugging skills! It's her strogest suit!

joined Feb 15, 2013

Umiko and Nene, stop using company time to flirt please....

joined Aug 10, 2015

everybody is so busy talking nonsense so they didnt notice the jojo reference at the second page dishonor on you dishonor on your cow

last edited at Sep 4, 2017 12:29AM

joined May 11, 2015

It definitely matters 100% whether she is right or wrong. If you are prioritizing seniority over an efficient work schedule then you're a piss poor manager. You keep saying that no company would hire her when I have worked at companies that highly encourage her attitude. This idea that seniors need to be respected when they do something wrong does nothing but cement issues and cause nothing but problems.

Wow. You must have worked for some really shitty companies. Maybe we're just talking at cross-purposes here: It's maybe ok telling her senior workers what's wrong. But it's definitely NOT ok to get cocky with them. Setting aside this wishy-washy company in the manga, in real live if I'm the manager and encourage this attitude by some non hired "bitch" I'd simply have to take into account that the majority of my hired senior staff wouldn't want to work with her. That's just human and something I have to take into account when evaluating her. It's a game company. Not some shitty office job where everyone sits in a booth and doesn't know who's sitting besides them. Teamwork IS crucial. If I can't get my ppl to work as a team, THAT'S "piss poor management".

What are you on about? You are not making any sense what so ever. Naru has only been given one assignment because she hasn't finished the first one she was given. Now a 1 month long assignment is turning into 3 months, just for one little mini-game. Since they gave her only a 1 month deadline Umiko planned on giving her more work right after but now there are going to be further delays. And what you are going on about rushing? She did her work just fine, she didn't rush anything. In fact it was Hajime who rushed, came up with a poorly designed event and is now delaying the game in order to fix it. Naru is a great programmer and does her job well, it's Hajime that is doing a poor job that is causing delays.

Are we even reading the same manga any more? cO
Naru is working on point with her assignments and doing everything that's assigned to her. If they can't give her more work because the design of the event she's doing changes it's specs it's not her fault - and as mentioned before she has enough papers to back that up. No reason to get cocky with Hajime. She could have just asked her nicely if she could take responsibility for this event. (Not like the changes ain't documented already.)

That's exactly how team work is done. You keep going on about Naru not being a productive part of the team but it's Hajime who is stringing a coworker for months on one mini-game.

What? Screwing over your teem and increasing the workload is how teamwork is done? Holy crap... I wouldn't like to have YOU on my team. cO

That's exactly what I mean about "rushing and not caring about the finished product". Naru rushes her assignments and doesn't care about something beeing wrong with them. She even tells Hajime AFTER programming it exactly what is wrong with the minigame and still complains about having to do it all over. She get's cocky with her co-workers-to-be and then gives a shit about what she's doing just to get done with it.

Yes, she is working for her evaluation because she hasn't actually been hired. Why do you think it's so wrong of her to care about whether she actually gets hired? She is there to show off her programming skills, if she is being forced to work on one mini-game she can't do that. Even if the mini-game is the best in the game Hajime will get all the credit, Naru doesn't get anything out of the mini-game being designed well.

I don't think it's wrong for her working for her evaluation. But I DO think it's wrong JUST working for her evaluation and giving a shit about the finished product when she's working for eagle jump - a company that - as far as we know - cares heavily about their games. Your last point however I don't get. Programmes won't do anything not designed by others, as there simply isn't anything - maybe but the game engine itself - that get's programmed without being designed in one way or another. Following your argument, Naru - or any other programmer - would never get credit for anything they're doing.

joined May 23, 2015

I very much look forward to how this discussion over whether Naru is being professional or not evolves as future chapters shed more light on the actual attitude and mentality behind the actions she's shown so far.

joined May 23, 2015

Do you not understand what a programmer is? She would only be evaluated on how well programmed the event is, not how well designed it is. Nene is being evaluated on a game that isn't even going to be in the final product.

Do you not understand what being able to work as a team is? If they already have a good idea of her skill, they'll care more about how well she fits in. Even if they do judge purely on how well programmed it is, having more complex mechanics added to it gives more chances to show that off.

Of course they are going to evaluated on how much work they can do. If they are wasting 3 months on a mini game then they will be seen as a slow team that will have nothing but delays. If they didn't care about time then no publisher would work for the company since it would take half a decade for them to put out a single game.

That is 100% assumption. You have no idea what criteria they are looking for in their evaluation. You can keep claiming it, but there is no basis for it to be any more factual than any other interpretation. And given Umiko's reaction upon being notified, she basically expected things to go that way.

Now a 1 month long assignment is turning into 3 months, just for one little mini-game. Since they gave her only a 1 month deadline Umiko planned on giving her more work right after but now there are going to be further delays.

What the hell are you talking about? Umiko never gave her any deadline at all. The only deadline ever referenced is one given from the company itself, because it has to be done in time to be put into the actual game before shipping. Nene is the only one Umiko gave a deadline to, and it wasn't even a hard deadline. Just a "try and get it done in this amount of time." I don't know where you are getting any of these facts you keep claiming, because none of this is actually written anywhere in the manga.

To be honest: Hajime felt something is "wrong" with the minievent but couldn't point out what exactly. BUT Naru is the first who found the "error" of the game having only 2 characters playing. Despite the fact it felt wrong to her, she never told anyone and just programmed it anyway. Afterwards, after telling Hajime and co about it she complains about programming it all again. That's not really how teamwork's done.

That's exactly how team work is done. You keep going on about Naru not being a productive part of the team but it's Hajime who is stringing a coworker for months on one mini-game.

What? Teamwork is not telling someone else there could be a problem with their work until after everything is finished, and then blaming the delay on that person for not figuring it out on their own? What definition of teamwork could that possibly fall under? What are you even trying to claim here?

joined Mar 22, 2017

Let's see how they will put thing into upcoming episode 9. Can anime version help tune down conflict on this forum?
Can they give people a better look of Naru or it's will be just the same. If who already watch the preview.
"Wild Hifumi appear out of no where!" go watch that yourself you will know what I mean. (Who ship YunXHajime I think this ep is for you)


I very much look forward to how this discussion over whether Naru is being professional or not evolves as future chapters shed more light on the actual attitude and mentality behind the actions she's shown so far.

Also easiest way to make naru discussion over is stop mention about it. Just saying. Or wait for a few more week this season have only 4 ep left anyways.

joined May 23, 2015

They'll probably try to make things more sympathetic, but unlike the case of Christina, where knowing the full story helps explain and makes her more likable, in the case of Naru... knowing more just makes me judge her more strictly.

So I'm not sure how successful they'll be.

Or they could go the other way, embrace it head-on and ramp up the drama, making her a full-on antagonist.

joined May 20, 2013

everybody is so busy talking nonsense so they didnt notice the jojo reference at the second page dishonor on you dishonor on your cow


Tension in the air isn't a Hirohiko exclusive...

joined Apr 20, 2013

moguTL posted:

They'll probably try to make things more sympathetic, but unlike the case of Christina, where knowing the full story helps explain and makes her more likable, in the case of Naru... knowing more just makes me judge her more strictly.

So I'm not sure how successful they'll be.

Or they could go the other way, embrace it head-on and ramp up the drama, making her a full-on antagonist.

The anime only has 4 or 5 episodes left, if they keep pushing this issue with Naru they have to end it by then with a happy note because I doubt the anime will end with a "You dirty humans!! I will come back and take my revenge from all of you!!"

A truly antagonist would be a spy from Konami who tries to get along with everyone (and by doing so, disturbing the ships order... truly terrifying).

If the anime makes her more likable maybe that means that the author regrets what Naru did and sees this as a second chance.

Anyway none of that matter for now because tomorrow we'll get to see young Yun and Hajime =A= plus xtreme fanservice

joined May 23, 2015

I didn't suggest they leave it unresolved. Just that they go much heavier on the early antagonistic vibe.

Making any resolution and redemption more effective.

And much like Christina's lines being acted out and her actions animated made her regret more apparent or how Momo's lines being acted and animated turned her less antagonistic and more full-on tsundere, I feel like actually having Naru's lines acted and animated out would emphasize the contempt in her attitude and the bewilderment of those around her.

Maybe they'll go in a different direction, though.

joined Mar 22, 2017

Thanks god that they give Hifumi more screen time cuz that part in manga version didn't have Hifumi. But poor aoba seem to not having much screentime this ep though. Kinda sad

Serenata I laughed so freaking hard when I read that "Konami" XD

Also one volume of manga have 13 chapters right? so 8 passed only 5 left. And I guessing that anime will reach the most recent manga released that is end of vol.6 so with 5 next episode so I think we can expect something to happen when the next chapter released

joined Jul 29, 2017

I have a few factual questions:

How many chapters of the manga have been released in Japan?
How many episodes of season 2 of the anime have been released in Japan?

And my real question: It seems unusual that a subbed anime and translated manga are releasing the equivalent chapters/episodes so close together. Is that true, or is it a quirk of the scanlation schedule?

(In other words, with ongoing series, my impression (which may be wrong and if so I'm asking to be corrected) is that the translated (i.e., subbed) anime usually is way behind the manga, but New Game isn't.)

joined May 23, 2015

The volume that the latter half of this season is mostly adapting from was released early July. Meaning the chapters in it were actually published over the past year. What will likely serve as the climax of season 2 was originally published in May, but the translations had to wait for the volume to be released and then take the time to do each chapter. There are currently three chapters beyond the end of the volume published, and it seems unlikely any of them will be adaptable into the anime.

Meaning if there is a third season, it wouldn't be until at least 2019.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Meaning if there is a third season, it wouldn't be until at least 2019.

Unless they decide to do an adaptation of The Spinoff to fill the gap.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Maybe Spin-off is the bonus OVA this season. They probably shove that whole thing into 1 episode, lol.

Let's see how they will put thing into upcoming episode 9. Can anime version help tune down conflict on this forum?
Can they give people a better look of Naru or it's will be just the same. If who already watch the preview.
"Wild Hifumi appear out of no where!" go watch that yourself you will know what I mean. (Who ship YunXHajime I think this ep is for you)


Oh yay, the awesome Yun and Hajime stuff is coming up and it looks like we have the scene of contention in this episode too, haha.

joined May 23, 2015

Unless they decide to do an adaptation of The Spinoff to fill the gap.

The spinoff by itself doesn't have enough material to fill a full season any more than volume 7 will. And combining them both into a single season would be difficult, because then fully half the episodes would be flashbacks. Not to mention that being likely to leave them without a proper conclusion.

joined Mar 22, 2017

If they released another spinoff we maybe have a chance but if don't it's like moguTL said, we need to wait at least 2 years if they going to make a next season.

joined Mar 22, 2017

And much like Christina's lines being acted out and her actions animated made her regret more apparent or how Momo's lines being acted and animated turned her less antagonistic and more full-on tsundere, I feel like actually having Naru's lines acted and animated out would emphasize the contempt in her attitude and the bewilderment of those around her.

You are right anime is just strengthen the fact that we already seen. But all of those fanservice in the ep though! :3
For Naru she just need more time. For now I just accepting the fact.

PS: Momo seems be able to read Naru pretty clearly.

last edited at Sep 5, 2017 12:44PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Wow. You must have worked for some really shitty companies. Maybe we're just talking at cross-purposes here: It's maybe ok telling her senior workers what's wrong. But it's definitely NOT ok to get cocky with them. Setting aside this wishy-washy company in the manga, in real live if I'm the manager and encourage this attitude by some non hired "bitch" I'd simply have to take into account that the majority of my hired senior staff wouldn't want to work with her. That's just human and something I have to take into account when evaluating her. It's a game company. Not some shitty office job where everyone sits in a booth and doesn't know who's sitting besides them. Teamwork IS crucial. If I can't get my ppl to work as a team, THAT'S "piss poor management".

Wow, it's like you don't even fully read what I type, unless you think Amazon is a really shitty company. Again, where is the missing teamwork? Nene needed a push to get more serious and Hajime needed to be told that she needed to keep to the schedule. Seems like Naru is management material.

Are we even reading the same manga any more? cO
Naru is working on point with her assignments and doing everything that's assigned to her. If they can't give her more work because the design of the event she's doing changes it's specs it's not her fault - and as mentioned before she has enough papers to back that up. No reason to get cocky with Hajime. She could have just asked her nicely if she could take responsibility for this event. (Not like the changes ain't documented already.)

Are you reading the same manga. She literally asks who will be responsible for the game being late. She then explains her circumstances and then they apologize to each other. Re-read it if you have already forgotten.

What? Screwing over your teem and increasing the workload is how teamwork is done? Holy crap... I wouldn't like to have YOU on my team. cO

What? Yeah, increasing the work load isn't how teamwork is done, that's exactly why Hajime should be responsible. She's increasing Naru's work load.

That's exactly what I mean about "rushing and not caring about the finished product". Naru rushes her assignments and doesn't care about something beeing wrong with them. She even tells Hajime AFTER programming it exactly what is wrong with the minigame and still complains about having to do it all over. She get's cocky with her co-workers-to-be and then gives a shit about what she's doing just to get done with it.

Again, re-read the chapter. It's obvious you are a little fuzzy. Naru has absolutely no problem with re-doing it a second time after Hajime tells her that being a little late is fine. It's only after she as asked to re-do a third time does she become irritated about it being so late.

I don't think it's wrong for her working for her evaluation. But I DO think it's wrong JUST working for her evaluation and giving a shit about the finished product when she's working for eagle jump - a company that - as far as we know - cares heavily about their games. Your last point however I don't get. Programmes won't do anything not designed by others, as there simply isn't anything - maybe but the game engine itself - that get's programmed without being designed in one way or another. Following your argument, Naru - or any other programmer - would never get credit for anything they're doing.

Once again, it's one little mini-game that was suppose to be done in a month. If Hajime had designed it well the first time then it would have been easy and done with, then there was a rework that Naru had no problem doing as long as she wasn't going to get in trouble, then the third one she had no problem doing as long as she was not responsible since she wasn't actually hired yet and was on much thinner ice. I don't get why you can't understand the pressure she is under.

What are you on about? She would be evaluated on how well the mini-game ran, how well it fit the laid out design, how many errors it had, and how fast she was able to do it. There's plenty of credit she can earn but if the game is late after constantly being redesigned then it will be more rushed to hit the deadline and more prone to errors. The actual design of the game, the type of game being played, or how fun the game is has nothing to do with her programming ability.

Do you not understand what being able to work as a team is? If they already have a good idea of her skill, they'll care more about how well she fits in. Even if they do judge purely on how well programmed it is, having more complex mechanics added to it gives more chances to show that off.

So explaining problems to your teammate is not good teamwork these days? Letting your teammate drag you around is good teamwork? Wow, news to me.

That is 100% assumption. You have no idea what criteria they are looking for in their evaluation. You can keep claiming it, but there is no basis for it to be any more factual than any other interpretation. And given Umiko's reaction upon being notified, she basically expected things to go that way.

It's an assumption that they are going to evaluate how well she does her job? You're joking, right?

What the hell are you talking about? Umiko never gave her any deadline at all. The only deadline ever referenced is one given from the company itself, because it has to be done in time to be put into the actual game before shipping. Nene is the only one Umiko gave a deadline to, and it wasn't even a hard deadline. Just a "try and get it done in this amount of time." I don't know where you are getting any of these facts you keep claiming, because none of this is actually written anywhere in the manga.

"But I won't be able to finish it before the final deadline..."

I know you're the TL so I'm just going to assume your memory is just a little fuzzy. So they passed the deadline, which was before Nene's deadline, which was about 1 month, hmm...

What? Teamwork is not telling someone else there could be a problem with their work until after everything is finished, and then blaming the delay on that person for not figuring it out on their own? What definition of teamwork could that possibly fall under? What are you even trying to claim here?

What the hell are you talking about? She is pointing out Hajime's faults, stating why she is under greater pressure. She is telling the truth so that they can work past the issues, hence why they then apologize to each other right after.

last edited at Sep 6, 2017 1:06PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

unless you think Amazon is a really shitty company

Um, . . .

The Times has uncovered several cases where workers who were sick, grieving, or otherwise encumbered by the realities of life were pushed out of the company. A woman who had a miscarriage was told to travel on a business trip the day after both her twins were stillborn. Another woman recovering from breast cancer was given poor performance rankings and was warned that she was in danger of losing her job.

Yeah, calling bullshit since I know of a current employee who was hit by a truck and is currently in a coma that is still on payroll.

With Walmart’s and Amazon’s business model, the workplace practices that raise employee productivity to very high levels also keep employees off balance and thus ill placed to secure wage increases that match their increased output.

This is also just plain false seeing as how you got bonus compensation depending on how often you attend work and how productive your warehouse is.

These two articles don't make much sense if you have actually worked at Amazon.

last edited at Sep 6, 2017 11:06AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Wow, you really do know everything.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Wow, you really do know everything.

No, just the company I work for.

Also the first article has a reply from Amazon blatantly calling some of the claims false. Now do you believe the company that is being called evil the the ex-employees who were probably mad for being fired for something other than what they claimed to be fired for?

Me? I'm just going to believe me own knowledge and experiences.

last edited at Sep 6, 2017 11:42AM

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