Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Apr 28, 2016

all you guessed was that the villa was abroad XDDD what other confirmations did you need more !! the guy just arrived last month from the states (October) so he know that the place is ready and nice. XD

No, reading back my comments the last few pages of last chapter, one of it is "it would be nice if Seju go visit the house, standing in front of the window, right just like the scene her mother turn arounds", I've told that I think its that house since then xDDDDDDD. Ask jpeg and orange xDDDDD. This chap convinces me more that its not in Korea xDDDDD

I need confirmation that its indeed that house and its not in korea and honestly, saying it out loud could ruin the fun TG is building up xDDDDD

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 1:42AM

joined Feb 4, 2017


I have other theories about Sumin knowing the place but lets wait to see xDDD because honestly, there is a great possibility the place wont even appear even in the end xDDDDDD, just mentioning in talks xDDDD

I can only see it as a weak possibility.. but I guess that Team Gaji were cooking this from ch35 last scene .. we never ever saw Seju's mother again not even the place till now. Gaji has the house design saved in her computer so, XDD

No, reading back my comments the last few pages of last chapter, one of it is "it would be nice if Seju go visit the house, standing in front of the window, right just like the scene her mother turn arounds", I've told that I think its that house since then xDDDDDDD.

and you left me in the rain alone thinking about it.. and then after I finally reached it, you won't like it spilled out? how mean
but since you, D1LD0Z3R and I reached the same conclusion independently, then it means that there is a good logic behind it.. and it could be indeed true.

That he is actually the remaining danger Seju has xDDDDD, that if she agrees to go with Saehyun to the villa, she'll be at the place where only Saehyun knows the location, only him and Seju for the rest of life

hahahhaha.. if he wanted her dead, he could have let her die by her own much earlier.. in a matter of fact, if he didn't involve in the scarring thing she would have pretty much died.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 1:53AM

joined Jul 26, 2017

Wow, once again sungji impressed me. I like her more after each chapter. This chapter shows that sungji is a very empathetic person. Crying in sumin's (technically seju's) house because of obviously her relationship, but also influenced by seju's situation. She brought up moving in again, then suddenly returned the ring and went away after hearing about seju's ordeal. What she said sticks because of her personality, she lives the life of being taken advantage of. Sungji is indeed pity of Seju. She is too nice to keep Sumin for herself.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Ok. Giving back the ring meant breaking up,the scarf, well she could keep it for good memories. But we'll see in 3 chapters.

No, she keeps the scarf since it's winter. xD

She said she was gonna make sure the person she loved would not be hurt again. As always, it's just a bluff. lol

joined Feb 4, 2017

sia ue

No, she keeps the scarf since it's winter. xD


I was thinking about it again.. whether Seju knows the house well or not.. but there is a significance in Saehyun mentioning that it was the house that Ahn Cha hee stayed at while she was pregnant. So, if she had nearer memories of the house, he could have just identified it with them. (did I make sense ?)

joined Feb 5, 2016

Note: please don't quote me.. I would like to delete this later.


joined Feb 4, 2017

sia ue
Hahahhahahah ain't called katana comment for nothing XD

Sorry. I have to quote it. And thank you. At least this is clear.

Do as you wish XDD

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 3:08AM

joined Aug 18, 2017


but since you, D1LD0Z3R and I reached the same conclusion independently, then it means that there is a good logic behind it. and it could be indeed true.


joined Apr 28, 2016

Ok. Giving back the ring meant breaking up,the scarf, well she could keep it for good memories. But we'll see in 3 chapters.

No, she keeps the scarf since it's winter. xD

She is wearing short shorts in winter and standing out in the snowfall without much clothes, she doesnt need scarf, lol

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 4:30AM

joined Apr 28, 2016


and you left me in the rain alone thinking about it.. and then after I finally reached it, you won't like it spilled out? how mean

I thought you knew, I hinted by comment and "I have feelings the house is not in korea"

I dont want to look like an idiot if it turns out to be not true, that's why I dont spill it, lolllll

but since you, D1LD0Z3R and I reached the same conclusion independently, then it means that there is a good logic behind it.. and it could be indeed true.

Maybe, we have to see, xDDDDDD

hahahhaha.. if he wanted her dead, he could have let her die by her own much earlier.. in a matter of fact, if he didn't involve in the scarring thing she would have pretty much died.

No, I dont mean by he wants her dead, I mean by he wants her to be alive and by alive, I mean living with him forever and more. Being the only one for him.

That's why I said its crazy idea.
But this is just for fun idea =))))), I wont stick with it long, lolll

was thinking about it again.. whether Seju knows the house well or not.. but there is a significance in Saehyun mentioning that it was the house that Ahn Cha hee stayed at while she was pregnant. So, if she had nearer memories of the house, he could have just identified it with them. (did I make sense ?)

I understand but by logic, they have alot of houses, right? They're so rich after all. So in order to make Seju understand which house, he needs to give more infos, and he chose the most relevant info, the one that makes her not going back to the house but also could make her go back now. Am I being too confusing? XDDDDD. I can not explain how it gives the vibe she knew the house, lolll

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 4:43AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

Wow, once again sungji impressed me. I like her more after each chapter. This chapter shows that sungji is a very empathetic person. Crying in sumin's (technically seju's) house because of obviously her relationship, but also influenced by seju's situation. She brought up moving in again, then suddenly returned the ring and went away after hearing about seju's ordeal. What she said sticks because of her personality, she lives the life of being taken advantage of. Sungji is indeed pity of Seju. She is too nice to keep Sumin for herself.

XD, isnt that Sungji's decision is expected? Based on her nice and angelic character?

I would be more surprised if she ignored Seju and went ahead with Sumin. This will ruin her character from the beginning xDDDDDD

The only thing I find it funny is the way she chose to leave, lolllll, right under the firework and in the middle of the crowd, without a single explanation. Pretty dramatic, lollll but opening the gate for the possibility of SungjixSumin ending, lollllll since this couple literally has unfinished business, cause she left Sumin hanging xDDDDD

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 4:41AM

joined Jun 23, 2017

Foxy lady

What in the world of Dora the Explorer would you think that i will solely depend on speech bubbles?

Haha, "what in the world of Dora the Explorer..." That's funny, Foxy, in a good way. XD

I meant for some conclusions, not everything, of course. Never thought you applied it to every idea you've had.

I asks questions. I see patterns. I see motives, reasons.

Yes, I think that is great, truly. I'd prefer it over someone who doesn't.

Hypothetically, mpgpeg, even if you are Gyeomji of TG, I will question how it was artfully drawn regarding the speech bubbles. Doubts, confusion is the beginning of learning. Academic Intelligence is not a right but a privilege along with it the responsibility.

This reminds me of the "author's intent" debates. Team Gaji may not have intended it, but that does not mean one has no right to think that way.

What I am concerned is the ambience that I liked so much here. We can argue. Be in the opposite poles but still we don't question one's way of thinking.

I think that happens whether we want it to or not. It goes for many arguments, like in politics, for example.

Again, as Nora explained, I do not think she was talking specifically about you.

" deliberate misunderstanding again". Where in the world of Alibaba did I deliberately do that in WDTFS with you?

Now we're in Alibaba? XD

But on a serious note, do not think Nora was talking about you. She said so herself she would be direct if she had any issues.

This is a case where "intent" really matters. I did not see any malicious intent towards you from her, even if that was how you may have perceived it.

But I do to share to particular people.

Thank you for sharing, Foxy. You bring a unique perspective to the forum, that's for sure. I've always admired your style of writing.

I talked about my unrestrained ideas(and I know it is far-fetched)

At least you're aware. You are much more creative than I'll ever be.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 5:25AM

joined Jul 11, 2017

Foxy Lady

Lol in math yes. But this is so subjective. The many roads may lead to different destinations XDDD

Hmmm... Just for the sake of argument, Orange? Or simply not agreeing just for the sake of not agreeing. LOL

I'm a scientist but not a mathematician (or a magician lol). Having said that I do want to go a bit technical XDDDD
There are different scenarios here:

  1. Different road leading to the same solution (algebra vs using models i.e. not equations) - this can be true in math but not always true if there is always that unknown variable called perception like in any piece of art work
  2. Same road leading to different solution - in math, this can be the case for quadratic equations with more than one solutions..
  3. Different road leading to different solution - aren't these just multiple different equations with their own solutions?

If people's "supposed future" to the story is considered the "solution", different people here have different "equations" to get there and these are shaped by a lot of things: their own experience, their perception of the story or characters in the story or even the interpretation of what the drawing on the panels mean, ah and also perhaps their "gut feel" (which in turns depends on how good their gut bacteria is XDDDDD)


Orange maybe the math expert here, but Foxy, I have some bad news for you. In math, we don't always arrive at the same answer. As a matter of fact, I failed countless math tests because I did it a different ways and arrived at the "wrong" answer according to my teachers. When I told them right and wrong were just a matter of perspective, they told me in their perspective I failed. Heartless bastards. :(

LOL sounds like your teacher considers the method-to-answer part of "the answer" rather than the just the answer itself.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 5:56AM

joined Jun 6, 2016

I have this crazy idea since last night, LOLLL. About Saehyun xDDDDD. That he is actually the remaining danger Seju has xDDDDD, that if she agrees to go with Saehyun to the villa, she'll be at the place where only Saehyun knows the location, only him and Seju for the rest of life xDDDDDDD.

a good netorare ending I must say! Will there be someone shipping him and seju if they don't have blood related?

It's quiet refreshing to see sungji inside mind (speak bubbles) about how she likes to talk about things with sumin more, somehow giving a hint of the core of sumin x sungji relationship. And show what they lack the most, communication. These past chapters mostly only show how sumin and sungji fit sexually.

I must applaud how TG can still make the ending couple hanging, when both ship can be switched over only by releasing each new chapter. Yesterday the pink ship is shrinking, today it's blonde ship. Funny enough when pink ship is shrinking, I don't see much seju fans blame the author or shaming them. We're mourning but we accept the way the author wrote the story. Shaming the author just because you don't get what you want, looks like a kid mentality to me. Can I assume that pink team has more mature mind? Lol

Two months ago, I said there are two option, either seju move on or sungji given up. It seems we get both!

  1. Seju is on the way of moving on We can see how seju has acknowledge that sungji is special and different compare to any sumin exes. Although knowing all that, she "beg" to sungji to release sumin since it's all what matters for seju.

Ever heard about 5 stages of grief? This applied especially when someone losing her love one.

Denial - seju said nothing is changing, sungji on the other hand said its different now (sungji is correct)
Anger - well, she yelled at sumin, said she is just human, told that sumin always blame her and don't believe her.
Bargaining - refusing to sell sumin house, then replace it with "living together", beg to sungji.
Depression - ch 90

This "beg" is her final effort... the reason why she don't resist when sumin said that farawell on ch 89. It's natural for seju to have depression now, along with her father death, what comes after is acceptance.

2.sungji given up.
We must judge sumin by her action not her talk. Sungji realize this. Although sumin choose sungji, seju matter is still bugging her. Even if sumin is the one who walk away from seju, yet she feels as devastating as seju. Sumin tried her best to keep it hidden, by showing how she care a lot about sungji now. (And hiding the fact that she still care about seju) hence the red scarf and leftover mitten, and the strangers talk about seju in cafe. (Ch90)

Sungji is smart, she realize it. She has been thinking a lot lately. Although knowing people might taking advantage of her kindness, she choose to do what she thinks right. It suits her character development so far. She knows the bonds between sumin and seju can't be easily cut.

We only have 3 chapters left, anything can happen.
The ending for both couple is still possible, because
1. Seju still loves sumin much.
2. Sumin has chosen sungji over seju before
3. Sungji still like sumin
4. Sumin still care for seju, admit it or not

We need factor #5, to determine the end couple, hopefully can find it on next chapter. Since finding the ending couple on last chapter won't satisfy the reader.... at least for me, I want to see their story and development , all three of them after this mess.

Ch 91 - realize the ending couple
Ch 92 - finalize it
Ch 93 - after story

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 6:27AM

joined Jul 11, 2017

hahahaha.. have you noticed how we picked up on mpgpeg for choosing such a complicated username ?
well, you win in this department XDDDD

Lol actually jpeg still wins to me.. I mean you can't even pronounce the word, it's made of almost all consonants!

For D1LD0Z3R I'm going to go with dildo-zer XDDDDD (the same way I always steal the 0 from esoteric lol)

Jpeg and Shine

Maybe? I find it's really wonderful how she is. Don't get me wrong, I would immediately open my arms, if I could find someone like Sungji xD

I would too. I would want to protect her from harm. XD

Noooooooo more competition! Arghhh lol

I would too. I would want to protect her from harm. XD

I like how you think XD

joined Mar 21, 2017



joined Jun 23, 2017

Lol actually jpeg still wins to me.. I mean you can't even pronounce the word, it's made of almost all consonants!

Haha, oh Orange. You gotta point there. XD

Speaking of usernames, I've always loved yours, Es0teric. I like how it sounds, as well as its definition. :)

I like how you think XD

Even though she may be older than me, I still feel this way. She said so herself she is easily taken advantaged of... Protect her! XD

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 6:21AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

We only have 3 chapters left, anything can happen.
The ending for both couple is still possible, because
1. Seju still loves sumin much.
2. Sumin has chosen sungji over seju before (but
3. Sungji still like sumin
4. Sumin still care for seju, admit it or not

Yeah, both ships are still available but its so funny that teamblonde fans are bailing about how noble and selfless Sungji is and begging for giving Sungji happy ending after seeing her teary and sad face, while I've been praying for happiness to Seju since the beginning, lollllllll, many even go straight to blame Seju

Anyway, one thing I'm sure by now, there would not be ending with all three part way, lolll. There will be one couple in the end, I'm 90% sure of that.

joined Jun 6, 2016



I know, that's why I said "has more" means not all pink team is mature too, same with yellow team, not all is childish too.

And what is the remaining 10%?

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 6:26AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

And what is the remaining 10%?

One dies and the other two couldnt be together cause of trauma xDDDDD. Technically its not all three part way, lolll

Edit: one dies and one could mean any of them, not just Seju xDDDD

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 6:32AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

For all teamblonde fans, By the way, next chap, I expect Sumin to chase after Sungji xDDDDDD. Sungji wouldnt go far and can be reached if Sumin is fast enough. And dont worry, Sumin wouldnt go find Seju right away next chap, so dont be too devastated too soon xDDDDDDD

joined Feb 8, 2016

@yoonie I've been itching for a lot more clearness from the chapters. But yeah, everything's still up in the air if you consider both endings(that is a Seju/Sumin and Sungji Sumin). It's driving me nuts. I've been trying to keep myself from talking about it what with the remaining chapters and just read the manhwa. Right now, I'm looking at the brightside, Sumin finally has the ball now. Like, which one will she ultimately chase next? there were always screws loose with both sides so I'm still waiting for them to be resolved. I think I've been waiting for Sumin to really be confronted with everything and make the decision.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 6:35AM

joined Feb 4, 2017



Indeed, your avatar is one of the cutest things everrr.


I thought you knew, I hinted by comment and "I have feelings the house is not in korea"

I was so caught up in a literal survival analysis and some other nasty things XD

I dont want to look like an idiot if it turns out to be not true, that's why I dont spill it, lolllll

you are taking it more seriously than it should be.. a wrong expectation, so big deal! XD ..

No, I dont mean by he wants her dead, I mean by he wants her to be alive and by alive, I mean living with him forever and more. Being the only one for him.
That's why I said its crazy idea.
But this is just for fun idea =))))), I wont stick with it long, lolll

it's either you started accepting JaimeXCersei's ship or the Nammi ship sunk so suddenly XDDD

I understand but by logic, they have alot of houses, right? They're so rich after all. So in order to make Seju understand which house, he needs to give more infos, and he chose the most relevant info, the one that makes her not going back to the house but also could make her go back now. Am I being too confusing?

you have a well constructed point.. I get it, don't worry.. I don't now exclude the possibility. Thanks


what a legendary comment XD.. good to see you back and strong again.

about the 5 stages of grief.. I never saw Seju truly giving up.. but sometimes the denial worked on the other way: not noticing that Sumin loved her for the past 10 years, not noticing that Sumin cares in ch79,ch80.. not noticing that she also worried about her really in ch83.. she is like always living on a 50% chance.

*sungji given up. *
yup, I thought it was happening in ch83, but then again in ch84+85.. then later on ch87.. the timing is what puzzles me and now more than ever I really want to know which thing exactly was the last straw. I thought she decided as she was thinking outside alone.. but then she also gave Sumin one last chance.

the rest of your comment, makes sense. AND

Ch 91 - realize the ending couple
Ch 92 - finalize it
Ch 93 - after story

I totally agree.

joined Oct 6, 2015

It's quiet refreshing to see sungji inside mind (speak bubbles) about how she likes to talk about things with sumin more, somehow giving a hint of the core of sumin x sungji relationship. And show what they lack the most, communication. These past chapters mostly only show how sumin and sungji fit sexually. when something is wrong, they just resort to sex and like what?? Was their problem solved already?? They had just sex so I guess it's fine

I must applaud how TG can still make the ending couple hanging, when both ship can be switched over only by releasing each new chapter. Yesterday the pink ship is shrinking, today it's blonde ship. Funny enough when pink ship is shrinking, I don't see much seju fans blame the author or shaming them. We're mourning but we accept the way the author wrote the story. Shaming the author just because you don't get what you want, looks like a kid mentality to me. Can I assume that pink team has more mature mind? Lol

Probably..I was never on the wrong jk i've seen both sides has their own share of immaturity..but with the previous chapter, I'm pretty much prepared with Team blonde going insane and that they will go overboard which happened in ch90..looool still waiting for more..haha

Two months ago, I said there are two option, either seju move on or sungji given up. It seems we get both!

  1. Seju is on the way of moving on We can see how seju has acknowledge that sungji is special and different compare to any sumin exes. Although knowing all that, she "beg" to sungji to release sumin since it's all what matters for seju.

Ever heard about 5 stages of grief? This applied especially when someone losing her love one.

Denial - seju said nothing is changing, sungji on the other hand said its different now (sungji is correct)
Anger - well, she yelled at sumin, said she is just human, told that sumin always blame her and don't believe her.
Bargaining - refusing to sell sumin house, then replace it with "living together", beg to sungji.
Depression - ch 90

This "beg" is her final effort... the reason why she don't resist when sumin said that farawell on ch 89. It's natural for seju to have depression now, along with her father death, what comes after is acceptance.

2.sungji given up.
We must judge sumin by her action not her talk. Sungji realize this. Although sumin choose sungji, seju matter is still bugging her. Even if sumin is the one who walk away from seju, yet she feels as devastating as seju. Sumin tried her best to keep it hidden, by showing how she care a lot about sungji now. (And hiding the fact that she still care about seju) hence the red scarf and leftover mitten, and the strangers talk about seju in cafe. (Ch90)

Sungji is smart, she realize it. She has been thinking a lot lately. Although knowing people might taking advantage of her kindness, she choose to do what she thinks right. It suits her character development so far. She knows the bonds between sumin and seju can't be easily cut.

We only have 3 chapters left, anything can happen.
The ending for both couple is still possible, because
1. Seju still loves sumin much.
2. Sumin has chosen sungji over seju before
3. Sungji still like sumin
4. Sumin still care for seju, admit it or not

We need factor #5, to determine the end couple, hopefully can find it on next chapter. Since finding the ending couple on last chapter won't satisfy the reader.... at least for me, I want to see their story and development , all three of them after this mess.

Ch 91 - realize the ending couple
Ch 92 - finalize it
Ch 93 - after story

I like this..:) I can't wait for those 3 more chapters. It's been really a wild ride.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Sungji is smart, she realize it. She has been thinking a lot lately. Although knowing people might taking advantage of her kindness, she choose to do what she thinks right. It suits her character development so far. She knows the bonds between sumin and seju can't be easily cut.

I'm not smart like her, I don't see her breaking up with Sumin as anything other than a needless decision.

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