Forum › Ayakashiko discussion

joined Jan 10, 2015

Kuuko and Yukime is married and no one can convince me otherwise :3
Joke aside, this is a very cute chapter (23). I really like Hijiki art.

joined May 25, 2017

What does the book that kuuko holds read? I'm supposing it may be funny considering her shirts so far

joined Jul 29, 2017

This series is gayer than a lot of series that are marketed as yuri, so it's about time it got the subtext tag.

Although I hope the Yukionna gets some time in the spotlight, she doesn't get nearly as much screen time as the other girls, and comes off as a bit flat as a result.

joined Jun 22, 2017

This series is gayer than a lot of series that are marketed as yuri, so it's about time it got the subtext tag.

Although I hope the Yukionna gets some time in the spotlight, she doesn't get nearly as much screen time as the other girls, and comes off as a bit flat as a result.

Looks like you got your wish, Yukki gets her spotlight at ch24.

joined Apr 20, 2013

I was asking for it too! I was waiting for this chapter :D

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

Gosh I just can't stop squealing!!! Everyone in this manga is just so cute and yuri and everyone should cuddle and kiss already!!!

Fight me, boy-o

If your only reply to everyone going to be:
Fight me, boy-o"?

Fight me, boy-o

I represent this comment.

its* original price
This sort of thing?

The first one (the letter "a") was swallowed up after corrections were put in.
The second two were put there by rogue inari sisters.

Fun fact: There's another punctuation/editing error in the chapter that remains unnoticed!

last edited at Aug 1, 2017 9:05PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Okay, Yukime has now officially gone from "slightly yuri-curious" to "full homo", and I love it.

Also I love how Mahoro is such a mom to everyone else. And a good one, too.

last edited at Aug 2, 2017 9:42PM

joined Nov 23, 2014

Nene checking neko Mahoro out.

joined Jan 28, 2016

I sympathize with the father here. He clearly just cares for Mahoro's well-being. I think having a daughter in a home alone with supernatural beings is something to be worried about. He didn't go about it the right way though, and I think Mahoro was right that the the grandparents sudden passing isn't necessarily correlated with the Ayakashiko directly. It's less about Ayakashiko VS Humans and more about "pls convince me you'll be safe because I'll feel terrible if anything happens to you because I wasn't there"

It's one of those things where as the reader we know she'll be fine because of how sweet and protective the Ayakashiko are, but from an outsiders perspective if something DOES happen to Mahoro the parents will be the ones to blame because in hindsight it sounds incredibly irresponsible to leave a teenage girl in that predicament.

last edited at Aug 5, 2017 1:04AM

joined Apr 20, 2013

Half Japanese human waifu or Ayakishi neko waifu? I really don't know how to ship anymore

joined Nov 23, 2014

I sympathize with the father here. He clearly just cares for Mahoro's well-being. I think having a daughter in a home alone with supernatural beings is something to be worried about. He didn't go about it the right way though, and I think Mahoro was right that the the grandparents sudden passing isn't necessarily correlated with the Ayakashiko directly. It's less about Ayakashiko VS Humans and more about "pls convince me you'll be safe because I'll feel terrible if anything happens to you because I wasn't there"

It's one of those things where as the reader we know she'll be fine because of how sweet and protective the Ayakashiko are, but from an outsiders perspective if something DOES happen to Mahoro the parents will be the ones to blame because in hindsight it sounds incredibly irresponsible to leave a teenage girl in that predicament.

This story is probably too cutesy and fluffy to ever go into terrible consequences of bad choices territory like that, but certainly imagining a situation like this in real life would be quite the predicament for the parents. Assuming such a thing as ayakashii did indeed exist. At the same time, it is a bit amusing because, well, a father unable to communicate with his teenaged daughter? Sounds about right!

joined Jun 4, 2015

Nene is totally checking out mahoro with her cat ears lol
I'm guessing her having to move might the height of the story with a hopeful happy ending. I can't place why but the color of her given ears seems off to me for some reason, maby because she has dark hair their stand out more. if they were darker like the color of her hair I think they'd blend in easier.

joined Feb 15, 2013

She is a cat too, Nene. Jump her!!

Mahiro family is well off, but does not look super wealthy. And considering Mahiro have to feed 5 mouths out of her allowances, no wonder she try to save every cents

joined Dec 27, 2015

Nene is so curious about Mahoro and obviously a little in love with her, but watch out Nene! Curiosity killed the cat!
Feel for the dad though, he means well. And is giving money to his daughter for living expenses. Where is the mom? Divorced? Working overseas? Has it been mentioned and I missed it?

joined Jan 16, 2017

Everyone is obviously freakin' lesbian but they all unconsciously friendzone themselves into an indefinite torture of pseudo-flirting

joined Jun 12, 2014

Nene is so curious about Mahoro and obviously a little in love with her, but watch out Nene! Curiosity killed the cat!
Feel for the dad though, he means well. And is giving money to his daughter for living expenses. Where is the mom? Divorced? Working overseas? Has it been mentioned and I missed it?

Well, his last words were "come home soon, dear." That could either be referring to wanting his wife to return and deal correctly with the daughter or just for the daughter to come back to live at home. Personally, I think he wants his wife to come back from whatever she's doing.

last edited at Aug 6, 2017 6:31PM

joined Sep 21, 2015

How can you call that trouble?

joined Aug 11, 2014

an indefinite torture of pseudo-flirting

Good name for a band

joined Jan 18, 2017

Kuuko blushing is so darn cute!!

joined Jun 4, 2015

an amazingly cute chapter as always, embarrassed kuuko is bliss. whay to short though T.T needed another 20 pages XD

joined Jul 29, 2017

Yeah, it was nice that the dad seems to have nothing but his daughter's safety in mind, and also believes that she actually has powers and isn't just crazy. It's way too easy to just make parents in these kind of stories just evil antagonists, but he's being very reasonable.
And it seems like he never actually implied that the ayakashi would be dangerous or killed people, that was all Mahiro projecting. It just seems like he's worried that his daughter will stop interacting with humans.
Which again is a reasonable concern, because that's exactly what happened until just a couple of weeks ago.
And yeah, the constant unintentional flirting that never goes anywhere can be pretty frustrating, but that's the bread and butter of subtext manga. The only girls who don't come off as closeted lesbians are the fox gods and Kii, who is just a kid.

last edited at Aug 7, 2017 1:21PM

joined Feb 14, 2016

thanks so much for translating this, it's my favorite manga of the moment.

joined Feb 14, 2016

mahiro doesn't need a romantic interest at this point, she's still in high school. the only rush on that is the fan expectation of plot progression which is demanding the unrealistic. this is slice of life stuff, just coast with it.

joined Sep 21, 2014

Lmao the pages being out of order sure threw me in for a loop. Seems like it was fixed really quickly though, so that's nice
"when you just suddenly burst into tears"

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