Forum › What Does the Fox Say discussion

joined Mar 21, 2017

Then don't reply to my comments. Pretty simple yoonie.

Reply or not, my way, not yours, if you want me to stop, you stop, I'll stop when I want to. I dont like your comment, I'll quote and say it, like it or not, your way. Saying it or not, my way.

Lol. Do what you want i guess, it's a free world.

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 12:11AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

Then don't reply to my comments. Pretty simple yoonie.

Reply or not, my way, not yours, if you want me to stop, you stop, I'll stop when I want to. I dont like your comment, I'll quote and say it, like it or not, your way. Saying it or not, my way.

Lol. Do what you want i guess, it's a free world.

Yeah, that's why I voice out that out loud. Your way of commenting is really annoying. I've hold that back for quite a while already.

Maybe my way of commenting is also annoying but yeah, whatever.

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 12:15AM

joined Jul 26, 2017

Then don't reply to my comments. Pretty simple yoonie.

Reply or not, my way, not yours, if you want me to stop, you stop, I'll stop when I want to. I dont like your comment, I'll quote and say it, like it or not, your way. Saying it or not, my way.

Yoonie-ah, you need a drink. Or two. Want some of my bourbon? It is good!!!

joined Mar 21, 2017


Yeah you are pretty annoying too, I've been holding back as well. Glad we got that out in the air ; )

joined Apr 28, 2016

Then don't reply to my comments. Pretty simple yoonie.

Reply or not, my way, not yours, if you want me to stop, you stop, I'll stop when I want to. I dont like your comment, I'll quote and say it, like it or not, your way. Saying it or not, my way.

Yoonie-ah, you need a drink. Or two. Want some of my bourbon? It is good!!!

Yeah, I really do need it. I think I'm losing my temper for nothing. Thanks for offering XDDD.

joined Mar 5, 2017

Relax girls

joined Jun 23, 2017

Yeah, I really do need it. I think I'm losing my temper for nothing. Thanks for offering XDDD.

It's okay, yoonie0104. Everyone has their limit.

joined May 18, 2017


And more importantly Where is Foxy lady and Nora?

it was a crazy day.. Exam, then a phone call about my Ex coming to the country.. going back to the airport (canceling my plans).. picking her up .. one hour waiting, 2 hours train trip back.. another talk.. dinner.. home.. dead tired.. we got back together XDDD.. to the airport again and train trips.. so for once, my life was even more surprising than WDTFS XD

Will we get a What Does Nora Says?!

joined Jul 11, 2017

I want to get involved without getting involved XDDDD
What we want to happen and what we think will happen are two separate things, and they are shaped by different factors. When the two aren't aligned and we force them to become one and the same, it's bordering on the delusional...

Anyway, no bourbon juice anyone? XDDDD

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 2:15AM

joined Jul 26, 2017

I want to get involved without getting involved XDDDD
What we want to happen and what we think will happen are two separate things, and they are shaped by different factors. When the two aren't aligned and we force them to become one and the same, it's bordering on the delusional...

Anyway, no bourbon juice anyone? XDDDD

  1. What you want to happen.
  2. What you think will happen.
  3. What actually happens. (You forgot this one.)

Without 3. it is impossible to declare if someone is delusional after all we all have our own version of "want" and "think". es0teric or someone else mentioned awhile ago that they didn't like to analyze unfinished work, and I could see why they wouldn't want to do that because the lack of all 3 create too many "delusional thinkers".

Does orange juice give me buzz? If yes, 10 orders please XD.

joined Mar 21, 2017


That was me. At the moment everything is an opinion even if they can back it up or not, it's only once it reaches it's conclusion can the ending be fact. But the ending doesn't always mean that someone is right about everything that transpired up till then and vice versa.

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 4:53AM

joined Jul 26, 2017


That was me. At the moment everything is an opinion even if they can back it up or not, it's only once it reaches it's conclusion can the ending be fact. But the ending doesn't always mean that someone is right about everything that transpired up till then and vice versa.

I believe so. Allow me to borrow what Foxy (always) says it is the JOURNEY that matters. lol

Edit: It is an opinion if one says something. It is a theory if one says something and back it up with past events and logic. They are different.

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 3:11AM

joined Mar 21, 2017


That was me. At the moment everything is an opinion even if they can back it up or not, it's only once it reaches it's conclusion can the ending be fact. But the ending doesn't always mean that someone is right about everything that transpired up till then and vice versa.

I believe so. Allow me to borrow what Foxy (always) says it is the JOURNEY that matters. lol

That is true though, otherwise we'd just watch the last scenes of a movie haha.

Edit: It is an opinion if one says something. It is a theory if one says something and back it up with past events and logic. They are different.

Yeah, you are right. My mistake.

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 3:28AM

joined Feb 4, 2017

Wow.. what's going on!!

First, I would like to thank everyone who took the time and effort to read my walls of text.. and Thanks to everyone who sees that my comments made a difference.. I am flattered.
I thank everyone who discusses with me.. and those lurking readers.

Whether it ends Sungji*Sumin or Seju*Sumin.. it is something that we have no control over.. the only thing we could see is what Team Gaji give us at each point in time. I commented many times on how they made their ending even before the serialisation.. no matter how much I comment on it, I will still have a zero influnce on that.
Something I learned from Foxy lady is to share the idea instead of convencing. I am guilty of trying to shove my ideas into others head.. But I want you to know that I had no intention of convincing you of any ending.. this is not my goal.
I hope we all could enjoy this and celebrate the art while it lasts.

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 3:54AM

joined Mar 5, 2017

Edit: It is an opinion if one says something. It is a theory if one says something and back it up with past events and logic. They are different.

So having an opinion and a theory in an argument is not advisable. It will never end and end well. Good thing you pointed that out.

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 3:45AM

joined Mar 5, 2017

Hey nora i wanna ask you something off topic..

joined Feb 4, 2017

Hey nora i wanna ask you something off topic..

Yes sure. I will be there.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Whether it ends Sungji*Sumin or Seju*Sumin.. it is something that we have no control over.. the only thing we could see is the what Team Gaji give us at each point in time. I commented many times on how they made their ending even before the serialisation.. no matter how much I comment on it, I will still have a zero influnce on that.
Something I learned from Foxy lady is to share the idea instead of convencing. I am guilty of trying to shove my ideas into others head.. But I want you to know that I had no intention of convincing you of any ending.. this is not my goal.
I hope we all could enjoy this and celebrate the art while it lasts.

Well put. I have nothing against you or your comments, you put a lot of time and effort into your theories which I wish I had the ability to do myself. I'm a little jealous that you can convey such ideas that well and precisely though. Even if I don't agree with how you see things it doesn't make your theories or your perception of events irrelevant. Just thought I should get that straight as it was pointed out to me by a mutual friend that I come across the wrong way without intending too. Once this story is finished if I have time I will be reading some of your long comments.

joined Mar 5, 2017

Hey nora i wanna ask you something off topic..

Yes sure. I will be there.

Butch- they look masculine and act like guys, do they feel like they are guys too? I mean, like they wish to be guys? Google says it all but i'd prefer first hand info. Not everything they say in the internet is true, right? ;)

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 9:33AM

joined Feb 4, 2017


Butch- they look masculine and act like guys, do they feel like they are guys too? I mean, like they wish to be guys? Google says it all but i'd prefer first hand info. I don't believe everything they say in the internet ;)

I can't say for sure.. it depends on their upbringing as well. I've seen straight girls being a bit butchy.. anyways, I have seen butches who act and want to be percieved as men.. they even have men names for themselves (but they are not trasnsexuals ? Mmhm) .. and I have seen those butches who happen to look so because its easier than looking feminine XD.. and there are those who chose to look so so they could attract a certain type of girls.. all what I said is an observation about what I have seen.
Anyways.. I personally would look feminine at days and at others, I will be a soft butch feeling comfortable in a hoody and sweat pants XD.. I dont want to be a man.. just a matter of fashion maybe.. so it could be the same for some as well.

Not everything they say in the internet is true, right? ;)

But technically.. I am also saying this on the internet XD
Little info there: from country to country the level in which I could say this girl is butchy is different..
Irish girls are way more into looking feminine compared to the practical Germans. I could hardly detect if a girl is a lesbian or butchy in Germany XD.. not so hard in Ireland.

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 4:14AM

joined Mar 5, 2017

Okay. So some of them wants to be perceived as a man and actually wants to be one and some just want to look like one. I was just curious of what they actually feel and think of themselves because we have trangenders who actually wants to be physically.
Thanks, that's informative.

On topic: since we are all talking about ending, how high is your percentage for sejuxsumin? Haha XD

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 4:19AM

joined Apr 28, 2016

On topic: since we are all talking about ending, how high is your percentage for sejuxsumin? Haha XD

Even though I want Seju to be happy but 20% XD

joined Mar 5, 2017

But technically.. I am also saying this on the internet XD

But it's better from someone who have actually observed in the crowd ;)

Little info there: from country to country the level in which I could say this girl is butchy is different..
Irish girls are way more into looking feminine compared to the practical Germans. I could hardly detect if a girl is a lesbian or butchy in Germany XD.. not so hard in Ireland.

Culture has an effect on this too.

last edited at Jul 31, 2017 4:25AM

joined Mar 5, 2017

On topic: since we are all talking about ending, how high is your percentage for sejuxsumin? Haha XD

Even though I want Seju to be happy but 20% XD

From bagel to 20! That's result! Lol

joined Feb 8, 2016

Okay. So some of them wants to be perceived as a man and actually wants to be one and some just want to look like one. I was just curious of what they actually feel and think of themselves because we have trangenders who actually wants to be physically.

can i just add something here. take note that gender norms don't really play a thing here. so looking like a man is not something that people who are lesbian, bisexual, and pansexual would really go for. a number of people just dress that way because they want to regardless if it's "feminine" or "masculine" in social norms. that's too specific for just transgenders who have the intent for it because that's how they identify with. so i caution the use of words because it becomes too generalizing.

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