Forum › Bloom Into You discussion

joined Jul 4, 2017

"Bloom into you" has been licensed for English release,and has been released.
When will Volume 1 and Volume 2 be deleted from DynastyScans?

When Seven Seas translates it better lol.

Yuki Kitsune
joined Jan 31, 2015

I'll admit, it's taken a while but this series has grown on me. Which...seems apt.

joined Dec 18, 2016

YagaKimi vol 4 made it into the top 30 of Oricon weekly ranking!!! I'll be off celebrating now.

joined Jun 27, 2017

I'm pretty new to reading Yuri manga's, and I've read all the classics. Bloom Into You is an absolute master piece, as far as I'm concerned. Great story, and great art.

joined Sep 13, 2015

Gremriel welcome to land of reading yuri manga's. Once you start you go into a deep black hole where you read every single yuri manga there is and then you look for yuri in real life with your yuri goggles and then you realise "what the fuck I’m I doing with my life".

joined Feb 16, 2015

I'll pray for an anime adaption, this is some really decent stuff. I hope they can both be more honest with eachother next chapter like come on, they're falling for eachother, hard.

joined Feb 14, 2017

This story is too good...

joined Sep 18, 2014

I bet Touko would be jealous of Yuzu right now...

Also, I didn't know that Eclair has a second volume...

joined Jul 4, 2017

Koito is such a precious little baby.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Raw for this month is out:

Yuu held Touko's hand & "we can't stay this way." I'm having a moment. Also, Yuu looks so happy the entire chapter ; ;

EDIT: Oh btw, I notice something. Between this chap & chap 13, it seems like both Touko & Yuu are happiest when they get wet together.

last edited at Jul 26, 2017 12:56PM

joined Apr 6, 2017

Raw for this month is out:

Yuu held Touko's hand & "we can't stay this way." I'm having a moment. Also, Yuu looks so happy the entire chapter ; ;

EDIT: Oh btw, I notice something. Between this chap & chap 13, it seems like both Touko & Yuu are happiest when they get wet together.

Looks like a dialog heavy chapter.

joined Dec 18, 2016

^ Pretty visual heavy too. This series has always had an anime flow to it, but this chap is especially so. Just imagining that scene where Yuu leads Touko through the aquarium tunnel getting animated gives me goosebumps.

joined Jul 17, 2016

Man this chapter was cute af but the scene when they're leaving could be some dark foreshadowing or something

joined Mar 22, 2015

Raw for this month is out:

Yuu held Touko's hand & "we can't stay this way." I'm having a moment. Also, Yuu looks so happy the entire chapter ; ;

EDIT: Oh btw, I notice something. Between this chap & chap 13, it seems like both Touko & Yuu are happiest when they get wet together.


Great pun. ;D

joined May 19, 2016

I'm not ready

joined Dec 18, 2016

Man this chapter was cute af but the scene when they're leaving could be some dark foreshadowing or something

The train scene is p much a parallel to chap 13, so I see it more as a positive thing. Further shows that Yuu is now very resolved to help Touko rather than be comfortable w/ the status quo like before.

Rlly love how Nakatani handles the end of the date

Touko: I wish this will never end
Yuu: It's... the exit
Me: Muh kokoro

You can interpret this as some dark foreshadowing, but for now, I'll just appreciate it as a really nice depiction of the lingering emotion both feel towards the date.

last edited at Jul 27, 2017 4:05AM

joined Jul 17, 2016

Man this chapter was cute af but the scene when they're leaving could be some dark foreshadowing or something

The train scene is p much a parallel to chap 13, so I see it more as a positive thing. Further shows that Yuu is now very resolved to help Touko rather than be comfortable w/ the status quo like before.

Rlly love how Nakatani handles the end of the date

Touko: I wish this will never end
Yuu: It's... the exit
Me: Muh kokoro

You can interpret this as some dark foreshadowing, but for now, I'll just appreciate it as a really nice depiction of the lingering emotion both feel towards the date.

Spoiler alert, I don't know how to use tags here ,,
Well there's also the" It's not bad if she stays asleep like this"at the end and the next thing that happens is that they have to leave because they arrived to their station. Even the line "it can't stay like this" says it. These implications can be either negative or positive, but the thing it foreshadows is that their current relationship will change.
I agree that Yuu did seem disappointed when she saw the exit sign though. But this can have a symbolic meaning as well.
Btw, is it just me or they gave each other phone pendants? ;w;

last edited at Jul 27, 2017 4:40AM

joined Dec 18, 2016

Spoiler alert, I don't know how to use tags here ,,
Well there's also the" It's not bad if she stays asleep like this"at the end and the next thing that happens is that they have to leave because they arrived to their station. Even the line "it can't stay like this" says it. These implications can be either negative or positive, but the thing it foreshadows is that their current relationship will change.
I agree that Yuu did seem disappointed when she saw the exit sign though. But this can have a symbolic meaning as well.

Yuu's decision to help Touko is definitely gonna affect their current relationship, there's no denying that. But you're right, it could be for better or for worse. Either Yuu's plan will help Touko open up to her feelings so she can return Yuu's or Touko'll end her relationship with Yuu for good since she won't be needing it for emotional relief anymore. I think Yuu knows the risk behind her decision all too well & I think this chap depicts that. According to the summary of the chap on /u/, Yuu basically questioned Touko's love for her when she said that she wants to go on more dates since she likes Yuu. Ofc, we have the end of the date w/ Yuu deciding to wake Touko up instead of continuing this happy moment w/ Touko on her shoulder since "we can't stay like this," unlike in chap 13. Yuu is definitely aware of the possibility that she'll lose everything she has w/ Touko, but she prefers that over remaining in the status quo & letting Touko continue to suffer. I'm not denying that this chap might be a dark foreshadowing, but it could very well be just a good reflection of Yuu's resolve & a reminder of the weighing risk behind her decision like how last chap is a reminder of the weight of Touko's problem w/ her possible suicidal thoughts & may or may not be an actual foreshadowing. Lots of stakes involve & this series can end either way. That's what makes it an interesting read. I think it's better for us to sit back & watch how this will all play out for now than getting too worried over how there're dark implications everywhere since I don't think they'll go away till the very end lol

Btw, is it just me or they gave each other phone pendants? ;w;

Yeah, they bought & exchanged almost matching phone straps. It's adorable ><

last edited at Jul 27, 2017 12:41PM

joined Jul 4, 2017

Raw for this month is out:

Bless you.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Just wanna start a discussion on the train imagery in this series. It's been a recurring imagery in this series since vol 1 & I'm still not exactly 100% sure about the meaning behind it.

So, the first time the train appears is in ch 2 when they first kiss (Touko is trying to make it clear to Yuu that she likes her sexually). The train basically passes by, separating the 2 from all the ppl on the other side, leaving them in their own little world basically.
Then it appears again in ch 10 when Yuu confronts Touko & learns the truth about Touko's problem how she'd rather die than be herself. The train passes & intensifies the tension between them. Here, it seems like it embodies the gap (in understanding) between the 2 that Yuu only starts to realize.
In ch 22, we get a shot of the railway signal. Yuu confronts Touko again, now w/ more resolve & better understanding of Touko's problem, & no train passes by.
In ch 23, Touko is at the train station right next to the empty train track (also note the sign that says "Non-trop train to the final destination"), completely lost & confused about her life (& possibly suicidal). But Yuu manages to reach out to her through text, which helps comfort her. No train passes by here either.
Then in this chap, they are on the train heading home from the date & Yuu wakes Touko up & says "It's time to change train" & this is paired w/ Yuu's resolve that the current stage of their relationship can't go on forever.

So far it is obvious that the train serves as a mark of major developments in Touko & Yuu's relationship as well as their relationship dynamics. Direction & change are two things I can come up w/ that it can embody. Though I also notice the ideas of distance & understanding as well. I haven't come up w/ anything solid yet, sorry if this is just a stupid & vague af rambling lol

Edit: Another interpretation is maybe the idea of catching the right moment.

TL;DR What are your thoughts on train?

last edited at Jul 29, 2017 5:15AM

Norainhere Uploader
joined Jun 27, 2014

I just love this manga so much. I can't really analyze it nearly as well as Gudetamago, though. It's just the way Nakatani Nao makes me feel tense - like even throughout the fluffiness of most of this chapter, I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. And I'm really conflicted too, like I understand what the story's saying about how the way they are now can't last but another part of me just loves how sweet they are together, even if their relationship is a bit screwed up.

Also I can confirm, flapjack octopus are very cute.

joined Jul 28, 2016

You know, I've always dreamed of being a writer, but I know for sure that I can't subtly weave symbols into anything I write like Nakatani Nio does (and, really, any other half-decent writer...) I mean, there are many other issues with my writing, but that's one of the main problems anyway. I actually find reading analyses fun so that I can make sense of all the symbolism and whatever else I missed when I was reading, which is why I love the whole train motif in this thing that Gudetamago pointed out. One thing being used to symbolize many different things over the course of a story is always a sign of decent writing to me (but, yeah, that's just my viewpoint, it's probably wrong).

Also, I love how pissed off Yuu got after Touko asked what a flapjack octopus was. "I can't believe you!"

last edited at Jul 29, 2017 11:25AM

joined Sep 18, 2014

TL;DR What are your thoughts on train?

Nice eye! Unfortunately, Makoto Shinkai made me hate trains.

Trains as symbols can mean a lot:

  • Train tracks separate two people; usually used for bad endings or star-crossed lovers. In the Chapter 2 case, it is used to separate them from the others/the outside world. This means that the Touko that kissed Yuu is her own self and not the one she created to be like her sister.

  • Passing trains usually indicate passage of time in an otherwise still moment. In the Yuu-Touko case, it seems to indicate that Touko is basically living in stopped time while the outside continues on. Also, the river scene is also quite meaningful. Rivers are usually related to the underworld due to various legends about it around the world. And heroes do come and go out to the underworld for their own loved ones. Here, Touko is basically in her own personal underworld, of which she cannot move out. Yuu crossing the river to her and staying, denotes her wish to accompany her, regardless of her situation.

  • Trains in particular also denotes progress. In Chapter 23, it is related to the river scene and their relationship at this point. In case of the latest chapter, they are moving together to a certain destination, but changing trains also means changing the destination as well.

last edited at Jul 29, 2017 12:12PM

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