Forum › Akuma no Riddle discussion

joined Mar 10, 2016

1 year after meeting Akuma no riddle for the first time, today i finally readed the final chapter and ended my journey with the title. I must say i have really mixed feelings, we actually got a proper yuri ending, which makes all of us happy, but knowing how it REALLY is the last chapter and its so rushed it's a bit disappointing. I already knew it was only 16 pages but i kind of was waiting for these pages to be better used, like many have said here, it's not that it was bad, it's just that it could've be WAY better. Anyway, not gonna lie, Haruki x Isuke cannon was the best shot, im also happy Sumireko and Banba are living together now(and from the moment Sumi-chan liking Banba is cannon, we all know they will hook up) and of course, Tokaku and Haru proper kissed this time :D, but once again, the ending sees like more a teaser to a second season(who knows?!). It's sad to say farewell, but it's finally the end of Akuma no Riddle.

last edited at Dec 1, 2016 10:26PM

joined Jun 11, 2016

I couldn't agree more my friend :D ANR may be over but I will always know it as the series that got me obsessed with Yuri. Also, There are tons of other Yuri series out there to read ! And we still have Minakata Sunao's Next work to look forward to ;)

last edited at Dec 2, 2016 8:08PM

joined Sep 21, 2014

Is it gonna be about the pos-graduates or the new Class Black, peeps?

That's what we've been reading just now

joined Jul 15, 2016

Is it gonna be about the pos-graduates or the new Class Black, peeps?

Doesn't that just say that the final bounded volume is coming out in December? Chapter 47 is volume 5 finale, at least according to the Dynasty Reader.

joined Jul 23, 2016

Isuke and Haruki are so hot together <3 Also Totaku is looking good with the long hair, pretty neat wrap up could do with more tho.

joined Sep 30, 2014

So in the end nothing changed besides the fact they are doing it together?

joined Aug 24, 2016

boy the ending to the manga was way better than the anime's

joined Nov 20, 2015

Hoo.. I like the ending... Curry rice again, huh? Ahaha.. Sweet n funny..

joined Aug 24, 2016

anyone else notice the rings on haruki and isuke in the end

joined Jun 11, 2016

anyone else notice the rings on haruki and isuke in the end

"It mean's that they finger each other"
-Anonymous person from 4chan

joined Jan 17, 2014

Chairwoman Yuri managed to arrange rooms in a class of female assassins in a way that 4 couples were made.
I think she deserves some props for that.

joined Jan 25, 2017

I finally got around to reading this. I guess I'm not going to make friends here, but I have no idea what the fuss was about.
The art was gorgeous, the characters were really interesting and in itself the plot was too.
Except the writing sucked from beginning to end (alright, alright: mostly sucked). Which is a real shame with so many great characters to make use of.
And of course that part really pissed me off "If I fell in love with you on my own then I can kill you". Sure, that's true but... I don't know, you could also, not?
In all honesty the only reason I'm bothering to write a post about it is that I'm sad. It could have been so, so good but turns out it's just a random shonen with a dash of yuri on top.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Seven Seas finally finished publishing this series on english so I was finally able to read the whole series.

Honestly, it feels that by the end they wrote themselves on a corner because that was a pretty contrived finale. I appreciate the yuri and the art is great but the writing was pretty weak overall. I dunno if in hands of a better writer could've been improved or not but there's clear glimpses of a better story underneath. Probably removing the "characters go after failing" would've been a smart choice. I mean, you get good backstories just for the characters drop from the story as soon as you get to know them better and Haru being pretty underwhelming as lead didn't make the story any favors.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Seven Seas finally finished publishing this series on english so I was finally able to read the whole series.

Honestly, it feels that by the end they wrote themselves on a corner because that was a pretty contrived finale. I appreciate the yuri and the art is great but the writing was pretty weak overall. I dunno if in hands of a better writer could've been improved or not but there's clear glimpses of a better story underneath. Probably removing the "characters go after failing" would've been a smart choice. I mean, you get good backstories just for the characters drop from the story as soon as you get to know them better and Haru being pretty underwhelming as lead didn't make the story any favors.

From my perspective it's more along the lines of the side stories turned out to be more interesting then Haru herself untill we got her story in a dump where it would have been much stronger had they slowly gave you the information like tokaku where you get small bits of her past that make the final here's her story thing more rewarding. Haru should have had more time in the story where she looked back at how she came to be while tokaku was out doing whatever she does. But it's just really hard to give equal treatment to a double lead like this without doing a perspective shift mid way or bouncing back and forth. But then it hard to not make it confusing especially when one of the 2 is clearly more important to the action elements.

joined Jun 11, 2016

Without a doubt I completely agree that the story could definitely have been better. If you ask me, the Small Riddle doujins better then the story itself. I don't see them as side stories but more as a continuation in a way. They all focus on each different assassin and add background on them that we never had in the official series. It's a bit hard to describe actually but It’s a bit like the movie 11:14 (highly recommend that movie btw) where this one catastrophic event takes place at 11:14 and the movie goes through the different POV’s of all the people who were major witnesses to it. This series is kinda like the same thing. Akuma No Riddle is like the event and the doujins describe it in….well…I wouldn’t really say POV’s bit goes into each character's motives/mindsets during what was happening. It also describes what happened afterwords and it also answers the question of “what do the characters do next now that it’s over?” this question is answered very poorly in both the anime and the manga, but The Small Riddle doujins answer this perfectly.

Or at least that’s how I view it.

joined Jul 13, 2016

I'm confused about Chapter 25 how Chitaru and Kirigaya both died. I get that Chitaru stabs Kirigaya, but I don't quite understand what happens to Chitaru she just suddenly lies there, would appreciate it if someone could clarify it . Have been lately watching the anime so I'm comparing stuff atm especially regarding kirigaya x chitaru since I love the pairing.I loved the double suicide in the anime, where Kirigaya thrusts her body into the knife and Chitaru drinking the poison but in comparison to the manga it was lacking Yuri especially because Kirigayas confession/kiss was not involved.

joined Jun 11, 2016

Well, I assume that the same thing happened here as it did in the anime. Chitaru drank the poison after stabbing Kirigaya.

last edited at Aug 20, 2017 3:22PM

joined Jul 13, 2016

Well, I assume that the same thing happened here as it did in the anime. Chitaru drank the poison after stabbing Kirigaya.

Thanks, guess you're right god bless those two

joined Nov 4, 2017

I wanna cry.

joined Feb 4, 2016

My opinon about Akuma no Riddle [SPOILERS] <----------

Akuma no Riddle didn't met my expectations, at all. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this manga is poop, I kinda like it, but I can't help but feel it was false advertising. Let me explain: The synopsis says that is a class full of assassins targeting a single girl to get the "wish what you want" prize. This prize is a big deal, right?

The first few chapters (or the first episode of the anime if you want to consider it) we are introduced to all this cool and badass characters, so I got really excited and I had really high expectations in all of the characters. But MOST (not all) of them fell flat... what a disappointment... Can you really blame me for have high expectations for these girls? They all start acting tough and like they were a big deal... but most of them sucks...

Gonna quickly talk about the assassins.

1- Takechi (scissors girl) - Unlike most of the girls, she was a real threat... But still, kinda lame the fact that she barely did any damage on Haru, since she's a sadistc psycho and all that... But okay, she was the first girl to try kill Haru... So I didn't expect her to cut off Haru's arm or something... an Okay start in my opinion.... Just okay...

2- Kouko (bomb girl) - The BIGGEST disappointment EVER! She was acting all tough and serious, but in reality, she is just a clumsy girl that can't do anything right... Yeah, she sucks...

3- Shiena (the other girl wiht glasses) - Second big disappointment. She didn't really had the chance to do anything. She got knocked out and that's it... Waste of time...

4- Chitaru (the lolicon) - She has no business with Haru, and her objective was one of the others assassins girls. I did liked this "twist"... I'm okay with her... and her death was tragic... righttttttttttttttttttttttttttt?

5- Hitsugi (the loli) - Kinda like her crush with Chitaru... Cute and all that... I like cute things. And I liked the "dillema plot" with Chitaru. I'm okay with her... and her death was tragic... righttttttttttttttttttttttttttt?

6- Haruki (cliche girl) - The most bland of them all. Guess what, she have lots of brothers and sisters to take care of... Wow, how original.... Not at all, I'm SICK of this trend. And the dumbass almost killed herself... it goes a little against the "I'm doing this to sustain my huge family" bs motive. Guess what, you can't sustain your family if you are dead.

7- Suzu (young forever) - Kinda like the idea of a "game" to kill Haru. Reminds me of the Saw movie series. XD Not much to say about her. She's okay.

8- Banba (2 for 1 combo) - Another big disappointment, She seems the biggest threat. But she got her ASS KICKED by Haru. Shame on you!

9- Isuke (gay parents) - Another bland girl. Sorry I didn't like her very much. She have a knife, she talks a lot and her attitude annoys me.

10- Sumireko (prosthesis girl) - At this point, most of the girls sucked ass... I can accept anything... It was a fresh air to see a girl that was a real threat again... Yeah, I know, that super prosthesis is over the top as fuck... But whatever... I don't care anymore...

11- Nio (my waifu) - She is my favorite. I still gonna criticize her... C'mon... Magical tattos? "Well, actually, to be fair, it's a illusion caused by..." Nah, don't come with that bs excuse.... It's magic... It create that silly cenario of "OMG, who is the REAL Azuma now?"...

And that was the assassins in general. There is more to talk about each one, but this post has gone far enough XD So, why Akuma no Riddle is false advertising? Let me answer my own question: It's a history about a bunch of fake tough assassins sucking ass all long. And for a history about assassins, is funny that NO ONE died... That's right, Chitaru and Hitsugi didn't died... they were saved by... Umm... Errmm... Yeah, that's it, they were saved by the power of LOVE baby.
I don't want a bloodbath... But when no one dies in a history about assassins it really kills all the tension in it, cuz you know that there is no real risk...

"Wow, Komugi, it seems that you really hate Akuma no Riddle", not really, I'm just criticizing... Does not really means I hate it. In fact, there a lot of thing I like, for instance: The Azuma x Haru duo, most of the ships provided, my waifu Nio, and I know that lots of people HATED the "Queen Bee" stuff of Haru, but I really buy it, It makes sense to me. And has caused a tension between Haru x Azuma.
That's all I have to say. If you read it till the end, thank you and sorry for my awful english (not english speaker)
Btw, it's just my opinion.

last edited at Dec 12, 2017 10:21AM

joined Jun 11, 2016

I found myself agreeing with some of your criticisms of the series. I actually agree 100% with the fact that the lack of deaths was pretty disappointing, I think that if Chitaru and Hitsugi really did stay dead then the series would've been a lot better. But I'm going to have to completely disagree on the characters. Imo, the series's greatest strength is the characters. I found myself liking them more and more as I read the series. Yeah, they aren't the most well developed characters in all of manga, But I'd say their interactions and how well they play off each other are when they really shine.

last edited at Dec 12, 2017 5:25PM

joined Oct 18, 2017

I'm still at chapter 5. Long way to go for me. :) But thank you for the heads up. I am not reading this literally. For if I will, the plot itself is pretty stupid for me. However, I do not. It is obvious for me that everything is a metaphor as indicated by the "fill-in-the-blank or finish-the-sentence" game. Forgiveness, hatred, hurt, anger, revenge, cruelness,injustice and analogous terms interplay in this story. Each character has a story to tell and how forgiveness is vital in the healing process. You talked about the two girls who died. I guess I had an idea why the author let them die. :) But anyway, I will continue to read this.

joined Feb 4, 2016

I found myself agreeing with some of your criticisms of the series. I actually agree 100% with the fact that the lack of deaths was pretty disappointing, I think that if Chitaru and Hitsugi really did stay dead then the series would've been a lot better.

Yeah, their death was touching, but when we found out later that they are still alive... It made all my feelings about it fade away...

But I'm going to have to completely disagree on the characters. Imo, the series's greatest strength is the characters. I found myself liking them more and more as I read the series. Yeah, they aren't the most well developed characters in all of manga, But I'd say their interactions and how well they play off each other are when they really shine.

For some of the characters I focused more on their attempt to kill Haru, because that's what drew me to Akuma no Riddle. That synopsis was worthy of an action movie.

But you totally right about the interactions between the characters. For instance, I said that Banba got her ass kicked by Haru (And she really got it). But I loved her interaction with Sumireko. Surimeko is a rich girl that has her own fancy school desk, but I think she really cares about Mahiru, even when Mahiru turns into Shinya, Surimeko invited her for a delightful tea. And I like how Shinya is not just a crazy edgy girl, you still can have a normal conversation with her just like that tea scene.

Some of the others girls have cool interactions with each other.

joined Feb 4, 2016

I'm still at chapter 5. Long way to go for me. :) But thank you for the heads up. I am not reading this literally. For if I will, the plot itself is pretty stupid for me. However, I do not. It is obvious for me that everything is a metaphor as indicated by the "fill-in-the-blank or finish-the-sentence" game. Forgiveness, hatred, hurt, anger, revenge, cruelness,injustice and analogous terms interplay in this story. Each character has a story to tell and how forgiveness is vital in the healing process.

At first I watched Akuma no Riddle waiting for an action yuri. I didn't had a mind set for metaphorical stuff. I waited for a breathtaken action and intrigue with yuri on the mix. I waited for real deaths in this assassins history. I didn't received all that, but I didn't hated what I got either.

You talked about the two girls who died. I guess I had an idea why the author let them die. :) But anyway, I will continue to read this.

But they didn't die. They were fine at the end (SPOILERS)

joined Oct 18, 2017

But they didn't die. They were fine at the end

But they did since the death is a symbolism. And I have an idea why the author did it. I am now in chap. 22 and within these chapters, other assassins only failed but survived. Chitaru has no reason to kill Haru, right?So, why?... I will continue reading to find out if my reason/s is/are correct and validate my hypotheses on this story. Heads up, I won't be commenting in here until I'd finished reading. :)

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