Forum › Lonely Kagamin discussion

joined Dec 19, 2015

This is the most heartbreaking story of all time, but I'm glad Konata and Kagami are living together

joined Apr 12, 2016

This was...something else, I guess. It would actually be alright if it was an original doujin, but since the source material was so different in terms of tone, the mood whiplash prevented me from fully acknowledging what was going on or from really letting the depressing events sink in. It was just a weird read overall to see characters from a light-hearted show go through this stuff without some transition in terms of tonality. In my mind it just went from really light-hearted to really depressing right off the bat.
It somehow pisses me off too that people would think Konata's mouth shape would be weird. IT'S ADORABLE YOU JERKS!

EDIT: I also agree that it's OTT angst and the characters were OOC. I can't imagine this happening in any way even in an AU or What-if scenario. Even then, This manga overall still made me feel uncomfortable even with the happy ending.

last edited at Apr 20, 2016 1:52PM

joined Dec 20, 2015

Why didn't anyone point out that Tsukasa became a lil' asshole?

joined Dec 31, 2015

Wow, a depressing story extended from Lucky Star? Totally a minority here, but I like it!

joined Dec 19, 2015

Wow, a depressing story extended from Lucky Star? Totally a minority here, but I like it!

I agree with you

joined Jul 15, 2016

The first half of this doujin is one of the best depictions of the quiet -- and therefore almost untreatable -- depression I have ever read. Only the first chapter of "The Private Report..." depicts it more auhtentically, and that one is autobiographical...

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

there's some yaoi on page 10
this was the ORIGINAL ending but then, the author received death threats and had to change it

Death threats? wouldn't give death threats for that, I mean a true ending is better than some made up one right? Sorry for being real here but, gay confessions irl probably don't go well like in manga, people these days are so brutal ('''-_-)

last edited at Jun 16, 2017 11:14AM

joined Jan 17, 2017


joined May 11, 2017

I like the Clannad references

joined Oct 17, 2016

So, page 26 was the original ending? Anyhow, I actually like the story, but it just feels tooooo off.Its hard to trancend from a CGDCT SoL parody anime to a aaangst manga with a way too realistic serious setting.

joined May 28, 2018

When i fist read it and reach the p26, i stayed crying for a fews minutes, then continued reading and really liked the end.
Dont know why people dont like it, its one of my favorites, its cute and have happy ending, for me dont need anything else.

As long as yuri ends yuri its will be good

joined Jan 9, 2017

Still one og my favourite Pieces of fan content

Nguyễn Tấn Phúc
joined May 18, 2019

Damn I'm crying

joined Jul 6, 2014

Remains a classic, this one. The loneliness is described so accurately and painfully

joined Dec 4, 2013

Lonely Kagamin is one of the things that started turning my life to yuri before I even knew what that was. It had so much emotional impact on me (and I figured out it wasn't just the depression, but the yuri itself, a word I didn't even know at the time) that I had to find more that would do the same. So it will always be special to me.

last edited at Nov 11, 2021 11:19PM

joined Mar 27, 2021

Lonely Kagamin is one of the things that started turning my life to yuri before I even knew what that was. It had so much emotional impact on me (and I figured out it wasn't just the depression, but the yuri itself, a word I didn't even know at the time) that I had to find more that would do the same. So it will always be special to me.

Not sure why, but I like hearing things like this from people; what makes something special to them. Thanks for sharing.

joined Apr 21, 2016

Glad I found this again, I was starting to think I hallucinated it back in the day.

Now I'm here thinking about the way my whole generation used moefluff girls to process the worst shit in our lives because it was the only emotional language we'd found.

last edited at Jun 20, 2023 8:28AM

joined Mar 13, 2024

Tbf, if I had read this when I was younger, and the whole thing was presumably unfinished, first I would've felt awfully sad n stuff, and then angry ASF, I mean come on, you can't deny them the romance...
Anyhow, if the author allegedly received death treats and the likes idk, but glad we got a peaceful ending, I'm just happy my mental fortitude could've handle it even if it ended sadge

joined Mar 26, 2014
this was the ORIGINAL ending but then, the author received death threats and had to change it

Holy crap! I think you're right. Cause I definitely remember reading this in school or something. I mean I'd believe it.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Also this comic kinda influenced middle school me into that kinda harm cause I was convinced that it was the ultimate cry for help and that someone would comfort me. It wasn't all bad. Barely a papercut deep. But honestly if anyone were looking out for me at that time then I wouldn't have had the time nor the desire to do it. My home life was rough y'all. This comic even after all this time. I'm 26 now. Is still ringing true for me. It's lonely as adult. And no one wants to be your friend. Dude, not even my German pen pal writes me back and we meet through animo (online dammn it). Anyway, sorry for my rant. Just wanted to share. Don't cut, kids. It's not fun or good for you.
Also my older sister told me to never do it again. She was the only to care. And true to my word I never have. I was not very good at it anyway.

joined Oct 19, 2022

Reading the comments was certainly interesting, this has honestly always been one of my favorite doujins, im suprised so many people dislike it. I mean, I understand... It is certainly OOC, but this story is kind of a comfort one for me and i think it being characters i care about helps. I come back to it on nights like these when I'm not feeling too great. The first parts are a really good depiction of loneliness, its just expressed so well to me, and man the page when it was all a dream for a moment, all too relatable T_T

last edited at Feb 17, 2025 3:54AM

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