Just a thought, but I get the feeling that Nagisa sent Ayane the photo she secretly took while kissing Misaki. Or Ayane was hiding in the closet :P
The relationship with Nagisa wasn't all that healthy either and she was kind of controlling.
Unless Nagisa already knew something about Ayane or her intentions. In that case her behavior would make sense. Perhaps there's some history between them that a sequel would reveal.
In that case and considering some of Misaki's behavior, it is plausible that on some level Misaki was looking for a reason to end the relationship with Nagisa.
If not, Nagisa would still be unfairly distrusting of Misaki as it would imply that she believes Misaki wouldn't or can't turn down advances from other people. If my girlfriend felt that way about me, I'd be upset as in the end it still means she doesn't trust me. Going further, it would hurt knowing that she believes that I can't handle myself.
To truly justify Nagisa's behavior towards Misaki, there would be something that Nagisa honestly could hold Misaki at fault for. In the end, it's an unhealthy relationship as either Nagisa doesn't trust Misaki (right or wrong) or Misaki is in some manner not being completely faithful.
I'd love to see a sequel to iron these things out.
last edited at Mar 5, 2017 2:17AM