Washio, Kotooka and Shiratori are their last names right?
It threw me off a bit, I hadn't realised that although Kotooka calls the two others by Nadeshiko and Tsukasa, Washio and Shiratori call the each other (Kotooka included) by their last names still. I wonder how that portrays their familiarity with each other, or it's just how it is, that they have different levels of comfort
It seems a little slow paced, nothing much happened between them/advanced any relationship between the three, aside from Shiratori spotting Washio in chapter 1. However, finding out that Shiratori was a tomboy, and still sorta is +ace at soccer wins point from me, she looked pretty damn cool ❤ I wouldn't have expected that from her, maybe that's why it impressed me so much, plus that girls who are good at sports/athletic are p cool in general. Oh, that explains why in ch1, when she ran after Kotooka, why Washio had a hard time catching up.
I generally see twintails as a pretty girly hairstyle, wouldn't have expected Washio to the cooler character either. She's always so calm and composed (when not caught off guard with feels) and seems pretty gallant. I like the cool types (◡‿◡✿) Seeing her drawn like this was awesome ❤
Each of them seems to be pretty different than what I'd think their character designs would suggest, Kotooka's probs gonna be different somehow too, cus so far, we haven't seen much depth from her, aside from that one really scary face she made, tho it was followed by a teary face so maybe it wasn't meant to mean much
esp. with stupid glasses.
And the hate on glasses continues