Forum › Dynasty Cafe: A Home for Off-Topic Discussion where everyone's welcome! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

joined Jan 2, 2014

cool thank you very much anyone play Shadow Warrior 2 it looks really freaking fun anyone here play it

joined Feb 3, 2015


... what to say... Hugs
I was expecting a different outcome..., but you have the chance to get the best of the situation and make your inner world a more peaceful place, I guess.
And I'm going back to uni next year ,we both should work hard now, sis!!
You know my Ukrainian friend - she studies abroad and at some point she had to take a year off uni so that she could go back to Ukraine and spent a year working whatever jobs available in order to continue her education... It wasn't easy for her, but now she is back on track: she has just started from where she left her studies, she is extremely happy^_^, has a more mature outlook on life and her mind is set on the future :)
So you never know ;)

last edited at Oct 17, 2016 8:44AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ That's actually something that is very good to hear, glad that someone is having a nice day out there ^ O ^

And yeah @Galich, always look on the brighter side of things :D

joined Feb 3, 2015


Don't know, but one thing is for sure: we both need a little more confidence and self-esteem ;)

We are much alike... If you have any idea how to get what we need - pls tell me because I'm at a loss...

She sometimes is but I actually kind of like that about her. Not her being sick but her coming to me whenever something is wrong with her. When she's looking for help, she comes to me – I just wish I could understand her better...

She is your baby ^_^ and she comes to you :)
How is she doing? Any progress?
I was wondering what's the story behind your tiny family - did you chose her as your dog, or it was a mutual love at first sight^^

Can't say that enough, so thank you again! It really means a lot to me! You're a very kind person. Don't ever change that!

Hey, I haven't done anything, really^^
And she is a lovely canine damsel in distress!

If he can't even take a gay dog then that kinda sounds depressing... I'm sure that's tough for you as well...

Oh, I will live :) but he won't be honored to see some of my true colors any time soon xD

Since we are looking for good news - I've lost 2 kg ^^ only 10 more to go xD

last edited at Oct 17, 2016 9:18AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

If you have any idea how to get what we need - pls tell me because I'm at a loss..

We need to find our source of strength! ٩(。•ω•。)و

How is she doing? Any progress?

The vet gave her some antibiotics on Saturday. I felt that she did a little better yesterday. I hope it will continue like that.
But it seems she didn't stomach the pain meds she got very well.
Shortly after I fell asleep yesterday she woke me up again. I thought that maybe she was hungry so I went to get her something to eat and when I came back I saw some dark stains in my bed. I turned on the light and saw that it was blood... (Ç_ç)
So I panicked – again – of course. But when I took a closer look at her I couldn't determine were it came from. And she seemed to be doing fine (within the boundaries of her current state).
Stuff like that always happens in the middle of the night, of course... T_T
But then I read that the pain killers I was to start giving her that day can cause gastrointestinal bleedings... so no more pain meds for her. Luckily it wasn't much blood and it seems to have stopped....
My poor little doggie!!!

I was wondering what's the story behind your tiny family - did you chose her as your dog, or it was a mutual love at first sight^^

Oh... to tell you the truth, that poor little thing never had a choice! ^^ She was born into this family.
My mom owned her mother. And she had 4 babies. 3 boys and a girl. I loved them all but she was special somehow because she never acted like your typical dog ^^
And she was the first one in the gang to do everything. She was the first one to try to walk. She was the most curious one. She was also the bravest! (^__^)
She was just soooo cute! Well, they all were cute but I don't know, she was just my favorite. Probably because she was so eccentric.
When her brothers tried to play fetch, she snatched their toys, dragged them into her bed and sat on them (≧◡≦) That little spoilsport! ;)
Her brothers also had this slim build and an elegant walk and she looked a little sturdier and walked like a cowboy with bowlegs ^^
She stomped like a little elephant while her brothers hovered around like little princes.
Don't know what to say, she's just lovely. Couldn't resist her charm! (ˆ⌣ˆ)b

Hey, I haven't done anything, really^^

You were there. That's more than anyone could ever ask for ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)

Oh, I will live :) but he won't be honored to see some of my true colors any time soon xD

Well, there's no rush. But I'm sure he'll be able to accept you the way you are. It actually means that you two have more in common. You both like girls! ^^b

Since we are looking for good news - I've lost 2 kg ^^ only 10 more to go xD

Nice! Keep up the hard work! (^_^)b
(Unless you're anorexic – then please stop immediately! (◦’ںˉ◦) )

joined Jun 14, 2015

Sorry to hear about all your guys' woes. It makes me sad to see my buddies down in the dumps like me :(. Hoping to apply for a job at a convenience store next month when I'm 19 (state law says that's how old I have to be to handle alcohol). Because I decided not to go to college right away, I had to spend like over 6 months after graduating mid-term making phone call after phone call trying to get meetings set up. I guess I could've applied to somewhere right away, but I have benefitted greatly because of my job coach and my first job at Office Max. Basically what I learned is that retail is not for me. I have so many great advantages at my disposal due to my ASD diagnosis, but I have to deal with so many incompetent/overworked/busy as hell people that it drives me crazy. It seems like all I do is self-advocate. But I digress, it's too much to divulge into. Basically all I'm saying is that there's been way too much waiting on my part and staying at home doing nothing has been a bummer. It's kind of funny. The whole time I was in high school and middle school, I wished I could stay home all day and play video games and stuff. Now that I actually have a chance to do that, I'm on and off between miserable and satisfied. It's like I have to distract myself from being depressed.

EDIT: I realize you guys may not be "down in the dumps" per se, but some negative stuff is happening and I don't like that. Also, I made a post like 4 or 5 pages ago, but I get if you didn't see it. It's not like I put a giant exclamation differentiating it (something along the lines of HUZZAH! or something, I dunno I forgot). #sarcasm

last edited at Oct 17, 2016 6:29PM

joined Oct 4, 2016

I have a question about how the site works.

Let us say PURELY HYPOTHETICALLY that someone had an image they wanted to be considered for upload to Dynasty Scans. How would they go about submitting that image for consideration? Are there rules or guidelines pictures must follow?

I'm asking for a friend, natch.

joined Oct 4, 2016

Ta muchly.

joined Dec 24, 2014


I saw the post :p

And on a more positive note, I only have 6 weeks until I am done with this job \(^o^)/

last edited at Oct 17, 2016 8:41PM

joined Jan 2, 2014

just saw that max steel movie it is the definition of a beautiful tragedy

joined Feb 14, 2016

Sometimes I just get dpf's attention on IRC and he uploads stuff

joined Sep 6, 2016

Has anyone seen Yurikuma Arashi? I just finished it and it was pretty trippy-ish at first almost reminded me of Madoka a bit. At first I didn't think I'd like it and it was kind of jarring but In the end I kind of like their nonlinear way of story telling.

Yeah, I've seen it. At first I had a problem with Killing off sumika and replacing her with ginko at the beginning. But I came to like the change at episode 12. Also I don't get why people just turned away from this series. Were getting full-on yuri without any Subtext,Crossdressing,Bait & Switch, or any other of that bullshit. And people just drop it all because it's "to hard to follow".

Idk about other people. But really liked it. A new and refreshing concept was introduced. I really like how much they metaphorically showed the series as to opinion of society on yuri.

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Anon

We need to find our source of strength! ٩(。•ω•。)و

I need a strength strength, a strength is what I need
hey, hey
well I need a strength strength, a strength is what I need
hey, hey... ♬♬

Shortly after I fell asleep yesterday she woke me up again. I thought that maybe she was hungry so I went to get her something to eat and when I came back I saw some dark stains in my bed. I turned on the light and saw that it was blood... (Ç_ç)

that's horrible, who wouldn't freak out on seeing blood stains in these conditions?!
why do they prescribe such medication when she already has enough strain on her digestive tract?
poor thing indeed! the little fighter!

Oh... to tell you the truth, that poor little thing never had a choice! ^^ She was born into this family.
My mom owned her mother. And she had 4 babies. 3 boys and a girl. I loved them all but she was special somehow because she never acted like your typical dog ^^

How cute :) So she is your little eccentric sister! A lady with character!^_^
No wonder the two of you get on so well :)
She will spend many more years with you!

once a stray kitten chose me when she came to our door... she turned out to be a real devil xD

You were there. That's more than anyone could ever ask for ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)

I think you are the kind one here!

Well, there's no rush. But I'm sure he'll be able to accept you the way you are. It actually means that you two have more in common. You both like girls! ^^b

we will see... he is too stubborn.

(Unless you're anorexic – then please stop immediately! (◦’ںˉ◦) )

hahaha, the opposite... I let myself put on some extra weight and now I can't button up my favorite shirts :( ..which means going shopping for new ones and it would be annoying xD

joined Feb 3, 2015


My birthday is in exactly a month. Currently no plans, don't even really know what I'm going to get. So there's that.

a delicious birthday cake!! ^_^

Finally, I bring up a discussion topic. Did you go to homecoming/prom? If so, what are some notable moments?

I went to the prom when I graduated from high school.. but it was 6 years ago xD
the most notable is that after the prom I didn't have the occasion to meet many people... and I didn't mind that ;)

joined Dec 24, 2014

First thing of work, travel from one end of the island to another by train to get some papers signed…

Aw well, at least it's somewhat fun.

joined May 21, 2016

Sorry to hear about all your guys' woes. It makes me sad to see my buddies down in the dumps like me :(. Hoping to apply for a job at a convenience store next month when I'm 19 (state law says that's how old I have to be to handle alcohol). Because I decided not to go to college right away, I had to spend like over 6 months after graduating mid-term making phone call after phone call trying to get meetings set up. I guess I could've applied to somewhere right away, but I have benefitted greatly because of my job coach and my first job at Office Max. Basically what I learned is that retail is not for me. I have so many great advantages at my disposal due to my ASD diagnosis, but I have to deal with so many incompetent/overworked/busy as hell people that it drives me crazy. It seems like all I do is self-advocate. But I digress, it's too much to divulge into. Basically all I'm saying is that there's been way too much waiting on my part and staying at home doing nothing has been a bummer. It's kind of funny. The whole time I was in high school and middle school, I wished I could stay home all day and play video games and stuff. Now that I actually have a chance to do that, I'm on and off between miserable and satisfied. It's like I have to distract myself from being depressed.

EDIT: I realize you guys may not be "down in the dumps" per se, but some negative stuff is happening and I don't like that. Also, I made a post like 4 or 5 pages ago, but I get if you didn't see it. It's not like I put a giant exclamation differentiating it (something along the lines of HUZZAH! or something, I dunno I forgot). #sarcasm

I feel this. When given the chance to relax and play video games get easily depressed due to a lack of purpose and productivity. It's the curse of being Type-A to a fault...

joined Dec 24, 2014

Someone should really make a confessions thread for the forums, it'd be a fun activity \(^o^)/

joined Feb 3, 2015

@ Rina

First thing of work, travel from one end of the island to another by train to get some papers signed…
Aw well, at least it's somewhat fun.

... you have a nice job... the only danger is to get lost in the way xD

That's awesome! is it a bullet/maglev train? ^^
I wish I would be able to get on one someday.

Someone should really make a confessions thread for the forums, it'd be a fun activity \(^o^)/

What do you mean by "confessions"? xD

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ You know, like those [insert series here]-confession blogs that you see on Tumblr every now and then :D It'll be fun!

And no it's just a regular subway train sadly, this island is so small that one end to another theoretically only takes an hr or so.

Side note: I just changed my avatar again~ this time it's Minami x Anya from iM@S Cinderella Girls ^ _ ^

last edited at Oct 19, 2016 9:19AM

joined Dec 15, 2015

Briefly checking the trade and sharing my song of the moment.
(It possibly can't be blocked in your country Anon since it's not a french, nor a rap song for once).


Good luck to be hired in that job you're applying for. Out of curiosity, why did you decide not to go to college right after high school ?
Also, I couldn't agree more; staying home and not doing anything makes you become a larva over time, experience talking.

Huzzah !

last edited at Oct 19, 2016 3:12PM

joined Jan 19, 2014

I have a pen....I have an....

joined Nov 16, 2015

Hmm~ I guess if there were a confession thing here, I'd say the one experience I had while playing Basketball.

Just wanna say that I am a really clueless person at times and the worst time was when I played basketball in school for the Intrams. I had no idea which one was the goal of the enemy, so I went over to what I presumed was their goal, and they all just stopped playing and looked at me and because I watch lots of anime, I was like: This is my final moment, everyone's cheering me on, but they were actually telling me to go back.

One of my teammates ran after me and I was like: Huh?? My hearing isn't that good so I can't really hear her well and thankfully, the game was about to end, so.... No tragedy struck the team xD

Up to this day, I heavily regret that moment. I also had problems writing it down here out of the sheer embarrassment and self-contempt I have, which enables me to writerkmjaEfsdkjhfjlsdhfklashfjwbrfsdhjfkjb instead.

; . ; I really hate myself.

joined Jan 2, 2014

I can't believe October is almost over I haven't even started my costume

joined Nov 29, 2014

You know that feeling when you discover a new favorite music artist? Just had that after a long time of motly sticking to the same music.

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