Citrus and GF are totally overrated, but I stil got attached and enjoy them. Being mainstream shouldn't mean people can't like them :X
And omg lmao I can't stand Lily Love. Aside from the cute moments here and there, it's an absolute bore.
it doesn't force-feed you drama
Nothing substantial happens besides drama (i dont remember anything else, it was probs slice of life ish or something)
The ex-girlfriend jumping in and trying to stay over?
The ex girlfriend's psycho kidnapping ex boyfriend?
Mew getting accepted to study abroad?
Ice confessing to Donut and Donut kissing Ice?
(The homophobic father is technically drama too, but that's the most legit thing. The presentation of it could be better, but it's a very real issue and tackling it is a solid plot point)
You could have suggested something so much better.
A lot of series have flaws ofc, and well, you like what you like, I won't hold it against you, but I find it rather cringe that the series you praised does the same thing you hate on Citrus for.
Citrus and GF at least have a smoother flow/pacing, to their drama.
last edited at Sep 27, 2016 1:04AM