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joined Nov 29, 2014

Too little action.

Welcome to football.

joined Jun 22, 2016


But it's not always like that. World Cup two years ago didn't feel like that at all...

joined Jan 31, 2013

Copa America was full of action.

Euro Footbal is zzzzzzz

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich oh, thanks! I thought you might miss me because of my "double-agent" status ^^p*rrrrrr

@Chocolate I'm sorry, I know how much you invest yourself in the drama thing :( have you ever considered changing the genre?

@Rina I'm waiting for some rain in the end of the week :) and some exam results as well. Other than that, it's mostly what Anon99 said, except for Blame - I don't know it. I was waiting for ReLife, but I'm not really familiar with the anime season.
It sucks when your favorites are on hiatus :(

@Anon99 you might be right, I base my observations on all the 4 matches I've watched. xD And I was given the impression that some of the players weren't motivated enough... I know what you mean, but still, France had some moments of good play.
p.s. I'm a layman, I prefer watching women's football, because it seems more interesting to me :)

joined Feb 4, 2015

Never ;~;

joined Feb 3, 2015

Never ;~;

your stubbornness is cute, but futile xD
just as stubborn as a dog xD

last edited at Jul 11, 2016 2:17PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ZuljinRaynor

Don't say that! European football used to be great...
But on the other hand... Brazil used to be amazing as well... not so much anymore though...

@ Blackkitty

he he he ^^
Well... you didn't miss much... so, can't blame you ;)
And I watch women's football as well when I get a chance to.
While we're at it... I used to love Snooker tool ^^
Never missed a match on TV...

(And you should read Blame! It's really good) (^_-)v

last edited at Jul 11, 2016 2:20PM

joined Feb 15, 2016

Gonna be that one guy and say that no sport is fun. brings a shield

@Blackkitty We do take care of people around here.

Not waiting for any particular series, haven't touched anime since the 6th episode of Zankyou No Terror. Its protagonists had personality of an overcooked artichoke. Makes sense why I'm mostly hanging around Dynasty Cafe.

@ChocolateCakeLover I'm affraid we will be forced into teaming up since people don't take our drama seriously ;~;

I swear, I contribute the least to this forum with posts. It's really fun~

last edited at Jul 11, 2016 2:34PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

Let's add a little more spice by contributing music – way better than drama ;)

The Babys – Alien

Softball – Warawabe

I told you, I really like Japanese punk... (^_^)b

joined Feb 3, 2015

Seriously? That's funny... I love snooker.. and the greatest part of the time I've spent watching Eurosport was because of snooker tournaments xD but probably a couple of years ago I've stopped following regularly. oh, my favorite is O'Sullivan, because he does whatever he wants. but at the time there were other good players as Higgins, Selby, Carter, Ding Junhui was younger then xD oh, and Michaela Tabb was the only female referee :) ^^

(ok, I will!)

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Galich thanks, you are a dependable person^^

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

For real? He he... That really is a coincidence. No one I know ever liked watching Snooker...
Yeah, O'Sullivan was great. I also liked the old guys very much like Steve Davis and Jimmy White.
Out of all the younger players I liked Mark Selby best. He was great.
The only reason I stopped watching was because we couldn't receive EuroSport anymore... That really bothered me...
Oh, so you had a thing for Michaela, huh...? ^^

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon99 A topic repeating on Dynasty? Impossible. It's official; This is the end.

@Blackkitty We would never leave our best sleeper agent :E

Turns out I'll have to wait additional 4 days to find out if I got into that uni. Went through 2 packages of cigarettes already. Send help

And something lighter. My name was taken from Russian after all..

last edited at Jul 11, 2016 3:29PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

Oh... I love The Doors... Can't say anything else :)

Little side note here:
Just saw the trailer for the new Ghostbusters movie.
I like the idea somehow. I also love it that there are more and more strong female leads in movies and TV shows, however, am I the only one who'd wish for something more original...?
Same with Supergirl... I mean, great – a female superhero – but why can't it be something new entirely? Why does it have to be the female version of an already existing male one...?
I want more!

joined Nov 29, 2014

You should maybe check out Jessica Jones then.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ OriginalGengar

Ohhh.... hey, I will. That one really does look interesting! Thank you very much!

@ Everyone Else

Here's a task for you, girls (and boys too, okay...) let's create our own female superhero!
Just because it sounds like a fun idea!
So... which abilities should she possess... hmmm...

joined Feb 15, 2016

Power of yuri. Let's take turns.

joined Jun 22, 2016

Here's a song for everyone who likes drama:
Kelis – Caught out there

@ Galich

The power of yuri...? (☉__☉”)
What kind of ability would that be...? (¬‿¬)

joined Feb 15, 2016

It can be whatever she wants it to be (¬‿¬)

joined Jun 22, 2016

Sounds more like seducing every girl she meets...?
Kinda leads in the direction of kinky comic instead of classical superhero ^^

How about telekinesis?
I always liked the thought of that...
A drug addict with severe brain damage developing superpowers...
Now that sounds dark...

Or some human experimentation?
Not like the stuff we know from other superhero stories but more like... you know what they really used to do to people back in the day... like drilling holes in peoples heads and stuff...

I'm going for a really dark background here ^^

joined Nov 29, 2014

Or some human experimentation?

That sounds like a really shitty super power.

joined Jun 22, 2016

Awww... I think that just sounds like a hell lof of fun! ^^
Kidding. I meant as a source for their abilities.
How they came to have superpowers... A hole in their head... o_O

But I totally killed the mood there, I guess... ;P
No fluff anymore now, eh?

joined Nov 29, 2014

Still more lighthearted than Jessica Jones.

joined May 21, 2016

Doesn't matter to be honest. I did like 2 years of karate like 10 years ago so I'm basically the strongest person on earth

The taller they are, the harder they fall~ ;)

random qn, whats everyone looking foward to? could be anime or anything.

I just got a paid internship at a big name place, so I'm super excited for that to start. Blows dust off resume

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Anon99 That's strange xD Isn't snooker popular in Bavaria? It's getting more popular in my country, Ronnie came in my country last year, and the year before that, and some other players as well. oh, but I'm one to talk.. I introduced snooker to the family, though I have a father and an older brother.. and my father took liking of it and now, when we sometimes talk on the phone, he tells me the score of some random snooker match xD
but it's sad, what happened to Eurosport? can't you watch now? :(
Selby, he was good at laying a snooker on someone, if I remember correctly? He is good^^ well, the old generation, they played different snooker.
oh, I don't know if I had anything for her.. never thought about it xD if i ever have something for someone, I would be the last one to know about it...but she was the first woman in this world of men.
btw Jessica Jones is a good one^^

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