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joined Feb 4, 2015

Actually I think the 8 spiders thing is a myth :o

I mean, think about who records that? Does the government set up "spider-in-mouth watch" cameras in every home? Why would a spider crawl that close to your mouth? Sleeping humans are probably terrifying to these tiny spiders.

I keep turning down my friend to play smite online because I'm too much of a coward D:

Need to grow thicker skin ;~; Or just git gud,

last edited at Jul 13, 2016 5:55AM

joined Feb 15, 2016

Yup, pretty much a myth. Case in point, it's rare to see someone asleep with an open mouth.

It's all about oranges and strawberries anyway.

joined Jun 22, 2016

Of course that's just a statistic. However, I used to live in an apartment that had spiders everywhere!!! Luckily most of them were quite small but still THEY WERE EVERYWHERE!!!
No kidding. After I moved in there I could brush away those shiny little spider webs on the wall every night. It had this enlarged and renovated attic where my bed was. I moved my bed after a while. But they were still all around me. One time I sat in front of my computer and all of a sudden a spider slides down right in front of me. Just hanging there. Another time I was lying on the couch watching a show and a not so little spider came crawling across the wall right next to me..
One once was sitting on my pillow. But I wasn't asleep at that moment.
Best one is yet to come: Once I went into the bathroom to pee when all of a sudden I felt something tickling my face. My first thought: Oh my god! Please, no!!! So I touched my face with my hand and tried to brush off whatever it was and I saw a little shadow falling down in front of me... o_O
I cursed a little and prayed that it didn't land in my pants... But of course it did... So I had to kill it right there... (•_¤) Have you ever had a spider in your pants before...? (e_e)
Did I mention that I'm not too fond of spiders...?

joined Feb 3, 2015

people who sleep with open mouths usually snore... I don't know about spiders, but I have intolerance to them xD

joined Feb 15, 2016

When I was younger, I was eating an ice cream sandwich. It was at the middle of the summer, and there were plenty of bees around. One of them sat on it, and little Galich didn't notice it. Having taken a bite, I felt a sting on my tongue... I've ended up swallowing the poor guy. The kicker? I had no idea if I were allergic to bees, so I had to sit for an hour and see if I end up dying, with my mother watching in horror.. It would be too late already had I had that allergy.

I mentally call it a NDE _ Near Death Experience.

Hope this makes you feel better.

last edited at Jul 13, 2016 6:32AM

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Anon that's terrible Anon :( but domestic spiders are actually very useful against other nasty bugs, so I kill them only if necessary.
but I sympathise with you, I'm like that with cockroaches, the give me the goosebumps.

joined Feb 3, 2015

Galich :(.....

joined Jun 22, 2016

Well... I got used to spiders quite a bit while living there...
I don't really mind them as long as they're not in my bed or in my living room...

@ Blackkitty I like birds better to take care of the bug problem ^^

@ Galich I'm trying to imagine your mom staring at you for an hour...

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon99 I do believe that she took it worse than I did - I'm the only child of my parents after all.

Well, the memory of that makes me feel like I live ln borrowed time, which is actually a pretty positive thing. Makes you wonder if there's fate.

joined Feb 3, 2015

@Anon99 true story, but when you live in a house and every time when you eradicate all the spiders, you observe an increase in the population of these , that can change your opinion a little xD they have far more than 8 legs xD and also go in bed.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Galich

Yeah... parents can be like that... Same thing with my mom. I was a good kid most of the time but I had a little problem with glass doors when I was younger ^^
Tried to break one in the middle of the night when I realized that I was all alone at home and slit my legs and body up to my chest. Still have the scars even now. My mom thought she'd find me dead when she saw that mess returning home.
And another time I ran and pushed a door open. Glass door, of course ^^
I smashed the whole thing and slit my arm. There was a wooden frame around the glass and I was standing in the middle of it. The moment I stepped back the rest of the glass crashed down to the ground. That was a large fragment... Could have cut me all open if I still would have been standing there that moment...
Afterward I always found that funny somehow. Never really thought of that as a „near death experience“. Things like that just happen sometimes... Growing older I've experienced some other things that made me appreciate life a little more though.

@ Blackkitty

Just gotta love insects! Wah... (U_u)

joined Feb 4, 2015

Oh God this thread is reminding me how squeamish and scared of spiders I am D:

@Anon99 true story, but when you live in a house and every time when you eradicate all the spiders, you observe an increase in the population of these , that can change your opinion a little xD they have far more than 8 legs xD and also go in bed.

Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;~~~;

Why are all insects and things so horrifying D:

Only kill spiders by accident cos killing them is mean D:

last edited at Jul 13, 2016 7:36AM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon99 Well, I've experienced many situations in which I was this close to kicking the bucket. Mostly it's due to me being constantly in my own world - I was dragged from walking directly into a speeding tram 5 times in my life (what can I say, I don't pay much atetntion to the world surrounding me). That's why I always say that I live on borrowed time; living fast, and not knowing when I finally run outta my luck. I tend to give myself around 7 more years before that happens.

Well, that's the source of my constant joke of "if I don't come back in 20 minutes, that means Igot run over by a tram". What can I say, I have a very black sense of humour.

Oh no, I've missed my 100th post. Well, time to celebrate now!

last edited at Jul 13, 2016 8:06AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Galich

Wow... maybe you should be a little more cautious... Just maybe ;)

But you're not alone with this.
I used to joke about my death as well. I've kinda made my peace by now.
But I'm not good when stuff happens to people around me... That's what really scares me...

Oh, congrats! ^^b
I've missed mine as well... Never really pay attention to that...

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Anon99 Well, I guess. The situation's drastically improved the moment I've started wearing glasses. my friends and family have actually forced me into wearing them all the time while out of home >.>

Well, I'd say that joking about terrible things is the best way of dealing with trauma. I tend to say lots of disturbing facts and then joke about them, since I believe that you should make fun of everything, but at a right moment.

As much as I hate to say it, it also makes a very nice way of introducing such an idea if an accident were to happen. I genuinely try to get everyone used to the thought of me dying due to my carelessness. I know it's a very dark way of thinking, but you need to count for all the possibilities.

No worries, I don't plan on departing from this world any time soon. I have too much to say :P

joined Jan 20, 2016

@Anon99 Evil plans have been postponed in light of cake. MMM... cake... XD

Blackkitty What is the name of that bug? It looks similar to the ones I see around here called "silverfish". Those guys scare the hell out of me. Mostly because I pretty tired when I see them and then think I'm seeing things and sometimes I miss identify them as baby cockroaches. Spooking me even more.

Honestly, I hate most of the bugs around here: Cockroaches (the size of the palm of my hand, gifted with the power of flight. Never knew those guys could fly until I saw it happen o_O), Brown Recluses, Black Widows, Brown Widows. Luckily, most of them are preventable with some good old bug poison and a clean house. But then there's still those evil bastards. They're harmless, but they still get me to leap a yard backwards.

Just to end on a better note, I have a story from my childhood about a glass door. I was with my family on vacation at the beach so we stayed at a condo. It was late at night and my mother was out on the balcony separated from the main room by the sliding glass door. Like the idiot I was back then, I knew the door was there, but I couldn't really see if it was open or closed. So I walked straight smack into the glass and my mother watched the whole thing and started laughing at me. In retrospect, I could've looked for the door handle's location or try the air around the glass door before walking through.

joined Feb 3, 2015

Z.Long They are called "house centipedes" in English, and ironically, according wikipedia they feed on spiders... so probably when all the spiders are killed, they start moving around in search for food more... and we also have the "evil bastards" of yours as well. They all just seem gross, but are harmless, nontheless.uhh

you guys are just.. unbelievable.. I can't handle very well seeing someone/something suffer, it makes me suffer as well. Just reading about your accidents made me have a strange sensation in my stomach. But I guess with age I handle it better after all ^^ just stay alive, because I don't want to be the only one left in the thread.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I hate centipedes. See them all the time. Then they see my vaccuum cleaner.

I let them be if they stay out of sight. Same goes for spiders.

I feel bad when I take them out but, I told them to get lost and that if I don't see them in the morning they are safe. A spider last night was hidden this morning.

last edited at Jul 13, 2016 10:38AM

joined Feb 15, 2016

@Blackkitty Don't worry, we're not planning on going anywhere, especially on to the other side i'm terrible. Well, every year of life toughens us a bit. I remember seeing this one guy having an epileptic attack in a crowd, with no one helping him. Had to call the ambulance myself, and after 15 minutes.. he got better, shouted at me for bothering him and walked away. Those kind of experiences shape you slowly.

Well, due to me owning 2 cats, it's either getting rid of any pesky spiders etc., or cleaning up red mists. I usually try to take them outside, but sometimes accidents happen and...

joined Feb 4, 2015

Apparently I got full refund on my holiday minus 20% admission fee or something so why not just say 80% refund :/

just stay alive, because I don't want to be the only one left in the thread.

Nuh D:< ur not the boss of me D:< I can stay not alive whenever I want to =.=

joined Mar 14, 2016

There is a kind of cockroaches that can fly. They are way toooooo scary.


I'm wondering, what's the most popular foreign language in your country?

It's English. We're forced to learn it since elementary school. But since no one has ever forced us to speak it out, everyone's reading, writing and listening are quite acceptable, but speaking is a bit .... :D Half of our people pronounce "Th" = "Sh" = "S" (e.g. Thing=sing, She=See.) Also, if we would talk with our people in english, we would go with our local english (e.g. "Speak one one" means "Speak slowly").

joined Jun 22, 2016

Life really is strange... and insects are disgusting – most of them at least, I like a lot of bugs for instance – but life just is strange and so fucking fragile...

@ Blackkitty Don't worry, I won't just disappear – bad weeds grow tall, they say ^^
But I'm not really afraid of death either. Not particularly keen on dying but what I'm afraid of is losing someone I love. That's the most horrible thing this world has to offer. And I hate it. Especially when you can't do anything to change it. This feeling of being totally helpless... it's disgusting...

@ Galich

You definitely should wear your glasses! Never take them off again! ^^

I'm tempted to believe that life makes me softer with every year... I can't handle all the cruel stuff so good anymore... When I was a teenager I didn't really give a fuck... But now... I don't know.

I get that a lot. Whenever I try to be nice or try to help, people react in strange ways quite often...
I don't know why myself...

I probably shouldn't talk about this but the strangest thing I've seen so far in my life was part of the hip bone of a guy, that sat right next to me and talked to me just two days prior to that, lying at my feet... I still don't know how to feel about all that...

@ Z. Long

We need to keep the cake supply running then (^_^)b

More cake over here!!! ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Oh, I hope you didn't hurt yourself running into that glass door... (^_^“) Sounds painful...
Your mother really is mean... laughing at her own child...

@ ZuljinRaynor

Using the vacuum cleaner... I'd always be afraid of them crawling right back out of it... ^^

Maybe you're the spider whisperer! ;)

@ ChocolateCakeLove

People would probably complain then and ask why they didn't get the full amount... You know how people can be... That's why they tell you about the fee. But 20 % sounds a bit high...

joined Jan 31, 2013

@Anon99 Yeah, I worry about that but it hasn't happened yet. I wonder if they eat the corpse of the previous victim...

joined Mar 14, 2016

Are there ants, mosquito, cockroaches, or house lizards in europe?

joined Feb 15, 2016

@oliver O, hi Oliver! Long time no talk.

Well, we, the Polish aren't exactly well known for amazing English skills. While the pronounciation is usually adequate at best, the actual level of language is garbage. While our language has some similarities with Russian, no one born past the fall of the Iron Curtain wants to even think about studying it кроме меня. English is mandatory IIRC, when it comes to the 2nd foreign language, it's almost always German.

Are there ants, mosquito, cockroaches, or house lizards in europe?

Yes, yes, not really, no. Speaking for Central-Eastern Europe here, someone from Spain/Italy might answer differently.

@Anon99 Well, I do now, since I've got myself corrective sunglasses. Sadly, cannot wear lens.

Well, it makes me believe even more that I'm a very disturbed individual :< Then again, I've heard that indifference is a healthy reaction to trauma surrounding us.

Well, not sure how it's called in English, but it's typical to crowds of people. Let's say that someone is bleeding to death; if it's in a huge crowd of people, they have a smaller chance of surviving, since those surrounding him think "well, someone will surely help him, I cannot be bothered", while when there are less people individuals feel more responsible. It's quite disturbing but completly natural.

I remember seeing some dead guy cut in half. He fell under the tram and got.. divided from waiste up. Well, at the very least I know how I'll look like when I kick the bucket >.>

To a certain someone: yes, reusing stories is fun :x

last edited at Jul 13, 2016 2:32PM

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