Forum › Dark Forest, White Road discussion

joined Dec 25, 2015

I dig this.
joined May 7, 2014

' ' So soft...

joined Jan 18, 2016

I look forward to see more!

I can feel with four eyes-shou.
" i'm not right in there eyes "

joined Oct 6, 2014

Something about the art style just speaks to me. I love this already.

joined Dec 20, 2015

This is going to be a really interesting story :3

joined Apr 9, 2016

woo liking it.. the other girl is blind

I understand the cane...but why the radio?? Something for her disability too or just to listen to some stuff like music, news?...ahhh 'cuz she can't see? O_o

joined Jun 23, 2015

I'm immediately taken with this. I'm with everyone else in wishing for more disability yuri (deaf, please, someone) and my heart literally fluttered when I realized the LI was blind. That one-shot with the girl getting her sight back was super cute and made me cry but I don't think that plot or tone really fit this story.

The protag's focus on how people's eyes look at her might be foreshadowing the blind girl's eventual "recovery" and then look at the protag with kind eyes but I feel like that would be out of place. I'd like to go one yrui story without both characters going "look at how hot that girl is /thirst/"

The art is amazing and I think is big evidence to a more realistic plot and mood. Instant subscribe, for sure.

joined Aug 24, 2015

Oh hell yes. I've never clicked "subscribe" so quickly before in my life.

also transbikes I think you're maybe being a little overly-cynical... The girl has a walking stick and a radio. Already way more realistic than most stories. I don't think the artist is using her disability as a throwaway gag or anything.

I am cynical, its true. I'm not saying the depiction was inaccurate, it's just there is extensive history of ablesist narratives that treat disability as simply a tool to further plot and highlight character development. Disability is often cured by the end of the story to show that the characters overcame whatever hurdles they had to navigate in the story. Its always framed as something bad, something undesirable, and for the able-bodied audience to pity. So when the cure happens, the able-bodied audience can be happy, knowing that the character is now "just like them". It undermines the reality that most disabled people manage their disability for life, and it erases an ideas that people can be perfectly happy with a disability. It destroys disabled culture and enforces the idea that able-bodied bodies are inherently better and more desirable.

I am old and full of salt, I apologize.
I'm still going to read this though, because its still a story with disability and that's already rare as it is...

edit: see post above this for an example of exactly what I'm expecting..

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 10:27AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I can't really disagree with transbikes's caution. I've seen enough stuff on trans and other issues in manga to trust the average manga author to understand the issue they're talking about enough to present it well. Now as neversung said, early signs are good that they know what they're talking about. But I've been burned on stuff like that before, so I'm taking a wait-and-see attitude.

My personal caution is based on authors typically only having a cursory knowledge of their subject and filling in the blanks with assumptions. I'm hopeful that won't be the case here.

joined May 7, 2015

Well, I'm feeling a good vibe. I'm looking forward to the next chapters.

joined Jun 12, 2015

It's from Tsubomi? Interesting.

joined Feb 8, 2013

Downloading it !!1 Riiiiight after my limitation goes of ahaha
Thats a promising story we have here. I knew it would be ))
Hope it wont be a total cliche plot "they became closer fell in love and bam! a surgery and all the difficult stuff")

joined Feb 27, 2015

I might see you

Is this a mistranslation/bad phrasing or does Chiharu really say that?

joined Feb 28, 2013

I might see you

Is this a mistranslation/bad phrasing or does Chiharu really say that?

To be fair, I have a mutual who's deaf, and he will often sure the phrase "I hear ya" when he's agreeing with us on something. So I guess my experience with that caused me to read over Chiharu saying that without skipping a beat.

joined Dec 15, 2015

Hope it wont be a total cliche plot "they became closer fell in love and bam! a surgery and all the difficult stuff")

I hope there wont be a miraculous surgery too, but I want to see them fall in love. As long as it's not cliché I don't see the problem of them falling in love .-.

If I don't want it to be cliché, But I surely don't want too much angst / forced drama either...

last edited at Apr 9, 2016 6:54PM

joined May 13, 2014

I want to read more

joined Mar 26, 2016

This is the kind of yuri that I live for.

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013


I might see you

Is this a mistranslation/bad phrasing or does Chiharu really say that?

I looked in Tsubomi vol. 10: In the Japanese, she says 会える which is commonly translated as can/might see you, but it more literally means can/might meet you. So no, it doesn't imply she can see.

last edited at Apr 10, 2016 12:31AM

joined Jan 27, 2016

The drawing is really really great

joined Mar 12, 2014

Meh, the main character is a bit too angsty for me, and also its pretty clear that she's blind MC, come on stop being an idiot.

Interested to see how the blind woman will be portrayed though!

joined Mar 12, 2014

I can't really disagree with transbikes's caution. I've seen enough stuff on trans and other issues in manga to trust the average manga author to understand the issue they're talking about enough to present it well. Now as neversung said, early signs are good that they know what they're talking about. But I've been burned on stuff like that before, so I'm taking a wait-and-see attitude.

My personal caution is based on authors typically only having a cursory knowledge of their subject and filling in the blanks with assumptions. I'm hopeful that won't be the case here.

Sound like a good strategy to go around this one. I've known enough how hyping and expecting too much can ruin everything for one's enjoyment. This seem worth following and all, but keeping a level head and having no expectation is really the right way to go.

joined Sep 21, 2015

I cant breath without more of THIS please I'm drowning PLEASE GIMME MOAR

joined May 28, 2012

This gave me some Gunjo's vibe for whatever reasons.I hope this is not a bad sign.

last edited at Apr 11, 2016 4:36AM

joined Dec 10, 2015

cool! cant wait for chapter 2!

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