It delivers what it promises. There's a lot of content, so at least one arc or character should resonate with any one player. Writing ranges from so-so to solid. I felt the protagonist, Yuna, carried a lot of the game. She's mature, honest, hard-working, self-possessed, a lot of things I'd aspire to be! Without spoilers, her arc was what I wanted.
Aside from her, I really liked the dry, diffident Nena. I'd be all over a game where she gets more love. She was easily the best character in her group. Also Aki was great, one of the few characters who steps into the frame totally self-aware. On top of that, she's responsible, confident, flirtatious and has good taste in music. (Simon & Garfunkel? The Carpenters? Yes please!)
The teacher / student combo felt too irresponsible and unrealistic for me, though I daresay they got one of the better love scenes. I may be biased as I do like it when a smaller lover takes the lead over someone much bigger.
The two athletes, Matsuri and Miyu, were a welcome shift in perspective as they're already in a sexually active relationship when they make an appearance, so there wasn't any circular soul-searching. It was good to see more of the trials and tribulations of making a relationship work rather than just attaining one.
The game's nothing life-changing, but it's light, fun and there's lots of it. I'm certainly glad I bought it.