And what's this about self-inserts? Do all these women who love yaoi want to be a guy and XXX another guy? Do the male yuri fans want to be schliked by a girl?
I'm a male yuri fan, but I hate self-insert, so I can't help you with that.
Self insert with lesbian is relevant when they have to make every girl interested in the (male) mc because they need to raise his ego. So even a lesbian will sometimes fall in love with him. That's why I brought the subject.
That's what I hate most in harem, when they decide to insert lesbian character who magically falls in love with male mc because he's nice.
I would very much like to be a girl and lesbian but not because of the sex
Funny how being a girl would be way better to me because of my personality and tastes.
Everytime I see femminists saying how good it is to be a man because of men's privileges, I wanted to ask them to switch with me, then. Those privileges are the kind I never asked for and I don't want them most of the times, but everyone tries to force them on me.
That's besides the point, though.
True, being a man have it's advantages, but we're hairy, we're expected to "act like a man", our cloths are plain and boring, we can't use cute things or do cute things because everyone will judge us, being a man sucks.
I watched the movie.
Hated it. It's just about a women cheating her wife with the father of their children and all the drama besides it.
It's also the first time I saw that thing about lesbians watching gay porn. I still don't get it even today.
"Oh, but lesbians porn is so unrealistic".
Yeah...all porn is unrealistic. Still don't make sense watching porn with a gender you don't feel attracted to. That's not why porn exists.
I have the impression most lesbians hated the movie, I'll never understand why some lesbian watch male gay porn, that doesn't make sense!
And well, if you identify as a girl, nothing keeps you from being a lesbian.
My genitalia says otherwise.
As someone who read this site, you do know that genitalia aren't necessarily defining your gender, do you?
See Marika. She's a girl. If she liked girls, she'd be a lesbian. No question.
Touche sis, although in my case I'm not sure if I would define myself as a woman, I don't really define myself as a man either, it's more like because how I am I always felt I would be happier as a woman, but I don't have that need to be one so I'm not trans either, not sure how I could define myself.
last edited at Dec 23, 2015 3:19PM