It sucks when you're a lesbian but girls you flirt with think you're just being nice because you look so straight.. Lol
Ikr. Like you're trying to flirt with her and she just goes "aww thnx u too". No, homo intended dammit.
One of the reasons why I try to wear at least one cliché accessory... Not that they ever notice. grmpf
Oh, teach me master! What's a good cliché lesbian accessory?
Other than draping myself in a rainbow flag of course. ^^'
Draping myself in a rainbow flag? Don't tempt me… Even then I think some people would decline to notice any sort of symbolism. “Oh, that’s pretty. So nice and colourful. Now let me tell you about my ideal boyfriend.”
I’ve always thought rainbow wrist straps to be sort of obvious (if your outfit makes it feasible to wear them, so not necessarily ideal for the office). And yes, horribly cliché stuff like wearing flannel shirts with such a wrist strap also counts; black triangle buttons on canvas bags, sneakers or Oxfords, that sort of thing.
Generally I dress in a somewhat tomboy-femme style. Couple that with a black, “YDY” embossed triangle button, a rainbow wrist strap, and very short nails, and it should at least give a slight hint that maybe, just maybe, I might actually be interested in other women in that way. It doesn’t mean that people styled like that have to be queer, the style has become a lot more mainstream after all, but if I see someone in similar attire I would at least think one might ask if there is the slightest bit of intent behind it.
Easy for me to say that though, as I tend to just assume when I see girls in similar dress. Being too embarrassed to ask people flat out, I then proceed to try to flirt with a straight girl once again…