Ragnaros is definitely a very strong card and your deck sounds like a control deck, so it should fit pretty well but if you don't have Alexstrasza and Antonidas, control mage won't take you very far. Weirdly enough, stacking spell damage is not that strong on mage decks because you'll use most of the spells for clearing end end up lacking damage to finish off the enemy, Alexstraza control or Rush Decks work better.
Yea, I can pull off some crazy stuns but I usually end up not having enough damage to finish game and since I lack good minions it is really just waiting to be defend. Not that I didn't have moments when spell damage and/or barrage of spells let me win, but I agree it isn't easy to pull every game. That is way I toned amount of spell damage minions a lot recently, not sure if it is working better, since I still usually lose to that annoying trio (I usually lose vs Mage matches exactly because my opponent has all that late game stuff that I don't) Still that Arcane Explosion dealing same damage as Flame Strike is priceless. Maybe I should went for Antonindas first, but in few games I did summoned Ragnaros it usually won me a game.
Doomsayer and the AoE freeze cards are a very strong combination for clearing, if you don't have those in your deck yet.
Oh I just disenchanted Doomsayer since I never use him xD. Yes, I use 2 Arcane Explosions (good against 1 health spam and even better when I have some spell damage), 1 Frost Nova (bought me time so many times, I <3 this spell), 1 Cone of Cold (I know it is kinda niche, but for its cost is pretty good with freezing 3 minions and sometimes that 1 damage can turn things around) and 2 Flame Strike. I used to play with just 1 Arcane and 1 Strike, but amount of rushes and spams just forced me to pick more clears. I like Blizzard but didn't know if it is good enough to try to put it in, but since it offers freeze and clear of low health minions I'm considering it.
You best bet for a low cost competitive deck is Face Hunter, even if you won't have Mad Scientist without the Naxx adventure. You probably can make rank 10 work with that for like 1000 - 1500 dust.
I'm not really that huge on playing ranked. I play ranked only with Mage and only so I can get 500 wins, so Jaina is all pretty and shiny @__@ I don't care if my rank drops. I'm willing to deal with it until I get Gold Mage and then say cya to ranked. At least until I get some better cards.
And yeah, fatique warrior is so annoying to play against, even with a late game oriented deck like mine. I got to as much as 7 fatique damage from not having any cards left while playing against them. Still won.
Yea, I already learned to play on their terms and just keep my cards till fatigue starts as well. Not that it helped me much so far.
I once had a game where I got him to 1 health pretty fast like in 10-15 turns and then lacked spells/minions to kill him, so he started to stack armor and once we got to fatigue he had like 40. Good thing I saved cards and once he started to take damage I thrown all at him and won because I dropped his armor pretty fast.
last edited at Nov 14, 2015 1:41PM