Another issue with the Hannibal situation is that when people complained about that storyline, the showrunner threw a fit on Twitter and mocked and taunted the critics. Not exactly professional behavior there.
I don't get why this sort of thing just keeps happening... no, actually I do and it depresses me. But if you absolutely want your queer woman to fuck a dude, then have her say she's bi in a throwaway line a couple episodes before. Still dumb, but slightly less so. Otherwise you just come across as a douche who fantasizes about "turning" lesbians after they've experienced the awesomeness of dick.
"Lesbian sleeping with a man" scenes are infuriating enough on their own, but it's even worse when they happen on critically acclaimed shows because your friends keep recommending them to you and you have to come up with plausible reasons why you won't watch them.